Three days later, the 60 to 35 selection process came.

25 trainees left, and two trainees from Cao Gong's group were also eliminated.

This meant that among the remaining 10 people, three more would be voted out.

Cao Gong, Fan Chengcheng, Zhu Zhengting, Huang Minghao, Li Quanzhe, Bi Wenjun and Huang Xinchun who stayed in the end were exactly the only one who was voted out among the seven members of Lehua Entertainment

, Ding Zeren. The remaining six people plus Cao Gong made up exactly 7 people.

"If I had known this earlier, I would have voted myself out, and joined Kunkun's group."

"You guys from Lehua are just getting together." Cao Gong also joked

"And Cheng Xiao is also from Lehua, how great is that?"

"Hehe~" Cheng Xiao, who was teased, smiled and said to him:"But I don’t know how to dance to your song, so I can only help you check it."

Cao Gong could understand, after all, he was the one who choreographed the dance for this song.

"By the way, Cao Ze, please write a song for me. Although Cheng Xiao is a mentor, he also invites singers.

"Is it for you? Or is it for your group? This is very important. In Cao Gong's opinion,

"Write for our group. Cheng Xiao explained that she was writing songs for their group.

"That won’t work." Cao Gong refused without hesitation, saying,"It’s no problem to write a song for you. I can write it in a few minutes, but if I write for your group, I can’t write it."

"Why?"Cheng Xiaofang's heart is still a little sweet

"No reason, I don't understand your group."

"Besides, your company may not like the songs I wrote, so I don’t want to work for someone who doesn’t like me.

This is Cao Gong’s answer, because he is not very famous now.

Although his love songs are very popular, Cheng Xiao is a girl group.

Girl group songs are completely different from love songs.

So the boss of her company or the music producer may not like the songs he wrote for the 083 girl group.

The audience watching the show also felt that Cao Gong was rational enough and was right.

"Then why can you just write a song for me?"Now they are the only ones in this practice room.

Of course, the other six members of Lehua are also here.

"It's simple. The words written for you don't have to be liked by the music producer of your company."

"I'll write a love song for you, and if it makes your heart beat fast, it will be considered a success."

"Even if your company's music producer doesn't like it, this song is written for you. You can release it anytime. If you don't want to release it, you can keep it."

"But writing for your group is different. This is not for one person, but for the entire group."

"Just because you like it doesn't mean your teammates like it, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Cheng Xiao understood and also understood Cao Gong's good intentions.

Indeed, for love songs, as long as they sound good, she likes them.

As long as she likes them, even if she can't release an album, she can still sing them on the show.

"Oh no, are you going to form a couple with mentor Cheng Xiao?"

"You guys are the heating CP, but you have a lot of CP fans now. Now you are also a CP with Cheng Xiao. Isn't that inappropriate?" Fan Chengcheng on the side even teased.

When Cheng Xiao was shy and didn't know what to do, Cao Gong was like a man.

He stood up to Cheng Xiao and gave him a sense of security.

"What's wrong? You can't date, and you can't be a couple?" Cao Gong said to Fan Chengcheng in dissatisfaction.

"Haha~ Why are you angry at me? I didn't provoke you, I just reminded you that you have a CP now, (bcej) and you still provoke our teacher Cheng Xiao, aren't you afraid of being scolded?"Fan Chengcheng laughed and scolded this bastard

"So what's wrong? I either get scolded or lose my job when I'm in a relationship, and I get scolded when I'm in a relationship"

"If we form one CP, we will be scolded. If we form two CPs, we will be scolded. So why not form more CPs?"

"Besides, your sister and I are a couple, otherwise why would you call me brother-in-law?"

"By the way, what is the name of your sister and I? Mi Lengleng, Cao Gong... Lenggong CP?"

"Cold Palace CP, hahaha~" Such a shameless Cao Gong made them all burst out laughing.

It seems to make sense. You will be scolded if you form a CP, so why not form more pairs?

"Then can't you just not form a CP?" Zhu Zhengting said with a smile

"Really, who would watch our show if we don’t pair up with each other?"

"Are all TV dramas now paired with couples good? Who would watch an idol drama if the male and female protagonists were not a couple?"

"Forming a CP is not like dating or getting married, so just form as many as you can."

"Besides, how can a man complain about having too many women? Which man doesn't dream of having three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines every day? Those who don't have this dream are embarrassed to call themselves men."

Cao Gong's bunch of twisted ideas made the audience laugh.

This time, all the male viewers in front of the TV expressed their agreement.

As a man, if you don't have a dream of polygamy, you really can't call yourself a man.

If you don't have a dream of having three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines, you can't call yourself a successful person.

"What is your dream? Is it polygamy, three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines?"

Cheng Xiao asked, while greeting Cao Gong's ears with his soft and boneless jade hands.

Cao Gong, who was being pulled by the ears, did not resist or struggle.

"Hey, my dream is more realistic than this"

"My dream is to rest my head on Yang Mi's legs and kiss Zhao Liying's mouth"

"Hahaha~" As soon as Cao Gong finished saying this, the people around him all burst into laughter.

"Ah!!!" The pain from his ears made Cao Gong scream. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Are you behaving like that?" Cheng Xiao scolded her fiercely.

"What's wrong? Can't I just think about it?" Cao Gong felt very aggrieved and said to Cheng Xiao,"I don't have this fate, but I can think about it, right? It's pretty happy to think about it.���

"You can't even deprive me of my right to think, right? Am I guilty?"

"Yes, I admit that it is not nice to tease others like this, it is vulgar, but aren't all public figures like this? It is just the spiritual food of ordinary people. Think about it, it is not against the law to tease others, right?"

"I admit that I am vulgar, but you cannot deprive me of the right to tease them."

Cao Gong's grievances made many viewers post comments to show their support.

It is impossible to do it in reality, but don't you think about it, what's wrong with teasing?

What's more, Cao Gong himself has become very vulgar.

But what's wrong with being vulgar? As long as you pay attention to celebrities, who doesn't tease female celebrities?

Boys tease female celebrities, girls tease male celebrities, isn't this normal?

"This is a twisted theory. Besides, aren’t you afraid of being embarrassed when you say it out loud?"

Cheng Xiao said and added:"If you meet Zhao Liying in the future, will you be embarrassed?"

"What's there to be embarrassed about? As long as I'm not embarrassed, Zhao Liying is the one who is embarrassed"

"Being a star requires thick skin. Besides, when I debut, there will be thousands of girls who will like me. The same goes for you. There must be a lot of male fans who like you right now."

"As long as you are a public figure, as long as you are handsome, beautiful, and have a good figure, no one can escape"

"I just show my vulgar side to let everyone see the real me."

Cao Gong's words made Cheng Xiao feel helpless.

Yes, this is something that everyone will encounter, and every star will face it.

Since you enjoy the admiration and love of tens of thousands of fans, then you have to bear the criticism of tens of thousands of fans.[]

However, in the past, fans would not show it.

Today, Cao Gong just showed it all.

Because he showed it like this, Cheng Xiao

"So my dream is"

"Resting on Yang Mi's legs, kissing Zhao Liying's mouth"

"Listen to Liu Yifei singing and watch Dilireba dancing"

"Although it is unrealistic, I am happy just thinking about it."After saying this, Cao Gong still showed an intoxicated expression.

"You are a scumbag."Cheng Xiao laughed angrily, this is too scumbag

"Hehe~Thank you for the compliment."Even though he was called a scumbag, Cao Gongye could still thank him with a smile.

"I said you were a scumbag, and you still thanked me for the compliment?"Cheng Xiao was really impressed.

"It's not like just anyone can be a scumbag. Only those who are handsome, well-educated, rich and capable can be scumbags. You are praising me, aren't you?"Cao Gong did this for his own future.

Only by showing his philandering side as early as possible can he avoid being exposed in the future.

As long as he can make his philandering image deeply rooted in people's hearts, then the speed at which he changes girlfriends in the future, even if it's daily, the audience and fans won't think it's a big deal.

Just like Hong Kong actor Huang Zongze, he is also a playboy, but he is not afraid of his exposure.

Because he never makes excuses for his philandering, so that people can accept him.���People will continue to like him and continue to be his fans. If they cannot accept it, they should go and be his fans as soon as possible.

Cao Gong himself also planned this way. While he has not yet fully debuted, he will first put his romantic and philandering image on the surface.

In this way, if you can accept him, you can be his fan. If you cannot accept it, you can black him or go and be his fan. Anyway, he is not begging you to be his fan.

He is not the kind of incompetent young idol who relies on the fan economy and sells dreams.

He wants to be a powerful idol who relies on his own skills, talents and abilities to become popular.

As long as he does not rely on the fan economy, then how he is philandering is his business, and he does not have to worry about losing fans or anything.

However, after the show was broadcast, Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, and Zhao Liying were all named.

He even responded to this matter on Weibo, which made several fans watch the fun.

Because this is the first time that a star dares to openly criticize these goddesses..

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