Just when Cao Gong and Reba were sweetly creating songs

《"Idol Producer" was finally officially broadcast on the 271 platform after much anticipation.

Before the broadcast, Dilraba Dilmurat posted a message on Weibo to promote it.

Because this talent show is the first of its kind in China, it has attracted a lot of attention.

In the first episode of the show, many viewers noticed Cao Gong who came in.

On the one hand, he was tall and handsome, and on the other hand, he had a unique stage name.

Cao Zei.

When seeing this stage name, everyone will be attracted to him.

And Liu Dehua in Hong Kong, after learning that this episode was broadcast, he also hurried to watch it on his tablet

"Why did this kid use such a stage name?"

"Cao thief? What was he thinking?" Liu Dehua, who was watching the show, couldn't help but laugh.

"It's pretty good, at least it's eye-catching. Look, the comments are all"Cao Zei"’"

Zhu Lixi's support made Liu Dehua next to him speechless.

The first episode of the show was almost finished, and Cao Gong did not go on stage until the end.

And before going on stage, the picture of Cao Gong sleeping in front of him attracted many comments.

Many viewers complained that Cao Gong was impolite. Others were performing, but you were sleeping?

But after Cao Gong went on stage, Dilireba asked him why he was sleeping.

Cao Gong explained that he had just finished the college entrance examination and rushed to participate in the show without stopping.

The audience who originally scolded Cao Gong now understands it.

In the past few days of the college entrance examination, it is indeed more tiring, and it is normal to feel sleepy. What's more, the program was recorded at night. Cao Gong did not rest well, so it is reasonable to feel sleepy.

But when Cao Gong said he would sing his original song, many viewers looked forward to it.

In fact, the song"Love Transfer" sung by Cao Gong is indeed very nice.

The lyrics are very beautiful and emotional, and the singing is also very affectionate and emotional.

But that's it, he said that this song was his original?

At this time, the barrage was madly brushed with plagiarism and plagiarism.

They also said that this was plagiarizing Liu Tianwang's songs and Huazai's songs.

If it's a cover, then it's a cover. What's the point of talking about original songs?

When the audience on the whole network saw this, they were all madly criticizing Cao Gong, and even many of them said.

So he was called Cao Zei because he plagiarized other people's works?

But when the instructor questioned, Cao Gong threw out a shocking identity.

He is Liu Tianwang's illegitimate son.

And he also publicly responded that he felt that covering his own songs should not be considered plagiarism.

This also proves that he is not only Liu Tianwang's son, but he is also the songwriter of the song"Under the Mount Fuji", and the songwriter of this song is signed as: Son of the King.

And Cao Gong is Liu Tianwang's illegitimate son, so everything is right.

Not only that, the rap"Compendium of Materia Medica" just now also proved Cao Gong's ability in lyrics and music.

And Cao Ze's song"Loyalty to the Country" has attracted the attention of countless viewers.

At this point, the first episode of the show has been broadcast.

After this episode, as expected, the show"Idol Producer" became a hot search.

After the show became a hot topic, the most talked about topic was Cao Ze

"Damn it! Liu Dehua has hidden his illegitimate child for more than ten years"

"Liu Dehua's son participated in a talent show"

"I have a superstar father! Cao Ze is the illegitimate son of Liu Tianwang"

"Plagiarism? Sorry, I'm the original author!"

"Damn it! King Liu's son made his debut on a talent show?!"

"Serve the country with loyalty and national pride, you must vote for Cao Ze"

"Just for the song"Loyalty to the Country", you must vote for Cao Gong to debut."

Overnight, Cao Gong became a hot search, attracting the attention of many people in the circle.

The name Cao Gong quickly occupied the hot search list.

In addition, many people searched Liu Dehua's album last year and found that those songs were indeed the son of the king in the book title, and Cao Gong's name was not written.

However, Liu Dehua also responded to this matter on Weibo.

"Well, I was actually very hesitant about whether to post this on Weibo.

But after thinking it over again and again, if I don’t post this on Weibo in response, I will be pestered by the media for questioning.

Yes, Cao Gong is my son, and he is also my illegitimate son who I have never wanted to make public.

Secondly, he did write the album for me last year.

However, admitting the relationship here does not mean I want to canvass votes for him, and he doesn’t want me to canvass votes for him, so please vote rationally.

I know that he went to participate in this program and disclosed his identity relationship with me, which is no longer fair.

But as a father, I still hope that everyone will watch the program calmly first, and then vote and evaluate him after watching his performance.

That’s all I have to say.


Liu Dehua has also responded to this matter in a post, so there is nothing wrong.

In this way, Cao Ze is really a second-generation star.

"Star second generation, I wonder if Cao Ze's achievements can be compared with Hua Zai"

"Reply: He is a second-generation star, but I don't think his achievements can be compared with Huazai. You know, Huazai is the king of the Chinese music scene, Caozei is still too young."

"Reply: He is a little immature now, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to catch up with his father in the future."

"Damn it! Is this the strongest second-generation star?"

"Reply: The strongest second-generation star is Xie Tingfeng, not Cao Ze"

"Reply: Not necessarily. Cao Zei can also write lyrics and compose music. I think he can compete for the title of the strongest second-generation star."

"Let's see how Cao Zei performs later. I wonder how he will perform later."

"I feel that it is unfair to others after the relationship is made public."

"Reply: It is unfair! But Cao Gong can write lyrics and compose music, and we have all heard his outstanding songs. If you haven't heard them, go listen to Liu Dehua's album last year. Those songs were written by Cao Gong. And the song"Loyalty to the Country" expresses the character of a loyal man."

"Reply: Yes, it is indeed unfair, but with Cao Zei's ability in writing lyrics and composing music, as well as his singing skills, if he wants to debut through this show, it should be safe as long as there is no shady dealings, okay?"

"Reply: I also think that even without relying on the popularity and fame of his father, Cao Ze could have made his debut; it’s just that Cao Ze explained his identity in the fastest way possible."

"Let's see how he performs later. Judging from the current performance, he is indeed very capable."

After the show was broadcast, many people did participate in the discussion.

The second episode will have to wait a week before it can be broadcast.

However, after Cao Zei's classmates found out about this, they all canvassed for votes for him.

What the audience found interesting was that Cao Zei came to participate in this talent show just to avoid the confessions of his female classmates. Otherwise, after the college entrance examination, many female classmates would have confessed to him.

This reason made Cao Zei labeled as a comedian.

This also made Cao Zei's high school classmates complain about him in the group after learning about this.

In addition, when the CCTV staff watched the show and heard Cao Gong's song, they contacted Cao Gong as soon as possible. But

Cao Gong has no agent, so they can only contact his father.

After Liu Dehua learned about this, he also said: I can't contact him now. He is in training and I can't get through on the phone. This is really not a joke.

In the end, I found the program team and contacted Cao Gong.

"Ah? The song was requisitioned. Who are you? Which department are you from? Are you reliable?"Cao Gong was still a little skeptical.

"Reliable, I didn't lie to you! Your song"Serve the Country with Loyalty" has positive lyrics and powerful voice. It contains the spirit of loyalty to the nation and never giving up. It makes people's blood boil and their hearts feel heroic. It inspires and motivates everyone to serve the country with loyalty."

"We want to requisition and collect such a song."

After learning what happened, Cao Gong was still a little confused:"Does that mean I can't sing this song anymore?"

"You can't just sing it casually. The copyright of this song has been given to the country and it will be collected in the museum."

"If you want to sing, you need to submit an application, depending on which occasion you are singing."

"Of course, if there are some large-scale grand occasions that need to perform this song, you don’t need to apply, we will also invite you to participate in the party to perform this song."

"But if you hold a concert in the future, you can't sing it at the concert."

After learning this, Cao Gong scratched his head and said,"Well, well, okay."

In fact, he didn't know whether it was true or not, but it seemed that the other party was serious.

The key is that they have contacted the program team, so this matter is probably true.

What's more, it was performed on the show, and everyone knows that he wrote the lyrics and composed the music for this song.

If the other party deceived him, it would be convenient for Cao Gong to pursue it.

So it should not be fake, and the National Museum really wants to collect his song.

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