"I say, aren't we developing too fast?"

"When we first met, you hugged me"

"Won’t you kiss me in a few days?" Yang Mi deliberately asked him if that was the case.

They had kissed each other before, so she wasn’t shy or nervous, she just reminded him on purpose.

But the shameless Cao Gong said to her:"That’s nothing; what’s wrong with holding your hand the first time I saw you?"

"When I met Reba for the second time, she gave me a pair of shorts. Was I proud?"

""Puchi~" Yang Mi lowered her head and covered her mouth and laughed.

《The second episode of"Idol Producer" actually has this content.

After Cao Gong went to the dormitory, Reba happened to go over to take a look.

Seeing that Cao Gong had brought fewer clothes, she went to buy some clothes for Cao Gong.

"I said, you are so handsome on the stage"

"Why are you like this after you get off the stage?" Yang Mi held his hand and chatted with him intimately.

"When I am on stage, I am the spiritual food of countless fans. I can be as handsome as I want."

"After I step off the stage, I belong to myself, and I can do whatever I want."

Yang Mi really had no way to refute this idea.

The audience watching the show also thought it made sense, and suddenly realized that Cao Gong knew a lot of great truths.

And Cao Gong, while walking with Yang Mi, couldn't help yawning.

"Did you not sleep all night?" Seeing him yawning, Yang Mi asked him.

When Cao Gong went out last night, she ran into him and knew that he went to record last night.

But she didn't know that Cao Gong recorded all night.

19"Yes, I recorded all night. As soon as I came out, my agent and the program crew came to find me."

After yawning, Cao Gong felt a little hungry.

The VJ of the program followed behind him and recorded the two of them.

"Have you had breakfast? If not, please treat me to breakfast. Cao Gong said with a big face.

"You are so shameless!"Yang Mi laughed angrily.

""It's a matter of reciprocity." He didn't explain, but Yang Mi was already thinking of yesterday's breakfast.

""Okay." In Yang Mi's opinion, it is indeed necessary to treat

"Don't wait, will you treat me to some old Beijing bean juice? I watched your show."

"I always recommend your capital's bean juice to others. Another one is Guan Da Changtui."

"Guan Da Long Legs?" This made Yang Mi feel proud, and she asked,"Who is it?""

"Guan Xiaotong, her legs are longer than my life, what else could they be if not Guan’s long legs?"

""Haha~" This nickname made Yang Mi laugh.

The audience watching the show were also very satisfied with the nickname Cao Gong gave to Guan Xiaotong.

Guan Xiaotong was born in 1997 and is 19 years old this year.

In May this year, the drama"Mr. Good" in which she starred was broadcast.

Guan Xiaotong performed very well in this drama, and her long legs were memorable.

Therefore, although Cao Gong did give Guan Xiaotong a nickname, it was correct.

But the nickname Guan Da Long Legs was a compliment to Guan Xiaotong.

Since it was a compliment to Guan Xiaotong, her fans would naturally not be angry.

"Oh, by the way, today is Guan Xiaotong's birthday. Cao Gong suddenly said.

Yang Mi was walking and in a good mood.

After hearing that he actually remembered Guan Xiaotong's birthday, she stopped.

Yang Mi's action of stopping, as well as her current expression and eyes, all resembled the expression of a girlfriend being angry with her boyfriend between lovers.

The audience watching the show were also amused by these two people.

"You remember Xiao Tong's birthday so clearly? ?"Yang Mi was jealous.

"Remember, September 17th?"

"I watched the finals live on the 15th, and then flew back to Shanghai from the capital in the evening."

"I went back to school yesterday. Yesterday was the 16th."

"Isn't today the 17th, Guan Xiaotong's birthday? Of course I remember it, I remember it very clearly."

Cao Gong really didn't have the will to live at all.

But Yang Mi clenched her fists:"On the first day of our marriage, you mentioned other girls in front of me many times."

"Do you really think I won't be angry?" Yang Mi roared loudly.

But Cao Gong said:"Hey, isn't it like this when you are in love?"

"I wake up in the morning and make my girlfriend angry. I coax her all day, make up with her in the evening, and then make her angry again the next morning. I enjoy this over and over again. Isn’t this what love is all about?"

"I've never been in love, but this is how I understand it."

"Dating is about men being cheap and women being naughty, isn't that what dating is?"

Cao Gong's twisted logic made Yang Mi, who was about to get angry, laugh again.

"Who told you that dating is like this?" Yang Mi asked, pulling his ear.

"Weibo, there are so many toxic chicken soups like this. I haven't talked about it, so I just assumed it was like this."

"Have you ever been in a relationship? What is it like to be in a relationship? Cao Gong asked him

"I…" Yang Mi was speechless and obviously couldn’t answer.

"Why don't you remember my birthday?"Yang Mi returned to this question.

"Remember, September 12, but what's the use? I didn't know you that day"

"And I was still in the training camp that day." Cao Gong said so, and Yang Mi felt a little better.

But she also asked in a mean way:"How did you remember my birthday?"

Cao Gong said very unemotionally:"Oh, you and Yao Ming have the same birthday, and I remembered Yao Ming's birthday."

This answer made Yang Mi, the person involved, grab her heart.

It hurts, it hurts so much, I was so angry... my heart hurts.

The audience watching the show laughed out loud at this answer.

Cao Gong's answers are always unexpected.

"What's wrong? We, the post-90s generation, who play basketball, are all influenced by Yao Ming."

"I know more about Yao Ming, so I know his birthday.���Yang Mi was so angry that she stamped her feet and roared at Cao Gong:"Is this the point?!!!"

"Do you have emotional intelligence? Shouldn't you say something nice at this time?"

"Why are you bringing up Yao Ming? He is great, for sure."

"But this is a matter between the two of us."Yang Mi was really going to piss this little wolf-dog off to death. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Isn't this sincerity? Is there anything wrong with being sincere?"

Yang Mi was so angry that she was shaking violently, and she tried to calm herself down.

But just when she was shaking violently with anger, Cao Gong saw it and stared at her for a few seconds.

He was so unscrupulous that Yang Mi bit her lip:"Are you polite?"

"I'm just curious. Cao Gong scratched his head awkwardly.

"I'm angry, what are you staring at?"Yang Mi grabbed his ear.

Cao Gong didn't struggle, just scratched his head:"If I don't look at you, does it mean that you are not attractive?"

"You are using perverted logic." Yang Mi was not going to be brainwashed by him.

"Well, I'm sorry, I offended you."Since it was a twisted logic, Cao Gong apologized.

"Eh? Is your attitude so sincere that you apologized directly?"

"Can you let go now?" Cao Gong asked Yang Mi expressionlessly, and his tone was very cold.

"What's wrong? His tone suddenly became so cold."It was so sudden that Yang Mi was a little panicked.

"Are we considered husband and wife? Let me see what's wrong." Cao Gong asked Yang Mi aggrievedly.

Yang Mi stamped her feet in shame:"But we are just imaginary husband and wife, not real!!"

"I know! But you are wearing clothes, and you can't really see"[]

"Besides, even if we are not a virtual couple, but just a stranger"

"If someone is attracted to you, he will stare at you for a few seconds, right?"

"Why is it okay for passers-by to see it, but I am still your imaginary husband, but it is not okay for me to see it?"

This question directly made Yang Mi's brain freeze.

"Yes." Yang Mi, who had come to her senses, also felt that this was the case.

"Right, I'm not making excuses, am I?"

"It's the same as watching, but passers-by and fans can only watch secretly and from a distance"

"I just looked closely and it's all the same"

"I didn't touch it, why are you mad at me?"

"Is this not right? Cao Gong began to brainwash Yang Mi.

"But this is not appropriate, there are so many people watching you."

Yang Mi tried to find an excuse, but Cao Gong said,"Why, wasn't there any audience watching you when you walked on the red carpet?"

"Huh? When you walked on the red carpet, the slit of your dress was 127cm high up to your neck."

"Why didn’t you say there were audiences watching at that time?"

"It's not that exaggerated, okay?"Yang Mi covered her mouth shyly and laughed non-stop.

Although he said a twisted theory, it seems to be the truth.

"The difference between me and others is that others can only look at it secretly, pretending to take a glance at it carelessly."

"I looked at it openly, without any disguise."

"You get angry when someone looks at you openly, but you don't get angry when someone peeks at you. Do you think this is reasonable?"

"If we look at our girlfriends, she will be angry. Then we can only look at the girls passing by."

"Oh, we saw the girls passing by, and you got angry too"

"Look at you, if you don't give it to me, then look at the girls passing by, and you get angry again."

"In other words, shouldn’t we have eyes? Cao Gong’s twisted logic is full of twisted logic.

Yang Mi was speechless, but the male audience watching the show thought it made sense.

"Look, as my girlfriend, I want to see black stockings, why don't you wear them for me to see?"

"If I go out and meet someone like that, won’t I just look at other girls?"

"If you don't want me to see other girls wearing black stockings, then as your girlfriend you should wear them for me to see."

"I'm tired of watching it, so I won't watch other people's."

"You don't wear it, and you don't show me other people's, so what does this mean? Then I'll go out without glasses."

Yang Mi swallowed her saliva and wanted to refute, but she couldn't find a reason to refute.

She knew it was wrong, and she knew it was wrong.

But she just couldn't find a reason to refute, and this was what made her most uncomfortable.

"No, you are only 20 years old, why do you think about these things all day long?"

Yang Mi finally found an excuse, but was killed by Cao Gong.

"Why don't I think about this while I'm still young at 20?"

"Do I have to wait until I am 60 years old and have no energy to think about it?"

Yang Mi, who was criticized, was speechless again, thinking: It makes sense.

The audience watching the show, don't mention how happy it is, Cao Gong really has a lot of crooked logic.

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