"Attack and defense transition completed, 3 seconds to start"

"3, 2…"

As the announcement sounded, everyone in the Running Man team looked at the camera and counted down.

"1!!!!"Just as the countdown ended, Zheng Kai started running

""Oh, oh, oh~" Seeing Zheng Kai running towards him like a cheetah, the little ghost was scared and ran away in a hurry.

But Zheng Kai's speed was really not slow, which also made the little ghost feel scared. The little ghost looked back while running.

"Ding-ling-ling~" Now the bells rang everywhere, and the Nine Percent members became panicked.

"Cao Gong, come out!!!" Lu Han became more confident and wanted to find Cao Gong.

"Hey, Brother Lu is looking for me?" Cao Gong, who was on the fourth floor, looked at Lu Han below with a smile.

"You stand there and wait." After seeing him, Lu Han went up,

"You let me wait here, so I should wait here?"

"Then I will lose face. After saying this, Cao Gong turned around and left.

"Cao Gong is on the fourth floor! Cao Gong is on the fourth floor!"

""Deng Chao here has also discovered it, and notified everyone to come up to the fourth floor quickly.

"Eliminate Cao Gong first." Zhang Jie also went to find Cao Gong.

But Cao Gong ran away.

Now he was with Fan Chengcheng, so he said,"You hide over there, I will lead them away."

"Their target is me, not you."

Cao Gong pushed Fan Chengcheng away, and then ran to the other side. It would be better to run separately.

Just as they separated, Deng Chao, Lu Han and others caught up with him. His speed was not slow, and he ran with Lu Han in this mall.

"You can't run away, there's a big black bull guarding ahead!!!"

Lu Han, who was chasing Cao Gong, couldn't help but feel proud and reminded him that there was someone guarding ahead.

As expected, Cao Gong found out while running that there was indeed someone.

The big black bull had been waiting ahead, and this road was not particularly wide. With the big black bull standing there, no matter if Cao Gong went from the left or the right, he would be hugged.

""Hey, hey." Cao Gong ran towards Li Chen, feeling helpless.

But suddenly, he thought of something.

While running, he turned around and glanced at Lu Han who was chasing him.

"Haha~ Where are you running to?" Li Chen opened his hands, ready to stop Cao Gong from running.

Cao Gong, who ran towards Li Chen, looked like he was about to be captured.

But just two meters in front of Li Chen, Cao Gong quickly knelt down and slid while running.

With the inertia of the previous run, Cao Gong suddenly knelt down, and the tiles on the floor were released from his pants.

But the tiles were very slippery, and when Cao Gong knelt down and slid, his body just slid and knelt under the crotch of the big black bull who was standing in a horse stance with his hands open to stop him.

And when he slid forward, Cao Gong's body leaned back to try not to hit Li Chen with his head, otherwise, if he hit Li Chen like this, he would be crippled.

In this way, Cao Gong slid and knelt in the way that players on a football field often use to celebrate after scoring a goal, to get under Li Chen's crotch.

"!!!!!"Li Chen, who was originally in horse stance with his hands open, now opened his eyes even wider.

""Oh, oh, oh~" Lu Han, who was chasing behind, was shocked when he saw this scene.

It's troublesome to talk about, but all this happened in two seconds.

Especially when Cao Gong slid to the back of Li Chen, then stood up and continued to run.

"Oh, oh, oh~ Kneeling and sliding through the crotch to escape, I created a famous scene?"

Cao Gong left in a chic manner, and did not forget to sigh in front of the camera with lingering fear.

To be honest, he just had this idea in a flash.

Not to mention him, even the directors of the program group did not expect this to happen.

In particular, when the program was broadcast, the director specially added subtitles.

This shows that this is definitely not a deliberate arrangement by the program group, but Cao Gong's own operation.

"Wow, is this possible?" Cao Gong escaped, which made Lu Han very speechless.

"Is this true?"Li Chen himself couldn't believe it. He was penetrated.

Lu Han felt sorry for Da Hei Niu.

He was penetrated? It would be embarrassing to say this.

On the other hand, Deng Chao was also surprised when he learned from his mobile phone that Cao Gong had escaped.

"No, he was double-teamed from front and back, how could he escape?"This is what Deng Chao didn't understand.

"On the first floor, Cao Gong ran to the first floor. Zheng Kai chased the little ghost and lost them.

For a moment, the whole mall was in chaos.

After Chen Li was hiding, he was found by Chen He.

"Are you hiding here? Is it hot? Come out and cool down."

"Look how destined we are. Today there are only two people with the last name Chen, and I found them."

"We belong to the old family. Come out, be good."

With that, Chen Li had no choice but to come out.

His name tag was torn off by Chen He, and he didn't even resist.

"Chen Li is out! Chen Li is out!"

When they heard that one of their teammates was out, the people on the Nine Percent side were also very nervous.

But after Cao Gong ran away, he just wandered around on the first floor.

When he saw Zheng Kai in the distance, he was not in a hurry and took a break.

"Brother-in-law." At this time, Fan Chengcheng, who was standing on the second floor, called him from the guardrail.

"Why don't you hide? What are you wandering around here for?" Fan Chengcheng pointed at him and asked.

"I just ran down. Is there anyone upstairs?"

"No!" Turning around and looking around, Fan Chengcheng didn't see anyone.

"Wait, I'll go up.、"Knowing that there was no one on the second floor, Cao Gong went up.

But on the way up, he happened to pass by a women's clothing store.

Coincidentally, the mannequin next to him was wearing his favorite Hi-Fi.

He was about to walk towards Fan Chengcheng, but he stopped because of Hi-Fi.

Cao Gong stopped and stared at the Hi-Fi.

"Hahaha~" When the show was broadcast, the audience couldn't help but clap and laugh again when they saw this.

He was walking towards Fan Chengcheng, but he saw the black stockings next to him out of the corner of his eye. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He immediately turned his head and looked at the black stockings next to him.

It would have been fine if he just looked at them, but he still stopped and looked at them seriously.

The audience watching the show were all dying of laughter because of Cao Gong. As an idol, this was too dignified.

"What are you doing?" Noticing this, Fan Chengcheng immediately came over with a smile.

"You are an idol, please pay attention to your image. You can't walk when you see black stockings."

""Slurp~" Cao Gong reacted and slurped, then turned to Fan Chengcheng in confusion and asked,"What's wrong?"

"Haha~" Cao Gong's expression made Fan Chengcheng laugh so hard that he bent over.

While laughing, he also glanced at the black silk stockings next to him.

"No, is this really that good looking? My sister wears it often, but I don't think it looks good."

"And I really hate my sister's stockings. They are always thrown everywhere. It's so annoying."

"What's so good about this thing?" Fan Chengcheng and Cao Gong were looking at the black stockings on the model with their arms around each other.

"You are still young, it is normal that you don't understand"

"Besides, no matter how beautiful, charming, or goddess your sister is, she is just as beautiful as a flower in your brother's eyes."

"The same goes for younger sisters. No matter how cute, beautiful, or princess-like they are, they are nothing but slugs in their brothers’ eyes."[]

"You don't understand. In your eyes, your sister is a so-called ugly girl; but in the eyes of outsiders like us, she is a beauty, the heroine in the dreams of young people.

Cao Gong's comments made many viewers smile and nod in agreement.

It is really as Cao Gong said.

"And you are still young, only 16 years old, of course you don't understand the benefits of black stockings"

"In another two years, when you are 18, you will know what a man's happiness is."

Fan Chengcheng was embarrassed.

However, after the show was broadcast, Cao Gong's love for black stockings became a hot topic again.

An idol who just debuted was crazy about showing his love for black stockings on camera. As soon as he debuted, he showed the image of a scumbag and his lustful image.

This also makes fans understand that the idol you like is such a vulgar and crude person.

If you like it, then support me. If you don't like me, then go and follow other stars.

"Haha~ What are you two doing?" Chen He, who was passing by on the third floor, saw them and pointed at them with a smile.

"Nothing, I just wanted to go in and buy some stockings for my wife."

"You guys record first, I'll go in and take a look." Cao Gong was about to go in.

"Haha~Come back here dead."Fan Chengcheng pulled him away, not letting him look.

But after running two steps, there was a women's lingerie store in front.

When Cao Gong was dragged away by Fan Chengcheng, he still looked at the lingerie store inside. All these shots were played, and the audience laughed miserably when they saw it.

Cao Gong really performed a 20-year-old boy with full blood and vigor to the fullest.

Nine percent of the other members would not even dare to look at girls for their female fans.

Not to mention liking to see black silk or something.

But Cao Gong is not like this. He just wants to show that he likes black silk, girls' bikinis and bras, so that everyone can see his most honest and real side.

He tells everyone with practical actions that I am an idol and a star, but I am also a human being.

I am a human being, I will have needs, and I will like girls and these things.

It is true that I am afraid of losing my job if I fall in love, but it does not mean that I don't need it.

Unlike other idols who sell dreams and eat fan economy, Cao Gong has ruined his image.

In this way, his image can't be any worse, so there is no possibility of collapse in the future.

I love you: I love you

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