"Cao thief, do you really like my sister?" This is when Fan Chengcheng asked gossipingly on the plane.

Cao Gong, who was sitting in his seat writing and drawing, looked helplessly at Fan Chengcheng beside him.

But this conspicuous bag showed his comedic talent:"I never thought that I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my brother-in-law? Alas~"

"I really don't know what you are thinking. What's so good about Mi Lengleng?"

"Is she pretty? She is ugly, and looks like a vixen."

Fan Chengcheng complained about his sister without hesitation, saying that his sister looked like a vixen.

But Cao Gong was very surprised.

Because Fan Chengcheng really has a sister, but she is different from the one in his memory.

Yes, they look exactly the same, and it can even be said that there is no difference at all.

Mi Lengleng, born in 1984, 32 years old, height 168, debuted as a child star, graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy

"Why aren't you talking? By the way, do you think I can make my debut?"Fan Chengcheng kept talking.

"Yes!"This is Cao Gong's answer. This kid will definitely make his debut.

"Really?"Fan Chengcheng was very surprised and obviously a little skeptical.

"But it depends on your sister's popularity. Cao Gong, who didn't want to talk much, told the truth.

"……"Fan Chengcheng was silent and stopped talking.

What he hated most was that he was able to debut entirely because of his sister's popularity.

Because this was a denial of him and a disapproval of him.

"Do you think it's shameful to rely on your family to make your debut?"

"It's not shameful."This is Cao Gong's own personal opinion.

"But if you can debut just by rapping, it's really embarrassing."

"What's wrong with me relying on rap?" Fan Chengcheng was very excited and said,"Rap is also one of my abilities. Can't I become a rap singer?"

"Of course, Cao Gong did not deny this.

"Then let me ask you, will you die if you can’t be a rap singer?"

"……"Stumped by this question, Fan Chengcheng just looked at Cao Gong without saying anything.

"If you can’t rap, does that mean you can’t do anything?"

"When you debuted, is rap the only thing that can make the audience see you and remember you?"

"If a song doesn't have rap lyrics, does that mean you don't have to perform on stage?"

These questions completely confused Fan Chengcheng.

He had never thought about these questions before.

Is rap really important? Yes, rap looks very individual and cool.

But without rap, do I really have nothing?

I want to debut with this immature rap, is it possible?

It is possible, but this may be due to the attention brought to me by my sister.

I don't want to debut with my sister's fame, but my own ability can't make me debut, so what am I being proud of?

If I can debut with my rap ability alone, then is the standard of this talent show high?

Also, does every song really have to have rap?

Suppose, if this song doesn't have rap, then I won't perform on stage?

If there is no rap, I still have to perform on stage, then what do I rely on?

Dance! Yes, performance on stage is definitely inseparable from dance. For idol groups, singing and rap are important, but dance is the foundation.

Because most idol groups' performances have dance.

If you are not good at singing, you can give less lyrics and let the good singers perform, so as to help you cover up your lack of singing skills. If his rap skills are not good, then he can ask teammates with good rap skills to sing more.

But dancing.

If your dancing is not good, and you can't keep up with the rhythm of your teammates during the performance, then there is no way for your teammates to help you cover up.

Suppose, if rap is removed, what else can he rely on to gain a foothold in a group?

Singing skills? No, he can't sing very well, and his singing skills are not good.

Dancing? No, no, he can't dance either.

But even if rap is good, there are many people in the current training camp who are better at rap than him.

Now, Fan Chengcheng suddenly understood.

It seems that he is really useless except for having a big star sister.

""Huh~" Fan Chengcheng, who had figured it out, suddenly felt like crying.

Cao Gong, who was sitting next to him, wrote and drew on the draft paper, and asked Fan Chengcheng:"Have you figured it out?"

"How can I quickly improve my singing and dancing skills?"

"Practice, practice with all your strength. With your current capital, you can practice with all your strength."

"Because you still have a way out." In Cao Gong's view, Fan Chengcheng has a way out.

"Do I have a way out?"

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, your sister will definitely train you to become an actor. Cao Gong said

"Whether you like being an actor or not, your sister has to let you act."

"Because acting is the best way for a star to develop in the long run."

"As for why? I won't say much, you can understand it yourself."

"Even if you train yourself to death, as long as you are still alive and can walk normally, your future is still an actor, so there is no need to be afraid of anything."

"But if you don't work hard, it's impossible to improve yourself in a short time."

"Otherwise, you can only cheat." After saying this, Cao Gong looked at Fan Chengcheng next to him.

"Like you?"

Fan Chengcheng's unintentional words made Cao Gong smile and nod:"Yes, just like me."

Fan Chengcheng smiled and said nothing more, but he continued to ask:"Do you really like my sister?"

"……"Why do you come back to this question again? It is true that your sister is a few years younger.

But it seems that it is really impossible not to like her, it’s just that she made a mistake.

But if she made a mistake, I don’t know if it will be like what Cao Gong knew in his previous life.

After all, in this world, Fan Chengcheng’s sister is Mi Lengleng, and she was born in 1984.

In this world, Fan Chengcheng’s sister is a little different, but I don’t know if the mistakes she made are still the same. This is what Cao Gong doesn’t know.

Seeing that Cao Gong was silent, Fan Chengcheng said:"My sister is 12 years older than you, don’t you mind?"

"Also, if I help you deal with my sister, you will really become my brother-in-law. Will you write a song for me?"

"If you promise to write a song for me, I will help you to get my sister, and we will be brother-in-law and nephew."

"Is this okay? ?"Fan Chengcheng is even selling out his sister to get song resources.

Cao Gong made a Buddhist gesture:"Donor, I am an idol. Falling in love means losing my job. Please don't hurt me."

""You are just fooling around." Fan Chengcheng looked down on this guy and said,"Tell me the truth, you bastard, are you coveting my sister, so you are so close to me? Otherwise, would you be so kind to tell me so much?"

"It's you who's pestering me." He was helpless. Who was pestering whom?

"Then why did you use the tone of a brother-in-law to enlighten me so much?"Fan Chengcheng still insisted

"……"Faced with this question, Cao Gong simply shut up.

"Look, look, it's Cao, the thief, his evil intentions are too obvious, he only cares about my sister"

"……"Cao Gong remained silent again and let the boy talk until he was tired.

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