Reba ate the cake sent by Cao Gong and asked him,"Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

"I sent you a WeChat message, but you didn’t reply!"

"I called you, but you didn't answer"

"I guess you are just acting your own part and don’t have time to see it, right?"

"Sister Mi told me you were here, so I came to see you. It was just on my way.

Cao Gong said it was on his way, which made Reba pick up her phone and take a look.

There were indeed WeChat messages and calls from Cao Gong.

Because she turned on silent mode, she didn't see it, and the phone was also held by the assistant.

"On the way? Why are you here on the way?"

"We are half neighbors now. I have become your neighbor, but I have never seen you at home.

Reba knew about it a long time ago, but she never had the time to go down to see him.

"My dad has a movie coming out during the National Day holiday, so he came to Shanghai today to promote the movie."

"I got it, and I thought, I'm going to go abroad to shoot a movie next Wednesday, so I'll go meet him today."

"I have classes in the afternoon, so I have to go back to school. I didn't go to eat."

"I was going back to school from there, and it happened to be not far from you, so I thought of coming over to see you."

"I'll give you a tour of the class..." At this point, Cao Gong paused, and then deliberately said:"By the way, I'll propose to you."

"Hahaha~" Talking about this again, Dilireba was amused.

Dilireba, who was eating the cake, said:"I'm disappointed, there is no ring in the cake.""

"Hehe~" Reba blocked his excuse in advance, Cao Gong smiled and didn't care

"You have a conscience and came to visit me on set. Reba said with satisfaction.

"It's not that I have a conscience, it's mainly because I cheated on you yesterday and married your boss."

"Phew~" She also knew about this, imaginary marriage

"How is it? Sister Mi. She didn't care about this matter and asked Cao Gong

"A woman who can satisfy all men's fantasies, I really can't find anything wrong with her"

"When I didn't know her, I always felt she was a womanizer when I watched her shows and interviews."

"But after getting to know her, I realized that she was just pretending, so I thought, she must be impeccable, right? I have been in this circle for more than ten years."

"I have met so many rich and powerful bosses but none of them compromised."

"I have seen so many handsome and fit male stars, but I have never thought about being tempted"

"It’s really amazing." This is his sincere admiration for Yang Mi.

Dilireba smiled and asked her:"What about me?"

"You?" Cao Gong, who was sitting next to Reba, glanced at this sister.

"How would you like me to evaluate you? In what aspect?"

"Appearance? Figure? No need for that."In my opinion, Reba doesn't need to be praised for her figure and appearance anymore.

"Well, just comment on my career." Reba said

"Before I make any comments, let me ask you, what do you want from entering this circle?"

"Want to date your favorite male celebrity?"

"Want to earn enough money from this circle to live comfortably for the rest of your life"

"Or do you still want to enjoy the life of chasing stars and admiring the moon?"

"Or do you want high popularity, high commercial value, and the ability to wear all the haute couture dresses in the world?"

"Or do you want to act in some good TV dramas and be a real actor?"

Faced with these questions, Reba really fell into deep thought.

Yes, what do you want when you enter this circle?

Men? Money? Fame? Or works?

These questions really stumped her. For a moment, Reba really didn't know how to answer.

"As for men, if they find someone suitable, they won’t pursue her anymore. Reba asked this question while looking at Cao Gong.

""Yeah." He was very satisfied with this answer.

"As for money, I have it myself, but the more money the better, everyone thinks so, and I am no exception; but I think that money was one of the things I pursued before, but it is not the case now, right?"

The question mark behind Reba is actually asking Cao Gong.

Look at how Cao Gong expressed his attitude. After all, she knew that Cao Gong had at least 2.1 billion assets.

"How much do you know? Cao Gong stretched out his hand and gave it to Reba.

Reba knew how much assets he had, but she couldn't just tell him.

So she wrote the number she knew on Cao Gong's palm.

The agent and assistant didn't hear the answer, but looked at them.

Reba wrote 2.1 billion on his palm with her delicate fingers.

Cao Gong knew what Reba meant by writing with her fingers.

But others didn't know and didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Right?" Reba asked him if it was this number.

But Cao Gong shook his head, then held her jade hand, and Reba cooperated by spreading her hand and giving her her palm.

Cao Gong held her hand and wrote 100 on her palm.

In fact, his current assets are very close, although not yet, but will be soon.

But when Reba saw it, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. He is so rich, 10 billion?

Originally 2.1 billion, he was already very rich, but I didn't expect it to be 10 billion.

"Then I don't need this either." She understood, but she didn't say it.

"Then the only thing left is popularity and works. She was thinking about this question while eating cake.

"Popularity, I have quite good popularity now, I am considered a top-tier celebrity"

"I have the life of chasing stars and praising the moon now, and this is also completed."

Reba said, but Cao Gong reminded her:"You want to chase stars and praising the moon for a lifetime"

"Or do you just want a short term, 10, 15, or 20 years?"

"Or maybe you want it for your whole life, so that you can be very popular even when you are in your 50s or 60s."

"Like my dad, who has been popular for 30 years."

Faced with Cao Gong's question, Reba fell into deep thought again. Do

I really want such a life? Do I want to be popular for 30 years?

"Then can you accept it?"This is the question she thought of after thinking about it.

"Yes, I have no objection, but the question is, if this is the case"

"You will definitely be questioned for 30 years, because it is impossible for every play you make to be a good work." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"People like my dad, who has been famous for 30 years, still make dozens of bad movies."

"Not just my dad, but also Cheng Long, Chow Yun Fat, Leung Chiu Wai, Koo Tim Lok, etc."

"All actors, not all of their works are good works, there are bound to be bad movies and bad dramas"

"If you want to be popular for 30 years, you need to be mentally prepared."

"Be prepared to be questioned and criticized.

Cao Gong reminded Reba of this, which made her think deeply.

Yes, if that is the case, she will definitely be questioned.

Because there are only so many good works every year, it is impossible for you to get all of them.

After all, this circle is so chaotic, good works must be in great demand.

And there are many works that she cannot act in because her age group is not suitable.

She cannot act in because her style is not suitable.

In the end, she will be screened out, and those good scripts will definitely not be hers.

"That's right. If you hadn't told me, I really wouldn't have thought about this issue.

Reba said she hadn't thought about these issues.

"You have to be mentally prepared that even if you are at the top, you will be replaced sooner or later."[]

"Like me, I became popular in 1990, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the 1990s"

"In the 2000s, the new Four Heavenly Kings emerged, and the top stars in the music industry became the new Four Heavenly Kings."

"As for you, you are now a top female star in the domestic entertainment industry, but you will definitely be replaced in ten or twenty years. What will you do then? What do you want to do?"

"Do you want to give up everything and continue to maintain your status as a top star?"

"Or should you just let things take their course and quietly give up your top position?"

"You have to think about this in advance and be mentally prepared in advance, otherwise when the time comes, you will not be able to accept the gap."

"It's like you live a rich life with all kinds of luxury goods and high-end clothes every day."

"But the next day you go bankrupt, your mansion of several thousand square meters is gone, and you can only live in a rental house of 20 to 30 square meters. No one can accept this gap all of a sudden."

"By then, your mentality will change, and you will just want to make money like crazy and return to your previous life."

"As long as I can go back to my previous life, I will do whatever it takes, cross the bottom line, and use everything I have to exchange for the life I want."

"By that time, your life will be basically ruined.

Cao Gong was exaggerating.���But it is very realistic.

Even Dilireba's agent felt that this really needs to be carefully considered.

Dilireba looked into Cao Gong's eyes and listened carefully to every word he said.

"But if you prepare yourself mentally in advance, when the time comes, you will be able to accept it calmly."

"From the life of a rich man, go down a level and enjoy the life of a small boss"

"Then after a while, I dropped a level and lived as a worker."

"After a while, they fell down one level and lived as poor people."

"This gradual decline is actually a step-by-step process of mental preparation."

"This way, the gap is not so big, you can accept it calmly, and your state of mind will not be so extreme."

Dilraba feels that this analogy makes sense.

There is no such thing as a permanent top star. At most, it will only last for a dozen years.

Even her boss Yang Mi has only been popular for less than 10 years, right?

Yang Mi became popular in 2009, and this year is 2016, so she has only been popular for 7 years.

Liu Yifei became popular in 2005, and she has only been popular for 11 years. There is no such thing as a permanent top star. There will definitely be a day when she will be surpassed or replaced by the next wave.

So she has to be mentally prepared so that the gap will not be so big when the time comes..

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