"Oh my, you found it out, kid?"Huang Bo, who was hugged, didn't pretend anymore.

"If I was a little slower, I would have been eliminated by your bad uncle, right?"

Cao Gong was really reckless and tied Huang Bo with a belt.

""Hey, hey, he's really tied up." Huang Bo, who was tied up, was also panicked. This was the first time he was tied up in the Extreme Challenge.

"Hehe~ Brother Bo is it really you?"

"Hehe~" At this time, the funny pig hiding in the distance also rushed over.

It was also when the pig rushed over that Cao Gong turned around and was alert.

Huang Bo just broke free.

After breaking free, Huang Bo immediately prepared bullets with a slingshot and fired at Zhang Yixing.


Zhang Yixing, who was originally defending in a panic, was now completely confused.

Was he hit?

"……"Zhang Yixing also smiled bitterly. What is this?

"Zhang Yixing is glorious! Zhang Yixing is glorious!"

Cao Gong, who was originally on guard against the funny pig, turned around quickly after hearing this.

Zhang Yixing seemed to be smiling but not smiling. He wanted to laugh but felt bitter. He felt bitter but wanted to laugh very much. He felt very aggrieved.

"Are you gone just like that?" Cao Gong asked him with a smile.

"Yes, it’s over! I don’t have any scenes in this episode!"Zhang Yixing was speechless

"Look, I just showed you a beauty wearing black stockings. It was worth it, wasn't it?"

"At least it can be broadcast with 13 more shots"

"Hahaha~" Zhang Yixing could only laugh. Apart from laughing, he really didn't know what else to do.

"I'm late." At this time, Huang Lei also came here.

"Come on, give me the things." Huang Lei came over without even saying hello to Cao Gong.

"Why should I give it to you? Who do you think you are?"Come over and ask for his slingshot, but Cao Gong of course won't give it to him.

"If you don't give it to me, we will eliminate you." Huang Laoxie threatened with a smile.

"Then eliminate him." Cao Gong also played an unconventional game and said to Huang Lei,"If you dare, then eliminate him."

"Do you really think I'm an ordinary guest? Am I afraid of you five old-timers when I come here?"

"If it were Wang Dalu or Xie La, they would probably give you the ammunition to avoid being eliminated, and let you survive and get two more shots."

"But I won't. If you have the guts, eliminate me."

Cao Gong's tough attitude caught Huang Lei and Huang Bo by surprise.

Huang Bo raised his slingshot and wanted to fire the second bullet.

"Really?" Huang Bo asked him, if it wasn't for real

"Just fight, I didn't get paid for coming to your show anyway"

"Why would I work so hard on the show if I wasn’t paid?"

"Hehe~" Cao Gong was so fearless that even the funny pig laughed

"You are a newcomer, you should show your face and perform more on the show."

"This way the audience will remember you."Funny Pig said to him

"Yes, you are a newcomer, you are an idol trainee, you should show more on our show."

"More viewers will remember you, so your votes will be higher and your chances of debuting will be greater."

Huang Lei also watched this show, so he persuaded Cao Gong.

But Cao Gong shook his head:"I don't need it"

"Why not? Show up more on our show, and more viewers will remember you."

"Wouldn't you get more votes this way?"Huang Bo also just learned about this program.

"I don't need it! Who is my father? Liu Dehua"

"Liu Dehua, your predecessor, if my dad sneezes, you all have to vote for me obediently"

"Hahahaha~" Cao Gong's arrogant attitude made all three extreme spirits laugh.

"Just kidding, I am also a second-generation star, and the son of a superstar."

"Let me surrender and please you. It's not that I am arrogant, but are you worthy of it?"

Cao Gong's arrogant face shows that he is a second-generation star.

"Ha ha~"

"It's really too arrogant. Huang Lei couldn't stand it anymore.

"What's wrong? I have a superstar father, so what if I'm a little arrogant? Are you dissatisfied?"

"If you don't agree, go talk to my dad. Don't tell me to surrender."

""Brother, I am a man who wants to be a big muscle man. You either eliminate me or I will never please you just to live a little longer." Cao Gong patted his chest and said very manly. The three extreme spirits were really intimidated by this kid.

This is the first time they have met such a guest.

"I have been doing this for two seasons, but this is the first time I have seen such a guest. I really can't do anything about him for a while."

Huang Bo's words made Funny Pig agree with him and applauded him with laughter.

Huang Lei wanted to reach out and grab the bullet from Cao Gong's hand.

"Why? Cao Gong will definitely not give it to you.

"Give me the bullet and you can leave now, seriously. Huang Lei still wants to win by intelligence.

"Do you really think I am our Uncle Lei?"

"Give you the bullets? If I give you the bullets, I will have no bullets. Without bullets, I will not be a threat to you and I will not be able to eliminate you. So let me go, I will not be a threat to you."

"After you get the bullets, Brother Bo just used a bullet to eliminate Yixing."

"He eliminated Yixing and got Yixing's bullets, which means he could eliminate one of us without wasting a single bullet. Now you want to steal my bullets. You eliminated one of us and got one more bullet than before. You took the initiative. Why should I give it to you?

Cao Gong's comments made Zhang Yixing look like"Oh~"

Extreme Three Spirits is also bitter now. A very smart guest came today.

"You can't refuse to give it to us, we can rob it."When Huang Lei got bad, he liked to bully the newcomers.

But Cao Gong was not a pushover.

He held his bullet, turned around and threw it far away.

"Hey hey hey~" When Huang Lei saw Cao Gong throwing it far away, he was very anxious.

"……"Huang Bo, Funny Pig, and Zhang Yixing were all stunned.

None of them expected that Cao Gong would actually lose his bullets after such a long time.

Even if he lost his bullets, he would not let the Extreme Three Essence get them.

"I can't use it, so you can't use it either. I'll give you bullets, which will give you another means to eliminate us. Do you really think we, the actors in the play, are easy to bully?"

"Even if I was eliminated, I can't bring shame to our alma mater."

"Hehe~" Cao Gong raised the issue to a dispute over their alma mater, and Huang Bo couldn't help laughing.

"So what? You actors who are on stage have been caught like lambs to be slaughtered.

Huang Bo laughed angrily and teased Cao Gong.

"That's right, you've been caught, what's there to be proud of?"Huang Lei also said. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"I would rather be eliminated than compromise. This is the backbone of us actors in the Shanghai Theatre Academy."

"What's wrong?"Cao Gong's words made Huang Lei and Huang Bo laugh.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance, go ahead." Huang Bo thought this young man was interesting.

"Why? I won't leave, so I'll be eliminated."

"Why should I work so hard to make the show so good if I don’t get paid?"

"It's not good for me, and it seems like I'm being played by you. I don't like it. I'll stop recording."

"I am a man, I will be eliminated with integrity, I will not live in vain"

"Come on, I have to satisfy your victorious attitude of letting me go"

"Hehe~" This is the first time that the Extreme Three Spirits have encountered such a guest

"You don't want to leave? Then we'll leave." In this case, Huang Lei and the others left.

Seeing that the three extreme spirits really left, Cao Gong also left from the other side.

At this time, Cao Gong quickly ran away from the other side.

He ran very fast, and ran in the direction where he had just thrown the bullet.

It was true that he had really thrown the bullet just now.

But the direction Cao Gong threw it was all planned by him.

"It's near here? When the bullet fell just now, 443 clearly hit this red car."

"According to the elasticity of the bullet, it is impossible to ricochet very far."

"And this direction is exactly the direction of the parking lot entrance, and our car is right in front"

"If we find the bullet, we can get in the car and leave quickly."

While speaking, Cao was looking for the bullet seriously.[]

The audience watching the show were surprised to find that Cao Gong was actually prepared.

He threw bullets in the direction of the car.

"Found it. Found it."After a while, Cao Gong found the bullet he had thrown.

"When I threw it just now, I relied on my height and good vision to"

"You can see the trajectory of the bullet falling, and after a rough analysis, the bullet is almost in this position"

""Let's go." After finding the bullet, Cao Gong ran away immediately.

After getting in the car, Cao Gong started the car and left.

But the extreme three spirits in the parking lot were a tragedy.

""Where are the car keys?" After getting in the car, Huang Lei tragically discovered that his car keys were missing.

"Hey, you parked the car, don't you have the car keys?" Huang Bo and Funny Pig in the back seat were surprised.

"I forgot! Didn't you cover the car with canvas after you parked it?"

"So I didn't take out the car keys. I thought they wouldn't find out that this was our car.

Huang Lei's explanation left Huang Bo and Funny Pig speechless.

The car keys were missing, so there was only one possibility.

""Yixing, did you take our car keys?"

Huang Lei got off the car and asked Zhang Yixing, who was following the program crew, for the car keys.

"Cao Gong has the car keys. Zhang Yixing smiled and explained to them.

"Cao Gong took it?"The Extreme Three Spirits realized that they were tricked by Cao Gong.


Haha, that's right."At this time, Zhang Yixing finally felt better after being eliminated.: ༺هঔৣৡﻲRÙAﻲঔৣৡه༻

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