The second performance mission finally came.

The remaining sixty trainees all gathered together again.

"Well, I guess everyone knows that the second stage performance is coming."

Reba is still very beautiful and charming in her outfit today.

Cao Gong, who was standing in the crowd, naturally looked at this charming sister.

"Second performance stage, position evaluation"

"There are three main positions in idol groups: vocab 1, dance, and rap.

The trainees at the scene all looked at the extremely beautiful Dilireba announcing the tasks for this time.

Every trainee listened very carefully.

"Look at the background wall next to you. There are songs for the three positions on it."

Dilreba motioned everyone to look at the songs on the background wall.

However, when they looked over, they found a problem.

"Dance songs: Nunchucks, Insomnia, PokerFace, Have to Love"

"Wow, all four songs are hits."Nunchucks" is by Jay Chou,"Insomnia" is a classic song by QQ Speed,"PokerFace" is a hit by Reddy Gaga, and"Have to Love" is a song by PD Reba."

Dilraba, holding the microphone, looked at Cao Gong with satisfaction.

From her eyes, the audience could see the affection of Lasi.

"VOCAB1 has five songs: Xiaoban, Model, Has Anyone Told You, Alwaysonline, and Love Transfer"

"Voca1 also has Cao Zei's songs."Seeing this, everyone looked at Cao Gong.

Cao Gong himself was also slightly surprised when he saw it. He really didn't expect it.

Since his songs were included, it meant that he was recognized for his ability.

"Rap: Compendium of Materia Medica, In the Name of the Father, Turndownforwhat……"

"There are also Cao Zei's songs in rap 457, Cao Zei's songs in all three positions."

The trainees also discovered this.

At this time, Cao Ze himself didn't know what the program team was doing?

How can I say these songs?

Why did they put his own songs here?

"Have you all seen these 13 songs?"Dilraba asked them

"Almost all the trainees answered this question.

"You must be curious, there are Cao Zei's own songs in the three positions of voca1, dance, and rap"

"In this case, wouldn’t it be beneficial to him?"

""Yes!!!" The trainees answered one after another.

Reba knew it would be like this, so she prepared the following answer.

After reading the script, she said:"Because Cao Gong is a creative trainee, he has already had many representative songs before his debut."

"Therefore, in this position evaluation, Cao Gong can choose according to his own preferences."

"Choose any of the three locations."

"But he doesn't���Choose your own song"

"In other words, Cao Gong himself cannot choose the song"Love Transfer" by voca1, the song"Have to Love" by dance, and the song"Compendium of Materia Medica" by rap, and can only choose other songs."

"Ah~" After listening to the words of Reba's instructor, all the trainees suddenly realized it.

Including Cao Gong himself, he decided that this was a matter of course and was not surprised.

But, there should be more, right?

"Of course, Cao Gong can also choose original"

"Vocal, dance, rap three positions, you can choose any position to create an original song"

"Then, the other trainees can only choose Cao Gong's original songs at most four people."

"Of course, all the trainees felt that if they were not sure about choosing Cao Gong’s original song, they could choose other songs. In the end, if Cao Gong chose the original song but no trainee chose to team up with him, then he would have to solo by himself, without teammates."

""Wow~" This additional link shocked all the trainees on the scene.

Now it's a gamble, Cao Ze's song.

Now all the trainees looked at Cao Gong to see what he would choose.

"You can choose any position, right? Cao thief is good at all three positions."Fan Chengcheng strongly supports Cao Gong.

"How can he be good at three positions? He is good at four positions: voca1, dance, rap and composition."

"Yes, Cao Ze can choose any position, and his songs are also in these three positions."

"What to choose? Which position will Cao Ze choose?"

"Choose voca1? After all, the last performance was a dance song, and I created the song"Scripture Pavilion""

"There are no songs in vocab 1? Love Transfer, Serving the Country with Loyalty, I Love You Without Asking When to Return, Bitter Tea, these three songs are all from vocab 1, right? Or should I choose rap?"

"Rap? Compendium of Materia Medica, have you forgotten it?"

All of a sudden, all the trainees started to discuss it.

Cao Ze himself was also very entangled at this time. He was thinking about what he should choose.

"Remember, for those who choose the songs, there is a limit on the number of songs you can play."

"Once the quota for this song is full, it will no longer be available for selection."

"At the same time, trainees who choose the same song will automatically become teammates."

Dilraba added this at the end.

All the trainees are very clear about it, and it depends on how they choose next.

"Now, choose according to the ranking order."After saying that, Reba looked at the thoughtful Cao Gong.

Cao Gong walked up and looked at the 13 songs on the background wall.

After thinking seriously, which of these three positions should he choose?

Cao Gong straightened his back, pinched his chin and thought seriously.

But he turned around, looked at Reba with gentle eyes, and said lovingly:"What do you think?"

""Huh?" Reba, with her hands behind her back, smiled and was surprised.

But at this time, the audience watching the show were already screaming.

After the show was broadcast, the audience watching the show was even more crazy about posting comments.

"what happened���What's going on? What does this mean?"

"So sweet! So doting~" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"How can the eyes be so loving? How can the smile be so sweet?"

"Should I ask my girlfriend? Let her decide?" (badh)

"Which part of my performance do you like to see? Dancing or singing? Or rapping?"

"Dance or sing or rap? My position evaluation, wife, help me decide"

"Wife, you help me decide, I will listen to you"[]


But at the scene, Reba pretended not to understand:"What about me?"

"Vocal1, dance, rap, which position do you want to see performance?"

When Cao Gong asked her this, Reba's pretty face was filled with a sweet smile.

With her hands behind her back, Reba wrinkled her nose and said cutely and sweetly:"I want to listen to the original"

"Of course, Cao Gong thought it was okay for Reba to make such a small request.

"Hmm~" Reba really analyzed it for him seriously.

"If you want to be original, choosing dance is a bit dangerous"

"If no trainee chooses you, you will be the only one dancing. How embarrassing would that be?"

"Why not choose the dance position?"Reba helped analyze it, and Cao Gong thought it was okay.

"As for rap, I think it's okay, but I'm sure many people will choose RPA"

"Cai Xukun, Fan Chengcheng, Xiao Gui, etc., most of them definitely chose rap"

""I'll sing voca1, your singing voice is beautiful." Reba didn't realize that this was a talent show.

Countless viewers were posting comments:

Hey, hey, hey, please, this is a talent show, not a dating show.

This is the song selection stage of a talent show, how can you still talk about love?

In our family, my wife is the boss! If my wife asks me to sing voca1

, I will sing voca1. If my wife wants me to sing voca1, I have to sing voca1, haha~

If my wife wants to hear me sing, then I will sing voca1


"Then let's choose voca1." In this case, Cao Gong also chose voca1

"What kind of songs do you want to listen to? Cao Gong openly asked Reba

"Oh, oh, oh~" This is not it. The trainees present all cheered.

The trainees' cheering made Reba even sweeter. She covered her mouth and laughed with her head tilted back.

Cao Gong wanted her to decide the theme, and then he would write the songs she liked to listen to.

This kind of welfare, I just ask if you are spoiled enough

"I want to listen to sweet songs, which are compliments to me. They must be sweet and romantic.

Reba was really not polite and said the style of songs she wanted to listen to.

Cao Gong, pinching his chin, continued to push the pink atmosphere to the climax.

"For example, this…" After Cao Gong said this, under Reba’s puzzled gaze, he suddenly sang two lines:"Superido1’s smile is not as sweet as yours, and the sunshine at noon in June is not as dazzling as you."…"

"……"Suddenly, Reba was stunned when she heard these two lyrics.

But she reacted quickly and understood the meaning of these two lyrics.

"Puchi~" Reba, who understood the meaning of the lyrics, covered her mouth and laughed shyly.

"Oh oh oh~" The other trainees acted as the atmosphere group, cheering

"Superido1's smile is not as sweet as yours~" Fan Chengcheng, this conspicuous bag, sang even more

"Haha~" Hearing the lyrics sung by Fan Chengcheng made Reba smile even sweeter

"Superiod1's smile is not as sweet as yours~" Such a simple lyrics, all the trainees at the scene remembered it one after another, and of course they sang it to PD Dilireba.

Hearing these two lines of praise for her, how could Dilireba not be happy?

It can be said that she was overjoyed and sweet to the heart.

Cao Gong, who was standing next to her, smiled lovingly at the shy Dilireba.

"I don't want to listen to this anymore, it's too sweet, I have to control my sugar intake recently."

Reba put her hands behind her back and acted like a girlfriend, as if she was being coquettish and willful to her boyfriend.

"Well, it's time to control the sugar intake, today's portion is a bit too sweet."

Reba stuck out her tongue cutely and said,"Then you can write a love song, a passionate one is fine too.""

"It would be best if it was about rain." Reba said the songs she wanted to listen to and also mentioned the elements

"Rain?"Songs about rain?

"Yes, there must be rain, and it must be a song of the Chinese national style." Reba was really not polite at all. After she said the song she wanted, she thought of something and asked cautiously:"Can, can it be? Will it be too difficult?"

Facing Reba's worry, Cao Gong still asked her lovingly:"Is it difficult to marry you?"

"Oh, oh, oh~" The trainees at the scene were all excited and cheered again.

And the heroine Reba even covered her mouth and laughed until her head was raised.

After the show was broadcast, this segment was watched repeatedly by countless fans and viewers. Is it difficult to marry you? This sentence has become the hottest buzzword on the entire network.

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