"No, this is not the point I want to make. Cao Gong told Reba that this was not the point he wanted to make.

"What is that? I don’t understand." Now Reba really doesn’t know

"The key point is a line of lyrics..." Cao Gong said, and sang it to Reba

"I should have gotten used to the nights without you.~"

"……"After Reba heard this line, she was stunned at first, but soon she covered her mouth and laughed.

""Puff~" I really didn't understand it just now, but now I understand.

How can this be the point of the song?

It's obvious that he is deliberately using this line to tease her.

Singing the lyrics"I should have gotten used to your night" to Reba~, it means too much.

It makes the atmosphere between the two of them even more pink and ambiguous.

At the same time, it also makes Reba more shy, sweeter and happier.

Seeing how sweet she is with her mouth covered and smiling, you know how happy she is now.

But the audience of the show is even more crazy and excited.

Because Cao Gong is using the song to tease girls

"This is teasing our girl with songs!"

"It’s fine if he conquered our Pang Di with his talent, but he also teased our Pang Di with his lyrics, that’s too much!!!"

"You thief Cao, you are a real thief!!!"

"You thief Cao, the hatred for stealing my wife is irreconcilable!"

"I, Cao, was attracted by Cao Gong!"

"What should Reba do now? It seems that she will not be single soon!"

The riot of fans and audiences also further demonstrated Cao Gong's ability.

However, this all needs to wait until the show is broadcast, but not now.

Now in the instrument room, Reba has been coaxed by Cao Gong and is very happy.

"What is this? You are just flirting without taking responsibility." Reba hit Cao Gong's arm.

Cao Gong, who was blamed, was relieved:"If I lose my job, will you support me?"

""Puchi~" This familiar line is from"The King of Comedy".

It's a little different, but it's actually the same.

"Before I answer your question, I have a question for you. Reba looked into her eyes.

"Okay, go ahead and ask." You can ask any questions and he will answer them.

"What if, for example, you get married and meet me after marriage, will you cheat on me?"

Reba's question was very exciting to the audience.

But facing this question, Cao Gong looked at Reba seriously and asked,"Who is it? Who is marrying me?""

"Even if it is, you still take it seriously?" Reba was even more angry and laughed when she was asked back.

"Then there must be a hypothetical object, or an object in my imagination, right?"

What Cao Gong said was right, so Reba simply said:"It's just one, with 1.7 meters long legs"

""Slurp~" Upon hearing that it was a 1.7-meter long leg, Cao Gong could not help but slurping his saliva.

Cao Gong's genuine reaction made the audience watching the show burst into laughter.

Although he did not say anything, his slurping reaction said it all.

Reba was even more angry and laughed. She clenched her pink fist and punched him on the arm:"Hurry up and tell me."

Cao Gong swallowed his saliva and looked very anxious:"Then, those 1.7-meter long legs, are they beautiful...beautiful?"

"Beautiful, looks exactly like Liu Yifei."Dilraba said a target very straightforwardly.

"So, what are the conditions?" Cao Gong continued to ask.

"I have a car, a house, savings, and a mine at home." Reba made this setting very high.

But after hearing this, Cao Gong looked at Reba and said his thoughts very frankly:"Under this situation, shouldn't I meet you? Aren't we from different worlds?"

""Pfft~" Dilireba, who was insulted, couldn't hold it in.

Looking at Dilireba who was laughing, Cao Gong continued:"Look, my wife has a mine, how about you? You are just a little star, how could you possibly meet me? We are not from the same world, aren't you making a fuss?"

"Ah~ You came to my house as a nanny, I know you?"

You actually said she was a nanny? Reba was so angry that she laughed.

"You just said it. After all, I am a little star. How could I possibly go to your house to be a nanny?"

"Oh, that's right." Cao Gong nodded seriously, which meant that it was correct.

"We are neighbors and live in the same community, is that okay?"

"Or, the neighborhood you live in is mine, is that okay?" Reba asked him, biting her lip.

"Ah? Your community?" Now he understood.

"Yes, the whole community belongs to me. Reba asked this question seriously.

"Well, according to the current housing prices, my wife's family has a mine, and you are a little star, so you must live in a good place; we are neighbors, so let's assume"

"The neighborhood we live in must be pretty good, so let's calculate based on the average price of a house being 2 million."

"There are 33 floors in a building. If we don't count four households per floor, there are only two households per floor, which is not too many. That's 66 apartments."

"2 million per unit, 66 units, that's 132 million per unit"

"But the community we live in is considered a high-end community. There are not many buildings in the whole community, only eight."

"132 million per building, 8 buildings would cost over 1 billion.…"

"No, are all the little stars so rich? How about 1 billion?"Cao Gong asked Reba in surprise while being dazed, and then Cao Gong immediately said to Reba:"Sister, I love you, I don't want to work hard."

Reba was already covering her mouth and laughing so hard, he really thought about it.

Including the audience watching the show, they were also amused by Cao Gong's assumption.

Especially Cao Gong's last sentence: Sister, I don't want to work hard, I love you.

This classic line was said by Cao Gong to Reba before.

And this sentence is very popular, but no matter how popular it is, Cao Gong still said the best and most classic. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, I have assets of 1 billion, but the only problem is that I am a bit old."

When Reba said that she was old, Cao Gong immediately confessed:"It doesn't matter whether there is money or not, the main thing is that I like older people."

"My stage name is Cao Zei, Cao Cao likes married women."

"I am not Cao Cao, but I like sister-brother relationships."

Even Cao Gong could say such shameless words.���Reba covered her collarbone and couldn't stop laughing.

The audience watching the show were also amused by Cao Gong's reaction.

Many people would definitely choose this.

But what everyone didn't expect was that a public figure like Cao Gong would also do this.

However, Cao Gong's behavior was real, not artificial or hypocritical, and looked normal.

"But I am not just a little old, I am 70 years old." Reba said her age with a smile.

Upon hearing Reba's age, Cao Gong immediately said:"That won't work, the main reason is that I cheated on my wife, and my wife is unhappy! That was Concubine Liu Yi! Not someone else."

Cao Gong's shameless look made Reba laugh.

"It's not Liu Yifei! It just looks like Liu Yifei!"Reba laughed, but also made it clear.

Ask for flowers

"It doesn't matter whether she is Liu Yifei or not, as long as they look alike, I will just treat her as Liu Yifei"

"Mainly, my wife is Liu Yifei."

"My wife is Liu Yifei, and I still cheated on her. Let’s not talk about whether I am stupid or not."

"The point is, the audience will scold me if they know about it, saying:"How can you cheat on your wife when she is Liu Yifei?"

Cao Gong said it as if it were true, but it made Reba laugh so hard that tears came out.

Including the audience watching the show, all of them were amused by Cao Gong's true words.

It was really hilarious, and it was fun to think about this assumption.

Especially after this episode was broadcast, even Liu Yifei herself responded to this matter on Weibo.

"Is that still me? I am still Dilraba Dilmurat. I cannot say that I am more beautiful than Liu Yifei."

"But at least I am also a great beauty like Liu Yifei, right?" Reba was right. She and Liu Yifei were indeed super beauties of the same level.

Cao Gong thought seriously and agreed with Reba's words and nodded.

"Right." Seeing him nod, Reba asked if so.

But after thinking for a second, Cao Gong looked at Reba and said excitedly with sobs:"But you are 70."

Cao Gong's sobbing tone once again made Reba laugh without any image.

"Well, let’s do this." Reba laughed so hard that tears came out of her eyes, and she used another analogy:"I am 70 years old, and your wife is also 70 years old. If you meet me, will you cheat on me?"

Reba’s question made Cao Gong tilt his head, frown, and look puzzled.

But Cao Gong’s puzzled expression was very similar to the expression of the black question mark emoticon.

With such an expression, Cao Gong asked in confusion:"Is that so?…"

"Since I'm already cheating, why don't I find someone young and pretty who looks like Yang Mi to cheat with? ?"

"……"Cao Gong's question made Reba stunned for a moment.

Yes, since he cheated on her, why did he cheat on a 70-year-old?

Reba's stunned expression and her expression that seemed to be like,"Oh, that's right."

The audience watching the show were all laughing so hard at these two people.

A good talent show was turned into a dating variety show by these two people.

Now it has even been upgraded to a comedy variety show. Can you believe it?

"But, but I have a community.���illustrate

"But my concubine Liu Yi also has a mine, right?" Cao Gong answered naively.

"I… said it wasn’t Liu Yifei." Reba suddenly became a little irritable.

"Oh, my wife looks like Liu Yifei, and she also has a mine, is that ok?"

"I'm so mad." Reba was furious. How come this guy couldn't embarrass him?

When Reba was angry, Cao Gong asked her weakly:"Have you ever had that assumption that I get married and my wife is as tall as Liu Yifei, 1.7 meters tall, with a house, a car, savings, and a mine at home?"

"Then I met you, the 70-year-old who owns a residential complex. After I met you, I sent you home and happened to see your 30-year-old nanny who looks like Yang Mi. Then I said to her... Hehe~" As he spoke, Cao Gong laughed like a pervert.

It was this pervert's expression that made countless viewers who watched the show laugh to tears.

Including Zhao Liying, who followed the show, she also laughed so hard that she fell down holding her stomach after watching this part.

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