"Eh, did you find it? I don't think I saw Cao Zei."

"Yes, I haven't seen Cao Gong all day today."

In the practice room of Class B, the trainees found a problem. They all started practicing today, and every trainee was working hard to learn the theme song.

But during the break, they found that they didn't seem to see Cao Gong.

"It seems that after Cao Ze was called out by Reba PD at noon, I haven't seen him since."

"Yes, I didn't see him eating in the cafeteria for dinner."

"Was it because he wrote the theme song and felt it was unfair, so he was eventually persuaded to quit?"

"No way? Even if it was a song he wrote, there's no reason to discourage people from listening to it, right?"

"Dissuading someone from performing because they are too strong? That is not reasonable.

The trainees were discussing this, but Cao Gong himself was hanging out with Zhang Yixing.

In the practice room, Cao Gong was discussing the choreography for the song he had made today.

He had made the song and written the lyrics.

But Zhang Yixing had his own ideas about the dance.

""Hmm~" Listening to the music constantly, Zhang Yixing was also troubled by this problem.

To be honest, he was not very good at choreography.

His dancing was good, but it didn't mean that he could choreograph if he was good at dancing.

Choreography was actually similar to composing music and writing lyrics.

Just because you sing well doesn't necessarily mean you can write songs. Just because you act well doesn't necessarily mean you can write scripts.

Similarly, just because you dance well doesn't mean you can choreograph.

There is a saying that goes, those who can dance may not necessarily know how to choreograph, but those who can choreograph can definitely dance.

When Zhang Yixing was practicing, he tried to choreograph himself and that was OK.

But if he was choreographing for a new song, he still couldn't do it.

"Are you anxious to get this song? Cao Ze sat cross-legged and asked Zhang Yixing, who was struggling in front of him.

"If I say I am anxious, I am indeed anxious."

"You also know the situation of my group. After the other two came back to China, they also released albums one after another."

"They returned to China to develop their careers and released their own works to give back to their fans."

"I'm not jealous of them, I congratulate them."

"But I am anxious because I have returned to China to develop my career and my fans also want to see my works."

"But I don’t have any outstanding works right now, and I’ve been invited to write songs. Many people have submitted their works to me, but I can’t do them well because the styles are different."

"Many of the songs that music creators write for me are either ballads or love songs."

"I am an idol singer, and I am not good at singing love songs, so……"

Zhang Yixing's last words reflect his high emotional intelligence.

Because this is a recording of the program, there are so many cameras filming in the practice room.

He didn't know whether this part would be broadcast, so he spoke very cautiously.

In fact, Zhang Yixing wanted to say that he didn't like the songs submitted to him, he was not satisfied with them, and he looked down on them.

But he couldn't say that. Once he said that.

When the program was broadcast, this part was edited in and broadcast, or it was deliberately leaked by someone with ulterior motives. By then, those songwriters who had submitted songs to Zhang Yixing would know about it. They would no longer write songs for him in the future.

So Zhang Yixing was very smart and chose to lower his status.

He didn't say that these songs were bad, but that he was not capable enough, his style was not suitable, and he couldn't sing these songs well. In this way, he showed his humble side and didn't offend anyone. He is worthy of being challenged by the Men's Gang.

Last year, Zhang Yixing experienced the spur of the Men's Gang for a season. Now he has grown up and speaks with emotional intelligence.

"That's right."Said Cao Gong, lying lazily on the floor.

Cao Gong lying on the floor was still very charming, and then he supported his head with his hands.

Cao Gong, lying down, was thinking about the dance of this song.

"How about this, don't think about incorporating Zhongguo elements into your dance, otherwise it will easily restrict you."

"We can put the elements of loyalty to the country in the MV"

"Then in the live performance, the loyal elements are reflected in the stage design."

"Just design the stage effects with traditional Chinese elements, and the effect will be very good."

Zhang Yixing pinched his chin and thought about this idea proposed by Cao Gong.

If this is the case, Zhang Yixing said seriously:"Do you have any ideas about the dance?"

"I have an idea, but I don't know if you are willing to break through or try it."

"Tell me about it?"Knowing that he had an idea, Zhang Yixing asked him to talk about it first.

"What I am going to say next may make you feel uncomfortable, but this is also the questioning and complaints people are making about you now." Before he spoke, Cao Gong laid the groundwork.

Smart Zhang Yixing thought of something and said,"Feminine! Sissy?"

"……"Before Cao Gong could say anything, he clapped his hands and gave him a thumbs up.

"It's okay. The whole internet is really complaining about us now."Zhang Yixing said it's okay.

"You have also heard the melody of this song, the rhythm is very strong, right?"

"Then dance reflects the male hormones and shows the masculine side."

"This is also to respond to everyone's doubts about you, and it is also a breakthrough in style."

Zhang Yixing was convinced that this proposal was indeed a good one.

"So, dance."Zhang Yixing clapped his hands and asked Cao Gong to dance.

"We can do this." Cao Gong stood up and performed the dance moves he had in mind for Zhang Yixing to see. Zhang Yixing also helped to play the accompaniment of the song.

Following the accompaniment of the song, Cao Gong danced once, without asking for any card points.

The main purpose was to compose the dance moves and then determine the moves.

What card points should be used?���After watching Cao Gong's choreography, Zhang Yixing jumped up excitedly:"This is it, this is it!"

This part of the choreography by Cao Gong for Zhang Yixing was not broadcast in the first two episodes of"Idol Producer".

This is mainly because if it is broadcasted, it will be revealed in advance about Zhang Yixing's new album songs.

Therefore, Zhang Yixing will discuss with the program team to keep this part for the time being.

After his album is released, this part can be broadcasted again.

"The dance is based on this, we will optimize it, and then we will do the rap for this song."

"As the composer and choreographer of this song, you have to help me sing the rap of this song."

"How about we collaborate on this song?"Zhang Yixing made the invitation very happily.

He invited Cao Gong to collaborate on this song with him because he felt that Cao Gong had the ability to do so.

If Cao Gong did not have the ability to do so, it would be unjust.

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