As expected, the final C position went to Cai Xukun.

Cao Ze didn't fight for it because he was really not interested in it.

It doesn't mean that the C position can get all the attention.

He is better than Cai Xukun in all aspects. He can write songs and his song library is far beyond what Brother Kun can match. So a C position is nothing.

What's more, it's just a theme song C position, not the final C position.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"Cao Gong, who had just changed his clothes, happened to meet Dilireba

"Well, I have something to talk to you about."Dilraba Dilmurat, with a sweet smile on her pretty face, is very beautiful.

Cao Gong, who came in front of her, was not shy and looked down at the beautiful sister in front of him.

In fact, there are cameras filming here.

Even the post-production editing teacher of the program group couldn't help but knock on them.

Why is this so?

It is completely because Cao Gong is handsome and sunny. When the corners of his mouth are raised, he gives people a bad and handsome look that makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Especially, here���There are too many handsome boys in the training camp to count.

Especially the boys in this training camp, the good-looking ones are all feminine Korean style handsome guys.

But there is only one sunny handsome guy like Cao Gong who looks evil and charming when he smiles, and cool and aloof when he doesn't smile. There is another one, Dilraba Dilmurat, let alone her. She is a rare ethnic minority beauty star in the entertainment industry. She is even more rare among ethnic minority beauty stars.

Dilraba Dilmurat has a unique exotic face and temperament. She is tall and curvy.

The most attractive thing about Dilraba Dilmurat is her big and smart eyes, which is also the most unforgettable thing about her.

But Dilraba Dilmurat's weapon is not only this.

Dilraba Dilmurat has a full exotic appearance and delicate facial features. She is the ceiling of pure desire.

Dilraba Dilmurat will not be sexy because she is the synonym of sexy.

And she can be cool and sassy, pure and sweet.

The most unforgettable thing is her perfect figure and body proportion.

Her figure can satisfy all the fantasies of all men about her.

It is such a pair of young men and women, and their content makes even the post- production teachers of the program group unable to help but ship them. One is a new goddess in the entertainment industry, and now she is a mentor of the national producer.

The other is a future fresh meat in the entertainment industry, but in reality he is a trainee in the training camp.

The most interesting thing is that one is trying hard to chase and the other is trying hard to escape. Do you think it is interesting?

A super beauty like Dilireba, who is also a super goddess in the entertainment industry, chased a little boy. If it were someone else, they would have surrendered long ago, but Cao Ze didn't.

The closer Dilireba got, the more Cao Ze insisted on his original intention and didn't let him get away.

It is said that a man chasing a woman is like a mountain; a woman chasing a man is like a layer of gauze. But for the two of them, it is completely different.

The story of the beautiful female mentor who is cool and cool and her handsome and talented little milk dog student is the CP that the post-production staff of this program group like to ship.

Not only the post-production staff of the program group, but also the audience of this program, are very ship.

The production team even gave them a CP name"Heating CP" and hyped them up during the show.

In addition to the main content of the show, the production team also decided to release some sweet content about the Heating CP, because this was not the original intention of the talent show, but pure gossip and love of CP.


"What do you want to talk to me about?" Cao Gong leaned against the wall and looked directly at Reba's pretty face.

""Hmm~" With her hands behind her back, Dilireba looks like the shy heroine in a girl's comic who is about to confess her love.

Standing coquettishly with her hands behind her back, Dilireba makes the audience in front of the computer or holding their mobile phones unable to help but smile foolishly, because she is really beautiful.

It may be because of the clothes, or it may be because Dilireba's shoulders are too smooth.

Her shirt slipped off her shoulders, and the exposed shoulders seemed to shine. Cao Gong's eyes saw Dilireba's fair and tender shoulders, and Cao Gong was very anxious:"Oh, you should put on your clothes properly."

"Oh my god, I have stye! My eyes are dirty!!"

Then, Reba saw Cao Gong anxiously reaching out to fix the clothes that had slipped off her shoulders.

"Hahaha~" Cao Gong was so nervous and shy that Reba covered her mouth and laughed.

""Look at you, how can a girl not dress properly?"

After saying that, Cao Gong stomped his feet like a macho man. The audience watching the show were all amused by Cao Gong's panicked reaction.

Especially the female audience, they laughed like pigs.

Other boys wished that Reba would wear belly-exposing clothes, small vests and shorts.

In this way, the more Reba exposed, the more excited and happy they would be.

But what about Cao Gong? When he saw Reba's clothes slip off, revealing a fragrant shoulder, he immediately looked like a traditional little boy, and then educated Reba in the old-fashioned tone of an old father.

This contrast made the audience watching the show feel that Cao Gong was really cute and particularly popular.

"What era is it now? It's not decent to show your shoulders?" Dilireba asked him with a smile.

"Well, well, no matter what, just dress properly and don't dress like your boss Yang Mi."

"Your boss Yang Mi's style of dressing is just a crazy way to tease the desires of our male fans, but she is irresponsible when teasing, and has no sense of responsibility at all; she dresses so sexy and dances wildly on the edge of the desires of our male fans, which is too irresponsible"

"Haha~ You actually, actually complained about Sister Mi, haha~" Reba held her belly and laughed so hard that she bent over.

The audience watching the show liked the show crazily.

Even Yang Mi’s fans couldn’t even get angry after watching the show.

Because Cao Gong was indeed complaining about Yang Mi, but everyone could see that it was a compliment.

The facts are indeed as Cao Gong said.

Yang Mi’s Mi-style outfit is just dancing wildly on the edge of male fans’ desires.

Her Mi-style outfit is beautiful and fashionable, but male fans are burning with desire after watching it.

It is precisely because Cao Gong complained about Yang Mi in this way that her fans can’t hate Cao Gong.

Otherwise, if someone else dared to say a bad thing about Yang Mi, the fans would go crazy.

But for this wave of complaints from Cao Gong, the fans didn’t even scold Cao Gong.

But here at the scene, Dilireba’s clothes slipped off her shoulders because she laughed too happily.

The clothes slipping off her shoulders made Cao Gong anxious again:"Oh, what a sin! I’m afraid my needle hole will never heal."

""Put on your clothes properly." Cao Gong helped Reba put on her clothes.

In order to prevent the clothes from slipping off her shoulders, Cao Gong also helped her button up her shirt.

"It won't look good if you put it on."Dilreba said to Cao Gong with a smile

"It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t look good, but it’s better than having stye!"

"Haha~" Reba couldn't stand it anymore, how could she be so sensitive?

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