"What do you mean? Xie La, are you saying that we have low IQs?"Sun Honglei was unhappy for a moment.

"Haha~" Xie La was embarrassed and used laughter to cover up her laughter.

Cao Gong on the side was also very speechless. This sister's IQ is indeed a flaw.

At this time, the director announced:"Soon, we will hold an Extreme International Film Festival"

"The film festival trophy is made of pure gold. For safety reasons, I need to set up a trophy guard team."

"Now, in order to better perform the mission, the three new rookie guards have to become apprentices."

"I want to worship three old birds as my teachers. Now I want the three old birds to choose my disciples."

"Wow, you are an old bird, haha~ Yixing, you are an old bird now."Sun Honglei immediately said to Zhang Yixing

"Hehe~" Zhang Yixing felt embarrassed to be called a veteran.

"Isn't Yixing a veteran now? He is still a PD now."Wang Xun also joked

"Yes, balance Zhang PD."

In the first two episodes of"Idol Producer", Zhang Yixing was a dance teacher.

When commenting on the first stage evaluation of all the trainees, the most frequently mentioned dance professional term was the English word balance.

In addition, he is a mentor in this program, so he can also be called PD.

PD actually means producer or general director.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yixing is now jokingly called balance PD by many netizens and fans.

"Hahaha~" When being teased as balancePD, Zhang Yixing laughed even more devilishly

"12BalancePD is very strict. Are you afraid to worship BalancePD as your master?"

Sun Honglei said to Xie La beside her, and Xie La said,"Why don't we worship him according to where we are standing now? We worship him according to where we are standing now."

But just as Xie La finished speaking and Sun Honglei was about to answer, he heard a sentence that he loved to hear.

"Brother Honglei, the most handsome man. Wang Dalu is very good at speaking and looks at Sun Honglei affectionately.

"Hey, who is it? What did you say?" This is not it, Sun Honglei was immediately seduced.

Sun Honglei grabbed Wang Xun's shoulder, and then Wang Xun changed his position.

After changing his position, he came to Wang Dalu's side.

"What, what's going on? How are you standing? Shameless Sun Honglei looked at Wang Dalu.

"……"Xie La looked at Sun Honglei who was leaving, feeling helpless

"Hello, Master." Wang Dalu was very good at dealing with people, and he immediately called him Master.

"This kid is good." Sun Honglei liked this and agreed immediately.

"What about you guys? Have you decided yet?"After deciding that her apprentice was Wang Dalu, Sun Honglei asked the four of them,"Are you ready too?"

"So, Cao Gong, do you want to join me? Wang Xun invited Cao Gong to join him.

"I can be with you, but, Brother Sun, will you treat me to a drink, a meal, and spend money on me?"

"……"When Wang Xun heard that he had to spend money, his expression changed.

"Hahaha~" Noticing Wang Xun's expression, Zhang Yixing, Xie La and the others all burst into laughter.

"No, can you at least perform? Are you so unwilling to spend money on me?"

Cao Gong was also very smart and made Wang Xun not embarrassed.

"No, no, you are the apprentice, so it should be the apprentice who invites the master to dinner, right?"Wang Xun also responded quickly.

"Forget it then." Cao Gong put his hands behind his back and asked Zhang Yixing beside him,"PD, are you willing to spend money on me?"

""I'm willing to give it up." Zhang Yixing was also very smart and agreed immediately.

""Okay, I'll become your disciple." Cao Gong quickly decided and chose Zhang Yixing.

In the end, only Wang Xun and Xie La were left, and the two of them became a team.

This made Wang Dalu laugh:"I feel like we're going to win!""

"Oh, naive."Wang Dalu's naivety was met with Cao Gong's ridicule.

"Do you still think you can have an easy life by staying with Sun Honglei?"

"Have you watched the first season of Go Fighting?"

"In the first episode, I annoyed Mr. Huang Lei so much that he wanted to hit someone"

"In the second episode, my master Zhang Yixing was taught a lesson, and almost EMO"

"Haha~" Cao Gong listed Sun Honglei's crimes, making the scene happy

"If you look at the fifth episode, it almost drove Mr. Guo Tao to a mental breakdown."

"Are you still feeling excited and happy now?"

"I feel sorry for you now. I wonder if you will still look forward to the future after tonight?"

"And in the second season this year, just after the second episode was aired, Yue Yunpeng was almost tricked by Sun Honglei and Huang Bo into quitting the entertainment industry and focusing only on crosstalk. Are you still happy now?"

There was laughter at the recording site, and everyone was laughing.

Zhang Yixing and the others couldn't stop laughing, because Cao Gong's complaints were really right.

Sun Honglei in the first season really drove many people crazy.

Even in the second season, Sun Honglei did not do a lot of tricks.

And Wang Dalu, who was originally very confident, is now in a bad mood.

It seems that he has worshipped a very special master.

"Cao Gong, what do you mean?" Sun Honglei deliberately put on a serious face and threatened Cao Gong:"How can you say that about your senior? I am your senior, you have to respect me, do you hear me?"

"Wow, you’re pretending in front of me now?"

"Yes, I am your junior, but don’t forget that I have a superstar father." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You bullied me. Think about how you are going to explain when you meet my superstar dad in the future."

"!!!!!"Sun Honglei, who was very arrogant just now, now has pupils that tremble.

Sun Honglei, who reacts quickly, immediately bows and nods:"Oh, my sin, my sin."

Seeing Sun Honglei bowing and nodding to apologize, Cao Gong, with his hands behind his back, laughed loudly:"Hahahaha~"

"It's good to have a superstar father."Cao Gong's success made the audience laugh.

Cao Gong was indeed using his father Liu Dehua's identity to cheat on the show.

This kind of behavior is actually very easy to disgust people.

After all, this kind of behavior of showing off and relying on your father is really annoying.

But the thing is that Cao Gong never felt ashamed of relying on his father.

And Cao Gong treated this matter in the most real way. He never felt ashamed of relying on his father.

Besides, he is not incapable or untalented.

When you are incapable and untalented, you rely on your father, which will make people disgusted..

People would complain that he is a person without a father and is nothing.

Or maybe you are incompetent and are relying on your parents, relying on your father's status and fame, but you still say that you don't like being called the son of someone, this will make people feel disgusted.

But Cao Gong is different.

He is a person who can make a name for himself without relying on his father's fame and status.

But he likes to use his father's status and reputation, and the reason is simple: he doesn't want to work hard.

He is talented and can succeed with a little effort, but he wants to take shortcuts and doesn't want to work hard.

But he says that he doesn't want to work hard, but in fact he works very hard.

People like him are naturally very popular and liked.[]

"No, I will team up with you even more. Please accept me as your master."

"I can ask you to be my teacher, as long as you can introduce yourself and tell me the name of the group I chose."

"Then I will take you as my teacher. Cao Gong said to Sun Honglei with his hands behind his back.

"OK, then if we form a team, what will the name of the group be?" Sun Honglei blinked her eyes.

"It's called the handsome combination"

"Good, a cool and handsome combination."Sun Honglei immediately agreed with this combination name.

"Okay, let's look at the camera and introduce ourselves:"After Cao Gong finished speaking, he looked at the camera and said seriously:"Hello, everyone in front of the TV, we are the handsome group, I am the handsome"

"Hello everyone, I am…" No, Sun Honglei almost said it, but then she realized something was wrong.

"……"Sun Honglei immediately turned around and looked at Cao Gong

"Hahaha~" Now, Zhang Yixing, Xie La and the others also understood what was going on.

Including the audience watching the show, they all laughed and applauded.

Cao Gong dug a hole for Sun Honglei.

The handsome and compelling combination only has two people.

Cao Gong is handsome, so the remaining compelling person must be Sun Honglei, right?、

"You are such a thief."Realizing that she was cheated, Sun Honglei complained angrily

"Haha, thank you for the compliment."The cheeky Cao Gong also smiled and thanked Sun Honglei for the compliment.

"I'm not praising you!!"Even Sun Honglei, who is so shameless, was really pissed off by this guy.

He had never seen such a shameless newcomer before. Cao Gong was really giving him an experience.

"So you and Yixing teamed up, so is it also called the Handsome Combination?" Sun Honglei asked

"That’s right, the name of my group with PD Zhang is also called the Handsome Group"

"Yixing is handsome, how about you?"Sun Honglei wanted to win back a game.

However, to Sun Honglei's disappointment, Cao Gong was very smart and said respectfully:"I am a member of the group"

"……"Sun Honglei, who failed to win the game, fell silent again.

Not only did she fail to win the game, but she also shot herself in the foot.

The handsome group just failed to introduce themselves and got screwed.

Now, it’s still the same name, but Cao Gong was able to resolve this trap very well.

In other words, Sun Honglei’s IQ was severely rubbed to the ground by Cao Gong twice.

Isn’t it that you can see how fun and interesting the atmosphere is now by looking at the reactions of the people at the scene.

Of course, the audience watching the show also felt that Cao Gong performed surprisingly well on his first time on Extreme Challenge..

Comments: Ngân Lang

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