""Hungry Wolf Legend." Fan Chengcheng said without hesitation.

"That's fine." If it was this song, Cao Gong would have no problem.

But at this time, Zhang Yixing looked at Dilireba and Cheng Xiao beside him with a sly smile.

Dilireba and Cheng Xiao also smiled, and their smiles were very sinister.

Cao Gong, who had just come to Fan Chengcheng, immediately found something wrong.

"No, there is a demonic aura. Cao Gong stood beside Fan Chengcheng and said,"It smells sinister."

"What happened?"Huang Minghao didn't know what happened.

"I sense a conspiracy, just like Monkey King smelling evil spirits."

Under Cao Gong's careful vigilance, Zhang Yixing said,"Here, I want to add one thing."

"……"Cao Gong immediately turned to look at Zhang Yixing. He had a bad feeling.

Zhang Yixing smiled and said to everyone:"Because of Cao Gong's special situation, this performance will be"

"The team that chooses Cao Gong cannot choose any of the eight songs above, and must compose one of his own."

"What the hell is this? Cao Gong blurted out in surprise.

"……"Fan Chengcheng and Huang Minghao were also shocked. How could they play this?

"Because of Cao Gong's comprehensiveness and his ability in all aspects, he surpassed many of the trainees present."

"At the same time, Cao Gong's ability to compose lyrics and music is also the strongest among all the trainees."

"Writing lyrics and composing music is also a part of idol boy groups. Although this part does not require the most stringent professional skills, it would be best if a trainee has such talent and ability."

"Therefore, for Cao Gong's first stage performance, the team selected for him cannot use the above songs."

"This is a song that Cao Gong can only write, compose and choreograph."

"If he can't compose a song, he can adapt the songs he wrote and composed before."

"For example, he can choose any song from Liu Dehua's new album to adapt."

After Zhang Yixing explained this rule, everyone looked at Cao Gong.

Cao Gong also swallowed his saliva.

"I would like to ask, our performance will start in a few days?"

"Two weeks later. Dilireba smiled and told Cao Gong the time.

"Two weeks to write a song and choreograph it? We also need to practice coordination…"

Justin looked at Fan Chengcheng, who was also looking at him.

Then Fan Chengcheng said to Cao Gong without any politeness:"Suddenly I feel that you are not so attractive anymore."

"……"Cao Gong is speechless. Really, this is a damn competition system.

"No, I feel like I'm being targeted." Cao Gong really felt this way.

"What should I do? You can't return the goods, so we can only go ahead with it now."

Fan Chengcheng felt that it was too late to regret now, so he had to go ahead with it.

"Then...who will you choose from the next trainee?" Huang Minghao asked

"No one wants to join our group now." Cao Gong said while looking at the trainees.

Most of them looked away, obviously they were really scared.

In 15 days, Cao Gong had to write a song and choreograph it, and they had to practice coordination.

The time was too tight, this was impossible.

What's more, you don't know whether this song will be a hit or not, and you don't know the quality of the song.

"I want to go." Zhu Zhengting expressed his true feelings.

"Right, you want to go too?" At this time, Cai Xukun also turned around and asked Zhu Zhengting

"Yes, if I join this group, I will be one of the original singers of the songs written by Cao Ze."

"Such a good opportunity, how can I not let it go, even though I don't know what the song is like"

"But for us trainees, being one of the original singers of a song is simply a recognition and luck, so of course we have to join."Zhu Zhengting wanted to go so badly.

While they were discussing, Cao Gong discussed with Fan Chengcheng and Huang Minghao.

They discussed who they would choose as their final team member.

Because their team could have six people, which meant that Fan Chengcheng could choose five teammates.

"Let's not force them. Cao Gong said to Fan Chengcheng

"Come on, among the remaining trainees, those who are willing to join our group, raise your hands."

"Those who don't want to come don't need to raise their hands."

"Then we will choose the remaining three teammates from those who raised their hands.

Cao Gong used this method to choose the final three teammates.

Of the more than 90 trainees, most did not raise their hands.

In addition, the trainees in Class A and Class B did not raise their hands. Only the trainees in Class D and Class F raised their hands, and only one person in Class C raised his hand.

"Lin Yanjun, how tall are you? Cao Gong pointed at Lin Yanjun from Class D.

"Huh? Me, 181cm. Lin Yanjun said his real height

"Come on." Cao Gong was not polite and asked him to come over.

"What? Are we choosing by height?" Fan Chengcheng asked in surprise.

"You and Justin are both 183cm tall, I am 185cm tall, and Lin Yanjun is 181cm tall.."

"If he chooses someone under 180cm tall, he will feel even more pressured."

Trainees who are less than 180cm tall are now offended.

"Then Bi Wenjun, he is 187."Huang Minghao proposed a

"Yes, Li Quanzhe is fine. Fan Chengcheng also thought this was a good choice, because they were all from the Yuehua Seven.

"The key is that they didn't raise their hands either." Cao Gong said to the two people with a smile.

Li Quanzhe, who was called, was also very embarrassed. He really didn't raise his hand.

"Then Bi Wenjun, he raised his hand, Bi Wenjun can do it."Fan Chengcheng pointed at Bi Wenjun and said

"What's wrong? I can't give you warmth anymore? You're the only one who can choose from Lehua Seven?"

"Haha~" Fan Chengcheng and Huang Minghao, who were being criticized, lowered their heads and laughed non-stop.

The three mentors just watched them quarreling and said nothing.

"Come on."Bi Wenjun has raised his hand, so come on, you're welcome.

Now there's only one person left, the last choice, Cao Gong looked at Chen Li and said,

"Are you sure you want to come, Chen Li? Cao Gong asked Chen Li.

"I want to go, but I'm not good at dancing and I'm afraid of being a burden to you."

"If you don't mind, then I can definitely do it."Chen Li-Nong can't dance, but she can sing.

"Come on." In this case, Cao Gong chose him.

Cao Gong also remembered that this guy seemed to have debuted in the end, and he seemed to be the second place.

Chen Li-Nong debuted entirely because of his cuteness and popularity with the audience.

But to be honest, although he can sing, there are many trainees in this training camp who sing better than him and dance better than him.

It just so happens that this program relies on audience voting, so strength is very important.

But good audience popularity is also a very crucial factor.

All in all, the strength of the boy group selected by this program can really be said to be uneven.

In this way, their team members are formed.

Cao Gong from Class A, Justin Huang Minghao from Class B, Chen Li-Nong from Class C, Lin Yanjun, Bi Wenjun, and Fan Chengcheng from Class D

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