The next day, Cao Gong arrived at the place Wu Jing said. He wanted to come here for training.

Actually, he didn't come here for training, but to copy.

After arriving here, Cao Gong met the person arranged by Wu Jing.

After shaking hands with the other party, Cao Gong copied the use of B-level firearms from the other party.

Of course, copying is copying, and it is true that he also knows how to do it.

But if you want to be proficient, you still need to spend some time to practice.

Just like he practiced so hard every day in the first half of the month in the training camp.

He practiced six sets of clothes every day, because after copying Zhang Yixing's A dance, he needed to spend time to become proficient, otherwise he would not be able to master it completely.

If you want to achieve A dance, it would take four or five years to practice from a novice; but Cao Gong only needs to copy it and spend ten days and half a month to get familiar with it.

This is the happiness of having a system.

People without a system can only sweat for four or five years.

But with a system, he only needs to sweat for ten days and half a month.

The firearms copied today are also the same, and Cao Gong also needs a few days to get familiar with it.

It was because of this that the coach arranged by Wu Jing was stunned.

What he didn't expect was that Cao Gong actually learned so quickly?

Although it was just a movie, Cao Gong learned too fast?

"I feel like you don't even need to come tomorrow." The coach said bitterly.

""Huh?""We've only practiced for a day, why are you not allowed to come?

Although these are prop guns, they still feel very good.

"You will learn these things quickly today."

"In fact, it is enough for you to make a movie."

Even the coach said so, Cao Gong certainly felt that there was no problem.

Thinking about the movie"Wolf Warrior 2", it seems that I don't need to know much about disassembling guns, right? Even in the movie, my movements don't need to be too standard.

"No, that's not right. It should be still needed. Cao Gong thought of something and quickly checked it on his phone.

"Sure enough."After confirming his idea, Cao Gong felt more relieved.

Learning how to use these firearms will be beneficial to his future development. What

Cao Gong just investigated was the real event of"Operation Red Sea".

Calculating the time, it seems that this movie will start shooting next year, right?

Knowing this, Cao Gong checked the Internet to see what the progress of the movie is now.

It happened that he had time these days, so he could contact

《Cao Gong felt that he could play the sniper Gu Shun in"Operation Red Sea".

After all, he had been practicing the use of firearms and some professional movements in the past two days.

Now, after copying his abilities, he felt that he was almost there.

While there was still time, Cao Gong took the initiative to find director Lin Chaoxian.

Because he did some research and found out that director Lin Chaoxian was casting in the capital.

It was as if everything was developing according to Cao Gong's ideal.

When he arrived at the training camp where Lin Chaoxian was, Cao Gong directly told the staff that he was going in for an audition.

"There is no audition today." The staff stopped Cao Gong

"I knew there was no audition, so I went in and recommended myself to the director."

""Hey, you look familiar." The staff found Cao Gong familiar.

""Heh." Cao Gong thought he was a good person, so he explained his identity.

When he learned that he was Liu Dehua's son Cao Zei, who was very popular on the Internet recently.

After the staff knew that he was also a star, they let him in.

After Cao Gong came in, he saw the people here. Director Lin Chaoxian was meeting and chatting with several actors.

"Hello, Director Lin, sorry to bother you. Seeing that Lin Chao had finished chatting, Cao Gong went over to say hello.

"Who are you?" Lin Chaoxian looked at the young man in front of him curiously.

"I’m Cao Gong, and I’d like to ask if you’re still short of actors for your movie"Operation Red Sea"?"

"I think I can do it." Cao Gong explained his purpose directly.

"Are you an actor?" Lin Chaoxian was surprised, but he still asked Cao Gong.

The actors just now also looked at Cao Gong.

At this time, Cao Gong smiled and explained to Director Lin Chaoxian:"Before answering Director Lin's question"

"Let me ask Director Lin first, do you want to hear me introduce myself based on my connections or my resume? Cao Gong's unique question surprised the director.

"Do you want to introduce yourself in a relationship-based way? Tell me, what is your relationship?"

"Director Lin Chaoxian, let me introduce myself to you in a personal way."

"Hello, Director Lin. I’m Cao Gong, stage name Cao Zei, 185cm tall, 20 years old, born in 1996. My father is Liu Dehua, I’m his son, and Wu Jing is my uncle. In September, I’m going to play a supporting role in Wu Jing’s movie"Wolf Warrior 2". At the same time, I’m also a freshman at the Shanghai Theatre Academy this year, and I’m currently participating in a talent show for an idol boy group."

"As for acting, I have never acted before, but I think I have talent. At least I can guarantee that my acting skills will not disappoint Director Lin. At the same time, I am young and capable. The filming conditions for Operation Red Sea must be very difficult. At the same time, I also know that Director Lin is a devil director. I have heard about it a long time ago. But I dare to come, and I must be mentally prepared."

"Furthermore, although I am participating in the idol boy group talent show, it does not mean that I am afraid of hardship, fatigue, and pain like other young boys. As long as you can bear it, you can abuse me during the filming."

"OK, I have introduced myself."After the introduction, Cao Gong smiled at Lin Chaoxian.

Lin Chaoxian was stunned. Is this boy Liu Dehua's illegitimate son?

Liu Dehua has an illegitimate son, which has long been an obvious thing in the circle.

Many years ago, Liu Dehua admitted it at a press conference. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

But in order not to disturb the child, Liu Dehua never exposed the child to the public and protected him very well.

Unexpectedly, he has grown up now.

Looking at the second-generation star Cao Gong in front of him, Lin Chaoxian suddenly had a much better impression.

Liu Dehua's son? Although he doesn't look like Liu Dehua at all.

But Lin Chaoxian felt that the boy in front of him was not lying.

Even the actors next to him were stunned. They quickly checked on the Internet and it was true.

This Cao thief is the Cao thief who is very popular and has a high topic in recent times?

"Are you relying on your father's connections to let me use you?" Lin Chao asked Cao Gong

"Of course, if you think this is possible, I will definitely not refuse."

"After all, if I can take shortcuts by using my father's identity, I definitely don't want to work hard."

"But if you think that I am taking shortcuts by relying on my father's status, and you don't like it, it's ok, as long as you give me a chance to prove it to you, just mention it, and I will prove it to you now."

Cao Gong's attitude is so good and so open, Lin Chaoxian really looks at him with new eyes.

".Okay, this happens to be a training camp, you want me to give you a chance, right?"

"Come on, which role do you want to choose?" As he said that, Lin Chaoxian took out the script.

There were two roles that had not been chosen for actors.

Sniper Gu Shun and observer Li Dong

"Both are fine, but I prefer the sniper, not for anything else, but because it has a lot of scenes and the role is very important. It definitely requires a reliable actor to take on this role, and I think I can do it."

Lin Chaoxian didn't rush to refute, and said:"Okay, then show me how to do it."

"What does a sniper look like? And your understanding of sniper rifles, and your acting skills, show me how you can play this sniper well?"

Lin Chaoxian wanted to audition on the spot, and Cao Gong certainly did not back down.

With so many people's comments on the scene, Cao Gong immediately performed in his own way.

Picking up a prop sniper rifle, Cao Gong's sniper movements can be said to be quite professional.

Compared with the profession of actor, Cao Gong is very professional in these habitual movements of snipers.

But compared with a real sniper, it is of course much worse.

But this is an actor, for acting, and there is definitely no comparison with a professional sniper.

Even the action of the sniper holding the gun, Cao Gong did it very professionally.

((Zhao Wang's) Especially Cao Gong, who had no gum in his mouth, chewed gum without a real object.

Because for a sniper, chewing gum and eating things like dried fruits can keep him focused and concentrate.

And his eyes were particularly sharp when he was holding the gun, as if he was really a sniper.

After performing this, when he ran forward with a sniper rifle, he also made the same movements as a soldier when he was moving forward. Every movement was natural, as if he himself was a special forces soldier.

These were actually copied by Cao Gong from several coaches at the training camp in the past two days.

In addition to copying the ability to use firearms, two of the coaches used to be soldiers.

Now they have retired and become instructors.

So Cao Gong copied their abilities from them.

Cao Gong, who is only 20 years old, will definitely have many opportunities to play a soldier in the future.

So the abilities copied from these two coaches will be of great use to him in playing a soldier in the future.

This is not it. What he is showing to Director Lin Chaoxian now is what Lin Chaoxian wants to see.

"Papa~" After Cao Gong finished his performance, Director Lin Chaoxian couldn't help but applaud.

"Not bad, not bad, you really came prepared."Lin Chaoxian smiled and patted Cao Gong on the shoulder.

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