The performance continued. The dance performance of Nine Percent made Lu Han dream back to the group period.

At that time, he was so young and had a group of good teammates.

If his body had not failed, he would not have left the group.

Looking at this group, especially Cao Gong, Lu Han saw the appearance of his good friend.

Zhang Yixing!

That's right, I don't know if it's an illusion, he saw the shadow of Zhang Yixing in Cao Gong's dance. It

's true, after all, Zhang Yixing is the PD of this program.

But on the stage, everyone in Nine Percent worked hard and seriously to perform.

After the opening, Cao Gong moved to the back to dance.

The rest of the lyrics were sung by other members.

But the chorus of the climax of the song still had to be sung together.

At the climax of the song, Cao Gong, the center and the best dancer. , just before the climax of the chorus of the song, he moved from the back to the front.

After moving to the front, he led the dance with Fan Chengcheng, Cai Xukun, and Zhu Zhengting.

And when he moved to the front, he still used the take-off.

Instead of four people jumping, everyone jumps up.

The only difference is that the other five people jump in place, while the four of them jump forward.

After jumping to the front, they land and dance together while singing.

"Wow, cool!" Seeing this dance design, Lu Han clapped happily

"So handsome~" Yang Tianbao was already infatuated with him, totally ignoring the fact that he was married.

The applause and cheers from the audience also made the performance on the stage more energetic.

In the third segment, Gong took over the lead in dancing and singing.

"How to love you"

After singing this line, Chen Li-nuo next to him sang her part:"Waiting for you, my beauty~"

When Chen Li-nuo sang this line, Cao Gong, who was leading the dance and singing in the front, immediately turned around and quickly slid on his knees to the back of Chen Li-nuo.

"Wow~" Cao Gong's kneeling and sliding change of position made Lu Han couldn't help but exclaim:"It's amazing!"~"

"What is amazing?"Deng Chao didn't understand and asked him why.

Lu Han didn't answer, but watched the performance seriously.

Cao Gong, who was kneeling and sliding to change positions, came behind Chen Li Nong and continued to dance with his teammates.

""hahahahah~" Everyone performed to this point in the live stage performance.

When performing this phrase"hahahaha", except for Chen Li-nuo and Cao Gong, everyone else knelt on one knee behind them.

When it came to the second part of"hahahaha", Chen Li-nuo and Cao Gong switched positions front, back, left and right.

While switching positions, they opened their hands, slightly bent their legs, and then stood up.

That is, when he stood up, the people who were originally kneeling behind him also listened to the melody of the song and stood up quickly.

This coordination seemed to have a meaning of"Cao Gong stretched out his hands and asked everyone to stand up."

Seeing this dance coordination and the coordination of the god's movement, Lu Han's mouth never closed.

Especially at the last climax, the four lead dancers came forward to lead the dance and show off their dancing skills.

The four lead dancers, the uniform dance, directly maximized the viewing experience.

Until the end of the song, the audience watching the show were still madly brushing the barrage

""Awesome!" This is the most common word in the comments. It also shows how excellent Cao Gong's personal ability is.

He wrote the song and choreographed the dance. Isn't it awesome?

""Pa pa pa~" At the scene, everyone gave (ccdh) warm applause

"Encore, encore, encore!"Lu Han even cheered and shouted for an encore.

"Ah? Encore? The director didn't tell us there was this part."

After the performance, Cao Gong immediately responded to Lu Han's question.,

"Don't worry about the director, as long as it can be used as broadcast material."

After Deng Chao finished speaking, he exclaimed:"Wow~ it's really amazing."

Just like that, they all came down from the stage.

After they came down, Lu Han noticed Cao Gong's hairstyle.

His hairstyle had a carving on the head above the ear hole.

"To be honest, Cao Gong, your hairstyle is quite unique."Lu Han praised

"Right! ?"After being praised, he was not modest at all, and even shook his hair deliberately:"So cool!"

"Hahahaha~" Cao Gong's lack of modesty and calling himself a handsome guy directly tickled everyone's funny bone.

"Handsome, haha~" Deng Chao and the others were also amused by Cao Gong's immodest self-proclaimed title.

"Well, let's say hello to everyone." In this case, Deng Chao asked them to say hello.

"Hello everyone, we are..." Chen Li was in charge of shouting slogans, and the others followed suit.

"ninepercent (nine percent)."

The others introduced themselves one after another, but when it came to Wang Ziyi, he was pulled over to compare with Wang Dalu to see whose mouth was bigger.

Cao Gong was at the side, chatting quietly with Lu Han.

"It's your turn now. What are you two doing? You hooked up so quickly?" Chen He pointed at the two people.

"Huh?" Cao Gong looked at Chen He.

"It's your turn to introduce them." Chen He said, pointing at him with a smile.

"Hello everyone, I am Cao Gong, a member of Nine Percent"

"What is your responsibility? Deng Chao asked him with a smile.

"I didn't pay attention to what they were talking about just now. I was distracted just now."

""Why did you get distracted?" Zheng Kai immediately asked him, and then he started recording.

Lu Han knew that he was actually the one who pulled Cao Gong to chat with him.

This was why Cao Gong didn't pay attention to what his teammates said.

But he didn't say the reason, but his own reasons, not Lu Han's.

"Oh, I stayed up late to record last night and didn't get enough rest. I was distracted just now. Sorry, sorry."

I'm not lying.

"Wang Ziyi said that he is the rapper"

"Lin Yanjun said he was the king of cold scenes"

"Chen Li said he was the one who made the smile"

"Huang Minghao said that he is the one who is responsible for earthy love words." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What about you, Cao Gong, what is your responsibility?" Deng Chao asked him with a smile.

"Responsibility? Does a man's responsibility count?"

"A man's responsibility, haha~" This responsibility made everyone in the Running Man unable to hold back.

"Do you think this counts?"Zheng Kai felt very funny

"Gossip maker, is that ok?" Cao Gong simply changed a

"Haha, you are quite self-aware." Yang Tianbao also agreed with this. This is a good gossip.

"Wait, what were you talking about just now? I saw Xiaolu kept talking to you."

Big Black Bull pointed at the two of them and asked what they were talking about.

"Oh, nothing. Cao Gong immediately waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to say.

"I just asked him to write a song for me.

Lu Han told everyone very frankly that he was asking Cao Gong to write a song for him.

"Oh my, this is interesting. Our Xiaolu also debuted in a boy band."

"Cao Gong, you also debuted in a boy band. Now our Xiaolu invites you to sing a song. How do you respond?"

The crowd, who were watching the fun, all started to make a noise and asked Cao Gong what to do.

The audience watching the show, of course, were also very interested in this.[]

The song that Cao Gong and Zhang Yixing collaborated on before was very good.

"Really?" He really needs to ask Lu Han about this matter.

"Yes, I really want to! To be honest, after watching the song you and Yixing sang, I was so envious"

"Seeing you today, I have to ask for it anyway."Since

Lu Han said so, Cao Gong knew that he couldn't refuse.

But he could agree, but it depended on what kind of person Lu Han wanted.

"It's hard to agree now. I don't know what you want."

"Dance music, POP style, can sing and dance, how about it?"Lu Han said his request very happily.

Cao Gong, with his arms crossed, thought about what Lu Han said, and then he also had to choose the right one for him.

"Solo, or looking for someone to collaborate with? Or…" Cao Gong’s question made Lu Han say,"It’s all right. A solo is definitely the best, but if it’s a collaboration between two people, collaborating with you is also fine.""

"But I want you to work with PD Zhang, what should I do? I think many fans of your group would like to see it, right?"Cao Gong said this deliberately.

"Hey, don't mess around, he and I can't be in the same frame."Lu Han admitted bluntly that they couldn't be in the same frame.

Cao Gong knew that, so he said that on purpose.

"I can agree to it, but there are conditions. Cao Gong told Lu Han that it was okay for him to write a song for him.

But that's it, there are conditions.

"Tell me about it?"There are conditions, Lu Han wants to hear what the conditions are.

"I will write a song for you, but you are not allowed to date for three years, okay?"

"Hey hey hey~" This condition can easily be misunderstood.

"Oh, it's not what you think." Cao Gong explained with a laugh.

"I think that since Lu Han has so many fans, they definitely don’t want him to fall in love so soon."

"In order to make his fans feel more at ease, at least they can rest assured for the next three years."

"So if he is not allowed to fall in love before he turns 30, fans can rest assured, right?"

Actually, this is just Cao Gong's superficial explanation. It's mainly Guan Xiaotong.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that he and Guan Xiaotong will make their relationship public next year.

If Lu Han can agree not to date within three years, then he and Guan Xiaotong will miss it.

He does this as if he is competing with Lu Han and he can't beat him.

In fact, it's not. If it's just a simple competition, then he can definitely beat Lu Han when he and Lu Han are pursuing Guan Xiaotong at the same time.

But if Cao Gong himself is fickle and has too many confidantes around him.

At this time, if he and Lu Han are still pursuing Guan Xiaotong together, then Guan Xiaotong may feel insecure because there are too many girls around him, and finally choose Lu Han.

This is embarrassing.

Of course, Cao Gong also has a golden finger, and if he kisses Guan Xiaotong, they will be bound.

But the key is that he hasn't met Guan Xiaotong yet, and he has no chance to kiss.

Who knows when this opportunity will come?

So it's safer to find a way to restrict Lu Han from dating before he turns 30..

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