Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 123 A Family Of Seven! New Year’S Eve Dinner (2 Updates, Please Order For Full Order)

New Year's Eve.

Family of seven.

Throughout the day, Hu Ge and his six girls wandered around the top luxury shopping malls in Shanghai.

I didn't come back until after seven o'clock in the evening.

Dozens of top-notch luxury goods such as clothes, jewelry, watches, and wines, as well as a lot of seafood, ingredients, and more.

Because the quantity was too large, the car couldn't fit it in. It took several trips to prepare all the New Year's goods, and tonight was the last trip.

"Husband, your suit and watch, these clothes belong to us!"

As the boss, Yang Mi personally separated the items one by one.

"Husband, guess how much we spent this time?" Tang Yan asked with a squinted smile.

Her math skills are relatively good.

After simple superposition and mental calculation of the numbers on these bills, Tang Feng quickly came up with the approximate figures.

"Almost more than 10 million?" Hu Ge guessed blindly.

"17.63 million! It's terrible. The seven of us bought too many luxuries. We spent so much without knowing it. How depraved! From now on, I have to take good care of the accounts.

Tang Yan looked at the pile of bills and felt very distressed.

Generally speaking, Tang Yanlai calculated and managed the family's finances.

As a financial person, it is very painful to watch wealth continue to flow out.

"Why are you distressed? The money we make together is much more than what we spend, right? Since it's the Chinese New Year, we must indulge ourselves!"

Yang Mi pinched Tang Yan's balls hard.

"That's right, hehe! Let's try on clothes!"

Immediately, Hu Ge and Liu Nu were trying on clothes in the living room.

They have long been familiar with each other and everyone's body.

Therefore, naturally no one was shy at all and changed clothes together.

Only the newcomer Jiang Shuying still felt a little awkward.

But when she saw the beautiful bodies in front of her in a blink of an eye, she was no longer so nervous and outspoken.

"Honey, is it time to cook New Year's Eve dinner? Hehe, let's prepare the ingredients and then leave it to you...!"

Liu Yifei pursed her lips and pulled Jiang Ying towards the kitchen.

As the fifth child, it was not easy to get a sixth child to step in, so I must handle him well.

Tang Yan, Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying went to prepare the ingredients.

Hu Ge held Liu Yifei in his arms and stood on the terrace with Yang Mi and Tong Liya, looking into the distance.

at this time.

The night view of the entire Magic City is more prosperous than ever before.

Countless neon lights intertwined to form gorgeous pictures, dyeing the night sky.

You can vaguely see the arrangement of lanterns, and the red light dragons emitting are surrounding the entire Demon City.

Suddenly, in various areas of the Magic City, fireworks shot into the sky.

A steady stream of fireworks exploded in the night sky, as if paint was splashing all over the sky.

The entire starry sky has become a colorful picture, and the fields are beautiful!

"Husband, make a wish quickly!"

At this time, Tong Liya held her fist, placed it on her chin, closed her eyes and began to make a wish.

"Are you stupid? Others wish on shooting stars, but you wish on fireworks?"

Yang Mi retorted.

"There are no shooting stars now, so we can only look at the fireworks. Besides, the fireworks are quite beautiful, not inferior to the shooting stars, right? They are just looking for a good fortune.

Hearing Tong Liya's words, Hu Ge also patted her head lovingly.

Then, Hu Ge followed her instructions, clasped his fingers tightly and closed his eyes to make a wish.

Yang Mi also came with her.

Half a minute later, all three of them opened their eyes.

"What is your husband's wish?" Tong Liya asked.

"Isn't this thing just ineffective?" Hu Ge shrugged.

Tong Liya frowned: "That's easy to say. If you don't say it, I guess, if it's right, you'll nod, and if it's wrong, you'll shake your head."

Yang Mi’s head was full of black lines: “Is this okay? You are so cruel!”

After getting Hu Ge's consent, Tong Liya tilted her head, blinked her cute big eyes, and began to guess.

"Your wish is to love me more in the coming year?"

Hu Ge shook his head, Tong Liya's face darkened, and she hit Hu Ge several times.

"That means our family is getting better and better?"

"Are we becoming more and more popular? The company is getting stronger and stronger?"

"More and more wives?"

In one breath, Ya gave a lot of answers.

Forget it, stop guessing, I'm going to cook. "

Hu Ge took a few photos of Tong Liya's raised eyebrows and walked towards the kitchen.

"Guess what wish my husband made?" Tong Liya was puzzled.

"Can you understand my husband's thoughts? With your IQ."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes in disgust, turned around and walked towards the living room.

She turned on the TV, locked the CCV1 set, and prepared to watch the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast.

"That's right. Just follow your husband and listen to his words. Why do you think so much? Watch the news broadcast, wait for dinner and watch the Spring Festival Gala!"

The cute and cute Tong Liya immediately settled on the sofa, crossed her little feet, clasped her toes, and watched the news with gusto.

At 7:50, all the food was out of the oven.

There are more than a dozen dishes, but there is strength in numbers.

Two dishes per person, all served in one trip.

"The Spring Festival Gala has begun. I wonder what programs will be held this year? Maybe next year, some of us will attend the Spring Festival Gala?"

Yang Mi held her chopsticks tightly and stared at the big screen.

At this time, the host has already started announcing the curtain.

After the curtain call, it was a dance show.

"It's not difficult for us to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but it's not a good thing, right? If we go to the Spring Festival Gala, we will definitely miss the New Year's Eve dinner, which is a bit outweighed by the gain!"

Tang Yan pouted his mouth, his eyes shining brightly. (Good) In Tang Yan's opinion, family reunion is far more important than attending the Spring Festival Gala!

Fame and fortune are important.

But compared to my family, it’s nothing!

"Come, let's have a drink first and wish us peace and prosperity next year! Then, let's wait for the New Year's bell to ring!"

The family sat together, eating and drinking until midnight.

The New Year's bell rang, and Hu Ge and Liu Nu drank a few more drinks.

As a result, several people became drunk.

Throughout the New Year period, Hu Ge and the six girls were flying around, visiting one family after another.

This can be considered a bad place!

After all, the family lineup is too large and scattered all over the country, so there is nothing we can do about it.

With Hu Ge's ability, every mother-in-law is coaxed into being filled with joy.

In such busyness and calmness, the New Year has passed, somewhat calmly. .

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