Soon, the second performance stage is finally here.

Because it is already mid-to-late July, the trainees have been preparing for two weeks, and it is finally here.

So far, the program has aired five episodes.

Especially in the fourth and fifth episodes, the first performances of these trainees were broadcast.

The focus of the fourth episode was Cao Gong's selection of original songs.

Then he selected his teammates.

In the fifth episode, Cao Gong and his team's original song performance came.

On the stage, the song"Scripture Pavilion" performed by six people immediately attracted all the audience.

As the only original song among all the groups in this program.

Original music, original lyrics, original dance.

Such dance works make many audiences look forward to it.

After watching the song stage performance, many audiences were conquered by Cao Gong's musical talent.

This song"Scripture Pavilion" cannot be said to be very classic, nor can it be said to be very amazing.

But as a song, within two weeks, from writing lyrics, composing music and choreography, to practicing this song and performing it on stage, and the performance was very complete, with almost no problems.

This is already very rare for them.

Especially before Cao Gong and his team started this stage, they also played how much their group had come back to practice this song?

Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao, Chen Li-Nong, Lin Yanjun, Bi Wenjun and the other five were all trained hard by Cao Gong. Each of them was forced to practice by Cao Gong every day, and they practiced several vests in one day.

Cao Gong himself was the same, encouraging them and stimulating them to practice.

In the words of Cao Gong in the show, you haven't debuted yet, so you can't relax.

Here, everyone works hard, but only those who don't relax for a minute can debut.

Because if you relax a little, you are likely to be surpassed.

Look at Chen Li-Nong, a person who has only practiced dancing for three months, and now his dance has improved so much.

This is the person who was caught up when you four relaxed.

Fan Chengcheng, Huang Minghao, Lin Yanjun, and Bi Wenjun also saw Chen Li-Nong's efforts and dedication, so after they were inspired, they didn't slack off and practiced themselves.

It is precisely because of the core like Cao Gong and his leadership.

The six of them put in more effort than the group. On the night of the performance, their live performance of the song"Scripture Tripitaka" was more perfect than the stage performances of other groups, especially

Chen Li-Nong, who couldn't even remember the dance after the theme song assessment a month ago.

As a result, after two weeks of bloody abuse by Cao Gong, she also performed the dance of this song so well, which surprised countless audiences.

Not surprisingly, the song"Scripture Tripitaka" became the song with the highest number of votes that night.

Before the end, Cao Gong returned to the stage under the shouts of fans.

Cao Gong, who returned to the stage, performed a song"Bitter Tea" live.

The most surprising thing about this new song is that Cao Gong also imitated Reba's voice and sang a short passage.

It was because of this song that more audiences became fans of the Reba CP.

It was also after the fifth episode was broadcast that Cao Gong and Dilireba were on the hot search again.

Cao Gong's two new songs were also well received.

Even Cao Gong's biological father Liu Dehua posted on Weibo after watching this show.

"No, he is going to have a relationship, don't you fans care? When I first debuted and became famous, I didn't dare to talk about love. How come he is so sweet with the female mentor now, you don't object, but why are you screaming? This treatment is different."

Liu Dehua posted on Weibo to ask fans what's going on.

This also made Cao Gong's fans and Reba's fans leave messages.

Liu Dehua also opened a Weibo account for his son.

Although he doesn't post much and doesn't know how to post, he will ask his assistant to help post

"King of Heaven, your son is amazing and so talented!"

"Wow, you have taught your son well. I admire you." This fan's message received a reply from Liu Dehua:"It's not that I taught him well, it's his mother who taught him well! Everything he has now has nothing to do with me. It's all thanks to his mother. On the contrary, I am an incompetent father."

"You are indeed an idol who has been popular for decades! Just for what you said, I will continue to be your fan!"

"Praise! He didn’t take credit for anything, and he admitted that he wasn’t competent enough!"

"This is what a superstar should be like! If he is wrong, he is wrong. He should admit his mistake! He does not take credit for something he has not fulfilled his father's responsibility. This is better than the international superstar next door."

"Wow, I look forward to you and your son performing on the same stage! I also look forward to you and your son acting opposite each other on the same stage!"

"Yes, I look forward to you two performing on the same stage at your concert! I also look forward to you two acting together in the same movie."

Seeing the fans' expectations, Liu Dehua also replied:"Performing on the same stage will be possible soon. When he makes his debut after participating in this talent show, I will invite him to be my concert guest and take advantage of his popularity, haha~ As for the movie, it's hard to agree. It's probably up to fate. Of course, if it's a project we invested in ourselves, it's hard to say. Let's see. I won't agree to this for now."

"Wow, I hope you and your son can sing a song together!!!"

"Yes, that’s right, a father and son singing a song together on the same stage, this has never happened in the Chinese music scene, right?"


After the show aired, Cao Gong certainly didn't see these comments.

And now, on July 20, the second performance stage is here.

"Cao thief, how are you going to perform on stage tonight?" Chen Li asked Cao Gong. (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"Yes, I didn't come to the rehearsal yesterday.���As a teammate from the last time, Fan Chengcheng also asked.

Cao Gong, who was yawning, hugged a doll and said,"If I sing alone, I will definitely be high."

"No, you're just a vocab performance, why do you need to get excited?"

"Your vocab 1 must show your singing skills."Huang Minghao hit the point.

Cao Gong smiled and stopped talking.[]

At this time, the stylist came over to Cao Gong and said,"Let me style your hair."

Cao Gong sat down and accepted the hairstyle.

However, Cao Gong did not like those fancy hairstyles, he just wanted a simple, sunny and handsome hairstyle.

"No makeup, no makeup!" When Cao Gong saw the makeup artist was going to put makeup on him, he was very excited.

"Why don't you wear makeup? The makeup artist was very surprised.

"Allergy to cosmetics. This is an excuse Cao Gong made up.

In fact, it is not an allergy to cosmetics, but he simply does not like to wear makeup.

Because if he said he does not like to wear makeup, it might embarrass the people around him.

Everyone around him wears makeup, but he does not, which will make people around him very embarrassed.

But if he said he does not wear makeup because he is allergic to cosmetics, then it is different.

"Being handsome means you can be willful, you dare to go on stage without makeup." Everyone laughed.

"You guys are not bad looking, why do you need to put on makeup when going on stage?"

"Anyway, I am allergic to cosmetics, so I don't want to put on makeup, it's very troublesome."

Cao Gong doesn't wear makeup, just a hairstyle.

Of course, the stage costume must be changed, this is inevitable.

In fact, the stage costume is not a big deal, just a suit.

Now everything is ready, just waiting for the stage performance tonight to begin.

As time passed, the audience outside also came in one after another.

All the instructors have arrived, and they also went on stage to host.

"Hello everyone, I am the representative of the national producers, Dilireba."Dilireba, standing in the middle, smiled.

The audiences at the scene started to make noises, and some people raised their support signs.

Cheng Xiao, who was standing next to Dilireba, smiled and said,"Oh, I saw the sweetest support for Gong847ReCP."

After Cheng Xiao read this, Dilireba herself felt embarrassed.

The popularity of Gongre CP is even more popular than the CP of the most popular TV series.

There is no way, mainly because Gongre CP is very good-looking and very sweet.

"Hello everyone, I am the dance instructor Cheng Xiao. Cheng Xiao greeted the audience with a smile

"Cheng Xiao! Cheng Xiao!"There were also many audience members who liked Cheng Xiao.

"Wow, there are so many people tonight. It seems that everyone is looking forward to seeing the trainees’ stage performances, right?"

Zhang Yixing asked the audience with a smile.

The audience responded one after another, saying that they couldn’t wait.

On the stage, Dilireba also read the script and said,"It is said that tonight, there are fans and audiences coming from Taiguo and Hanguo."

"Wow, really?"Wang Jiaer was also very surprised when she heard about it.

"Yes!!!!"Fans from Tai Country and Han Country all raised their support signs.

"Who are you here to support?" Wang asked these foreign fans.

"Cao thief!!! These fans all shouted loudly, saying Cao thief's name.

""Have all of Cao Ze's fans spread to Han and Tai?" Li Ronghao was surprised.

Cao Gong in the practice room was also very surprised when he heard about it.

"It seems that in order not to disappoint the fans who came from abroad to support him, Cao Zei will have to have an encore tonight."Wang Jiaer explained to Zhang Yixing beside her with a smile.

Cheng Xiao interrupted and said with a smile:"It's useless for us to let Cao Zei have an encore! Cao Zei doesn't listen to us."

"Puchi~" Reba, who was standing in the center, lowered her head shyly and chuckled

"Oh, oh, oh~" All the audience members suddenly realized and started to make noises. The several mentors on the stage also understood.

Cheng Xiao even smiled deliberately at Dilireba beside him; the latter was indeed very shy now.

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