""Oh!!!!!!!!!!" The audience cheered without thinking.

The audience cheered, and the trainees in the practice room cheered too.

Cao Gong’s behavior was indeed trying his best to help others get fairer treatment.

Although he knew that the effect of doing so would not be very great, at least Cao Gong did it, didn’t he?

And he also knew that he was indeed too popular, so he made such a relatively fair request.

Hearing the cheers from the audience, Cao Gong took a deep breath and then exhaled.

In this way, he calmed down.

There was no accompaniment, only he sang a cappella.

There were no lyrics, only he performed alone

"It's like missing you, like your gentle passing~"

When his a cappella singing voice resounded throughout the entire scene, everyone felt the romantic atmosphere of the song, especially Dilireba on the stage, who smiled like a flower when she heard this familiar singing voice.

This song was heard by her for the first time.

So when she heard this familiar and romantic love song, her sweetness could not be hidden

"Until I have traveled through half a lifetime and four seasons"

"Only then did I realize that the scenery is not as good as you"

"I love you like the wind that goes thousands of miles without asking when it will return, like the sun that rises and sets regardless of day or night~"

"I love you like a moth to a flame, so fearless, like the yellow flowers piled up in the past and blown away by the wind~~"

The climax of this song is romantic and touching. How can the girls on the scene stand it?

Cao Gong's gentle voice makes people feel his sincere feelings.

The lyrics are romantic, and the singing is also romantic and touching, which makes the audience on the scene more fascinated after listening.

Dilireba on the stage has the most beautiful and sweetest smile.

She has heard this song countless times and still likes it very much, just likes the song he sang.

Of course, the audience on the scene also noticed how happy Dilireba smiled on the stage.

Even the several mentors in another waiting room smiled when they heard this song.

Especially Cheng Xiao, a little girl, as long as they are girls, they can't stand Cao Gong's singing.

Several male mentors are okay, they envy and admire Cao Gong's ability to write lyrics and singing skills.

Compared with girls, boys are rarely moved by Cao Gong's singing.

Of course, they will not be moved by this song, but other songs will still move others.

Sweet love songs like this are of course still liked by girls.

The other trainees in the waiting room admire Cao Gong's singing skills.

They had seen Cao Gong's singing skills before, and they were indeed very good.

But what they didn't expect was that they had seen Cao Gong's singing skills before, but he was holding back.

This time was different. There was no musical accompaniment, only a cappella singing by Cao Gong, and he used all his singing skills to the fullest, and his emotional integration into the song was just right. He had a steady breath, clear pronunciation, and sang every line of the lyrics just right. His voice was not out of tune, and his emotions were integrated very well. His singing voice expressed the emotions used in every line of the lyrics very well.

This kind of a cappella singing skills can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack on the trainees on the scene.

You know, Cao Gong's singing skills are copied from Zhang Xueyou, one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Zhang Xueyou's singing skills are the best among the Four Heavenly Kings.

In the entire Chinese music scene, some people say that Zhang Xueyou's singing skills can enter the top ten, and some people say that there are too many people who can beat Zhang Xueyou's singing skills to count.

But singing skills are a matter of opinion, and cannot be generalized.

No matter where Zhang Xueyou's singing skills rank, his singing skills are among the top in the Chinese music scene.

Cao Gong copied Zhang Xueyou's singing skills, so naturally, his love song singing can be said to be the pinnacle of his age. For the current trainees, of course, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

"Wow~" After the singing performance, Reba screamed happily and proudly showed off to the audience:"How is it? Isn't it nice?""

"Hahaha~" Reba's arrogant and complacent reaction made the whole audience burst into laughter.

The audience watching the show also posted barrages to tease Reba:

"Why are you so proud? It's not you who sang it."

"Haha~ Reba made it sound like your boyfriend was singing"

"It's just like you sang it, so proud and cool haha~"

"Reba, you are not his girlfriend, why are you so arrogant?"

"This proud little expression seems to be telling everyone: My boyfriend sings well, right?"

"Reba: How about it, does my husband sing well?"

"Reba: Humph, he is my man, you have no chance."

These comments were posted by the audience when the program was broadcast.

However, Reba, who was at the scene, still smiled and interacted with the audience.

"Well, the appetizer for the group match is over."

"Next, it is time for our trainees to accept the assessment of the on-site national producers."

"According to our agreement, the national producers on the scene cannot vote for Cao Gong's team and their performance. They can only vote for his teammates or the opponent team against him."

After Reba explained, it started

""Orcs" Groups A and B are invited to start preparing."After Dilireba finished speaking, she began to leave the stage.

Everyone started to prepare for the two groups of"Orcs" that were called.

The trainees of the two groups went over, and the others were waiting to watch the performance.

On the contrary, Cao Gong sat in his seat, writing and drawing something.

After the performance began, Cao Gong also looked at the TV.

The performances of the two groups actually had two problems.

For the audience on the scene, the same song, different groups performed, and at present, Group A's performance was better, mainly because the trainees in Group A had more uniform costumes, better looking, and more imposing.

The trainees in Group A are wearing uniform clothes, which are very attractive to watch, and they are also handsome and cool.

The trainees in Group B are only wearing the stage costumes prepared by the program team. In this respect, Group A lacks a reason to canvass for votes, and their aura is also insufficient.

In fact, this is the advantage of preparing stage costumes at your own expense.

Because it is your own performance, if you choose and prepare the stage costumes yourself, you will feel more and choose more appropriate ones, and the costume designers of the program team are not professionals. Since they are not professionals, the stage costumes they prepare are certainly not attractive enough to watch.

Of course, the trainees in Group A are better dancers, which is beyond doubt.

But Cao Gong himself could not analyze the final number of votes.

Because it depends on the audience's personal preferences, and ten out of ten audiences understand it, so it is impossible to guess.

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