The third scene is the rivalry between Cao Gong and Wu Jing.

Standing in front of Wu Jing, Cao Gong looked at Wu Jing in front of him.

He naturally showed the pretentious temperament of the rich second generation, and then picked up the walkie-talkie worn on his chest with his left hand.

Looking at Wu Jing in front of him, Cao Gong did not panic at all, but showed it very naturally.

"I have 18 AKs and 30 Type 79 grenades..."

At this point, Cao Gong looked at Wu Jing in front of him and said confidently:"Is it enough to arm a reinforced platoon?!" As soon as the voice fell, his right hand quickly took out the pistol from his waist.

The action was done in one go, pointing at Wu Jing's forehead in front of him.

It was this action of moving the gun, Cao Gong did it naturally, and the action was clean and neat.

For outsiders, it doesn't seem like a big deal.

But for someone like Wu Jing who has been trained in the army for two years, he saw something different.

Just the clean and neat action of this gun, it can't be done by a veteran of ten years.

And it must be a soldier of that level who has been out on a mission to do it.

Although he was very surprised, Wu Jing still performed this scene calmly.

He knew that it was not easy for Cao Gong to play this scene well, so he still had to cooperate well.

"Now I put an M1911 on your head…"

"How the hell are you going to save us?"Cao Gong showed the arrogant and pretentious behavior of the rich second generation very well.

After this line, the actors watching nearby were also surprised.

This line is very well-skilled, the lines are not wrong, and the pronunciation is clear and powerful.

And the role of this rich second generation is indeed quite natural.

""Okay, click!" Wu Jing shouted"click" at this time.

Then they came to the monitor together and watched the scene that had just been performed.

While watching, Wu Jing said:"It was very well acted, really very well, this is not the way of the world."

"You can't hold the gun like this without putting in some effort."

After Wu Jing said this, Cao Gong pinched his chin and thought.

Seeing that he was silent, Wu Jing asked him,"Tell me, what are your ideas?"

"Do you think my gun-holding action just now was good?" Cao Gong asked the director Wu Jing.

"Theoretically, it is really good, perfect and impeccable, but it is…"

But it is, which means that there is something else that is not said.

The other actors did not say anything either, watching the uncle and nephew discuss.

"But it's just too perfect."Cao Gong helped Wu Jing to say it.

Wu Jing was a little surprised to get this answer, but also more relieved.

"Zhuo Yifan is a second-generation rich man, although he is a military fan"

"Although he is very interested in guns and knows a lot about them, in the final analysis, he is just a rich second generation."

"A rich second generation who has never been to the military camp to hone his skills, but the action of drawing a gun has the shadow of a soldier, the action is clean and neat, without any unnecessary movements"

"If a soldier or veteran did this, there would be absolutely no problem."

"But Zhuo Yifan is a rich second-generation. Even if he is a military fan, it is just a hobby. Without training, he certainly cannot have such good coherent movements."

At this time, Cao Gong carefully analyzed the wrong part of his previous scene.

Wu Jing really likes this Cao Gong.

Because he really understands where his problem is, and then examines it himself.

"This is a question of detail. How could you have thought of it?" Wu Jing laughed and said.

"Yes, it is true." Cao Gong nodded silently and said:"Nowadays, film and television dramas really need to pay attention to these details, because there are too many crazy people in the audience."

"Because some viewers will look for and analyze each shot one by one."

"Even watching the details of these scenes frame by frame, and then finding these things to comment on"

"There is no way. Technology is so advanced nowadays that the audience has too much time to think about these things."

"Although this scene seems to have no problems, if I encounter some die-hard audience members who really find faults and analyze it frame by frame, then I'm doomed. I'm afraid my actions will be criticized."

"Hahaha~" Wu Jing laughed. He felt that what Cao Gong said was right.

"Great!"Even Wu Gang, who was standing behind him, couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

"How about this, put the gun to my forehead and shake your hand a little"

"It is impossible for an untrained rich second generation to hold a gun so steadily."

"You can shake the gun slightly when holding it."

Cao Gong thought there was no problem with the director Wu Jing's suggestion.

And this method was also a good one. After all, he was a rich second-generation and had no training. Even if he was a military fan and knew a lot about guns, his gun-holding movements would not be so standard and steady.

Now it was a good idea to add the setting of hand shaking to the character.

When the performance started again, Cao Gong had a good grasp of it this time.

The hand shaking was a little obvious, but not deliberate, giving people a natural shaking feeling.

"Good." After watching it, Director Wu Jing applauded and said

"I didn't expect that your acting skills are so good?"Liu Yifei didn't expect that Cao Gong's acting skills are so good

"……"But Cao Gong looked at Concubine Liu Yi beside him, but did not say anything.

Seeing that Cao Gong did not answer her, he seemed to be deliberately alienating her?

Or in other words, he deliberately did not want to get too close to her? (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don’t know if it was her illusion, but Concubine Liu Yi really felt this way.

"No, what's going on?"

Liu Yifei didn't understand and felt like she was being ignored.

When Liu Yifei's agent and assistant saw this, they shrugged helplessly.


A few days later, the assistant who was surfing the Internet on her tablet saw something.

After watching this video, she suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Sister, look at this. Liu Yifei's assistant handed her the tablet.

"What to watch?" Liu Yifei, who wanted to read the script, asked her what she wanted to watch.

"You can see it by watching, Cao Gong and Yang Mi participated in a reality show of imaginary marriage"

"You are mentioned above, and maybe this is why Cao Gong doesn't want to pay attention to you."

When the assistant said she was mentioned, Liu Yifei was even more confused.

Why did Cao Gong mention her on the show?

Although she didn't understand, she still played the video to see.

This program happened to be broadcast on 271 last night. Domestic fans and audiences have already seen the first episode, but Cao Gong, who is abroad, doesn't know yet.

Liu Yifei watched the video herself, from the beginning, and only then did she know.

The beginning of this program, when interviewing Cao Gong.

Cao Gong said that he had been a fan of Liu Yifei 10 years ago, but because of Liu Yifei's scandals, Cao Gong found that as her fan, he was jealous after seeing these scandals.

But the funny thing is that he is just one of Liu Yifei's millions of fans.

She was rumored to be jealous, isn't it ridiculous?

He has no name or status, and even jealousy is not justified.

Since then, there has been no more. He started to chase Liu Yifei, because no matter how much he chased, it was useless.

Because no matter how much he chased, he was still just a fan, and she was an unattainable idol.

This kind of relationship would not have any result, so why bother to chase?

If he continued, she would definitely have scandals in the entertainment industry in the future, and he would be jealous then. The most ridiculous thing was that he was not related to her, but he was jealous because of this?

From that time on, he would chase whoever was pretty, and he would like whoever was pretty.

Anyway, idols are the spiritual food of many fans and audiences, that's all.

After watching this interview, Liu Yifei finally understood.

He understood why Cao Gong had ignored her during the days when he came to the crew.

She took the initiative to talk to him, but Cao Gong just answered and dealt with it very simply.[]

He looked like he didn't want to be too close to her, nor too familiar with her.

This made Liu Yifei feel like she was trying to please someone else.

But now Liu Yifei realized that she had hurt him ten years ago?

But at that time, he was just one of her millions of fans.

He was jealous because of her scandal, but in the end he found that his jealousy (of Zhao Nuo) was not justified, and finally he came to his senses and stopped chasing stars.

But today, ten years later, they really met.

Maybe Cao Gong was angry because of what happened before? Or did he want to take revenge on her?

Especially when she was interviewed and asked Cao Gong if he had the opportunity to work with her in a play.

Cao Gong couldn't stop being happy, and said that if there was a kissing scene in this play, he would still want to act in it even if he had to pay.

This answer also made Liu Yifei more certain that Cao Gong was her fanboy.

"~Sister, after this episode was broadcast, it immediately became a hot topic"

"Cao Gong's words also expressed the voice of millions of fans who chase stars."

"Too many fans will be jealous and unhappy when they see their idols have scandals."

"But being jealous is just being jealous. In the end, I am just a fan and can't change anything."

"What Cao Gong said during the interview on this program was truly sobering, so after it was broadcast, it immediately became a hot topic and received a lot of likes."

"I think this is the reason why Cao Gong doesn't want to talk to you, right?" Even Liu Yifei's agent heard what the assistant said.

Liu Yifei herself was looking at Cao Gong who was acting seriously in the scene.

At this time, the way she looked at Cao Gong changed unconsciously.

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