He had thought that he could take some time to sleep when he returned to school, but it was impossible. He couldn't sleep in the theory class, and even less in the lines class.

He could only force himself to sleep.

"Why do you look so tired?"After the line class, Wang Ruo also realized

"You didn’t stay up all night recording last night and didn’t rest today, did you?"

Cao Gong, who was sitting next to her, nodded silently, which was considered an admission.

Seeing him nod, Wang Ruo asked with concern:"Then why didn't you sleep this morning?"

"Recording a show, didn’t I just say, let’s fall in love."

Speaking of this show, Wang Ruoyi just happened to think of it.

Well, this is also because he has work to do, and there is nothing he can do about it.

"There are still two classes in the evening." Wang Tuo, holding a textbook, reminded him that he still had classes in the evening.

""Yeah." He was mentally prepared, so he knew he had to go to class tonight.

When they arrived at the school cafeteria, Cao Gong went with them to get food.

While they were eating, Cheng Xiao called, and it was a video call.

"Huh? Why are you two together?"Guan Xiaotong on Cao Gong's phone screen said in surprise.

The one next to Cheng Xiao was Guan Xiaotong, the beauty Cao Gong said had legs longer than his life.

"Guan Xiaotong, my classmate at Beijing Film Academy, and we lived in the same dormitory.

Cheng Xiao also introduced his classmates and friends to his good friend Cao Gong.

Cheng Xiao introduced his classmates and roommates, and Cao Gong did the same.

He turned around and turned his back to Wang Chuxiu beside him.

"Here, this is my classmate, Wang Tuo"

"Wow, so beautiful."When Cheng Xiao saw Wang Ruoyu, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"The skin is so white."Even Guan Xiaotong couldn't help but envy Wang Tuo's skin.

"Hello, sisters." Wang Chuxiu greeted sweetly into the phone.

Especially when she saw Guan Xiaotong, Wang Chuxiu smiled and said,"Are you the Guan Xiaotong that Cao Gong mentioned?"

"Ah? What's wrong with me?"Guan Xiaotong also knows Cao Gong, a popular young actor recently.

"Your name is among the women Cao Gong likes"

"He also said that your legs are longer than his life, it's hard not to like you"

"Ah? Hahaha~" Guan Xiaotong was a little shy and covered her mouth after being praised like this.

"Did he really say that?" Including Cheng Xiao, they asked Cao Gong in disbelief.

Cao Gong did not answer. Instead, Wang Ruo looked at his phone and said to Cheng Xiao:"Yes, he said that Guan Xiaotong's legs are longer than his life.."

"If you have watched"Go Fighting", you will know that this guy has a special liking for girls wearing black stockings"

"Guan Xiaotong's legs are so long and straight, if she wears black stockings, he might have a nosebleed."Speaking of this, Wang Chuxi was very depressed.

"How can this person be like this? Is he so lecherous and so self-righteous?"Cheng Xiao glared

"How would I know him?"Wang Chu rolled his eyes subconsciously again, but Cao Gong glared at him.

Wang Chu, who was glared at, immediately remembered that he had promised him to change it.

"Hahaha~" Guan Xiaotong was particularly happy and said,"Why are you angry?"

"Your legs are not short, you are 166cm tall and your legs are 100cm long."

"The key is that you also have a super large cup"

"Big cup and long legs, I have to have one of them, right? You have a big cup, but your legs are shorter"

"Isn't it fair that I don't have a larger cup size because I have longer legs?"

"Wang Chuxiu is tall and has long legs like me, but her bust is not big"

"If you can't have both, then you have to have one or the other."

Guan Xiaotong talked about this with Cheng Xiao excitedly.

Girls are girls, and their private topics are more colorful than those of boys.

It's just that on weekdays, in front of boys, they are very reserved and shy.

But in private, they talk about more sexual things.

""Where is Cao Gong? Why doesn't he talk?" Cheng Xiao asked with a smile, why can't I see Cao Gong?

As he said that, Cao Gong pointed his cell phone at him.

Cao Gong, who was sitting next to Wang Chu, was eating slowly and was too lazy to talk more.

"That's not right. I see why you are so tired. How many tissues did you use last night?"

Cheng Xiao's driving made Guan Xiaotong beside her burst into laughter in a second:"Hahaha~"

Cao Gong, who was teased, also glared at this sister with laughter.

Cheng Xiao, who was glared at, still laughed darkly.

"He went to record yesterday night and has no time to rest today."

"Recording? Oh, yes, you guys have debuted, it’s time to release an album. Cheng Xiao also remembered

"Brother~" This is not it, Cheng Xiao is acting coquettishly

"What are you doing?"How could Cao Gong ignore such a delicate girl?

"Write an album for me. Cheng Xiao acted coquettishly and asked Cao Gong to write an album for her.

"Let's talk about it later. I'm busy now and don't have time to do it for you."

Cao Gong changed the subject and asked Cheng Xiao:"How are you doing in school?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"How should I put it? Everything else is fine, but I just can't get used to living here."

"It's not that I'm not used to living in the dormitory, but I can't get used to taking a shower here and have to go to the bathhouse."

"Xiaotong and I are in the same dormitory, but he only comes to the dormitory at noon."

"She will stay at home at night, so she doesn't need to go to the bathhouse to take a bath."

Speaking of this, Cheng Xiao is really troubled.

Guan Xiaotong, who is beside her, also covers her mouth and laughs.

Especially Cao Gong is more wise at this time. He is right not to go to Beijing Film Academy.

"Fortunately, I didn't go. I knew this, so I didn't apply to Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama."

Cao Gong said, making Cheng Xiao pout helplessly:"Yes, you are really cunning."

Then, Cao Gong looked at the camera of his mobile phone and said:"I have a house in the capital, why don't you go and live there"

"You have a house in the capital?" This surprised Cheng Xiao greatly.

But then she remembered that Cao Gong had told her the day before yesterday that he had a house in Shanghai.

And it was in OCT Suhewan, worth more than 30 million.

As for how he made money, Cheng Xiao didn't know, and she didn't know much.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xiao no longer doubted it, but still hesitated:"Is it appropriate?"[]

"Don't ask me this question, ask yourself and make your own decision."

"I have sent you the address, the building, the room number, and the unlocking code of the house."

"It's up to you to decide whether to go or not."The reason why Cao Gong did this was actually very simple.

Guan Xiaotong, who was beside Cheng Xiao, saw what was in his heart.

After seeing the address, Guan Xiaotong said,"Jinmao Mansion, 120,000 per square meter, more than 30 million per set."

"Cao Gong, you are so rich? You are so rich just after your debut?"Guan Xiaotong was very surprised

""Yeah." Cao Gong glanced at his phone and replied to Guan Xiaotong.

"I'm curious about you. From what I know about you from the show,"

"You should be a person who doesn't like to rely on your parents, especially your father. You should not let your father buy you a house, and it is unlikely that it will cost tens of millions."

"I'm curious how you make money? Do you write songs? This ability is indeed possible."

"But you have to be a famous music composer to do this"

"But you only became famous last year, and it's impossible for you to earn so much in one year."

"So you must have earned it through other abilities."Guan Xiaotong is very smart and thought of these possibilities.

Cao Gong looked at his phone and saw Guan Xiaotong's beautiful face (good job))

"Do you want to know? Cao Gong asked her with a smile.

"I want to, but I know you must have the conditions, right?"Guan Xiaotong is not stupid, of course he guessed it.

"Yes."It is indeed conditional.

"Let me think about what your conditions are." Guan Xiaotong, who is smart and clever, said,"Let me think about it.

"Ask for my WeChat and photos of my legs, especially photos of me wearing black stockings"

"Right?" Guan Xiaotong hugged Cheng Xiao's waist and said his guess with a smile.

"Bingo."Since it was already guessed, Cao Gong would not deny it hypocritically.

"Hehe, you really don't even try to hide your lustful thoughts."Guan Xiaotong said with a smile

"What, after flirting with Dilraba, you come to flirt with me now, aren't you afraid that there are too many girls around you and you can't choose?"

Cao Gong, who was teased, smiled, then opened his mouth wide and took a bite of rice.

After eating this bite of rice, he said:"I just like to look at your legs, I don't want to chase you."

This answer was not expected by Guan Xiaotong, so after she got this answer, her pretty face was full of astonishment, as if to say, this shouldn't be. This should n't be the answer..

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