Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 129: Keeping In Good Shape (3 Updates, Please Customize For Complete Order)

Tang Yan is ill!

Shortly after the celebration, Hu Ge received news from Yang Mi.

After Tang Yan went out for a trip, he caught a cold, had a fever, and had a stomachache.

Although she was strong, she didn't say anything.

But after taking the medicine and falling asleep, I would chant Hu Ge's name from time to time.

As the eldest son, Changchang also feels very sorry for his sisters.

She knew that Hu Ge’s celebration had just ended and there were still social events.

But after much thought, he decided to tell Hu Ge the news.

Hu Ge would not refuse to be polite to the top guys in the industry.

But after hearing the news, Hu Ge rushed back quickly.

Because, in Hu Ge's eyes, nothing is more important than family!

Tang Yan was lying flat on the big sofa in the living room.

A pair of incredibly long legs stretched directly outside the sofa.

Her face was very red, and it could be seen that she had a serious fever.

At this moment, she had just taken the medicine, she had a towel on her head, she was still conscious, but she was a little unable to move.

"Don't tell your husband!"

Tang Yan covered his aching stomach and warned him repeatedly.

"Okay 213, I've promised you so many times, why are you still nagging? Save some energy!"

On the side, Liu Yifei was feeding her hot water while looking worried.

At this time, the door opened, and Hu Ge rushed back with his two daughters.

"Husband, why are you back?"

Liu Yifei's eyes widened and she was very surprised.

A few hours ago, they were still on the live broadcast, watching Hu Ge playing the piano and looking cool!

It was only two o'clock in the morning and I rushed home. It was so fast!

"Of course, otherwise it would be delayed until daytime? Mimi told us." Jiang Shuying responded.

Hu Ge quickly sat down in front of Tang Yan, observed her complexion, and then tested the temperature with his hand.

Very hot!

"It's almost above 38 degrees, and your stomach is not feeling well. Did you eat something cold?"

"Well, I ate some ice cream, and it was outside. I won't be so greedy in the future!"

Seeing Hu Ge, Tang Yan, who was originally confused, suddenly woke up.

She climbed up with difficulty and got into Hu Ge's arms. Her originally painful expression became very happy and excited (chbe).

"I'll make some ginger soup for you later and give you a massage. You should feel better. As for the fever, give it an injection!"

At home, Hu Ge prepared a lot of medicine in case of emergency.

Among them are those specifically designed to treat fevers, and there are also syringes.

After all, Hu Ge has miraculous medical skills, which to him are just pediatric level.

Before that, Tang Yan took some antipyretics, but they didn't work.

According to the scheduled plan, I was supposed to have an infusion today!


Hearing this, Tang Yan couldn't help but tremble.

"Yes, injections reduce fever quickly. In your case, one injection in the morning and one at noon will be fine." Hu Ge said with a smile.

"It hurts!"

Tang Yan embarrassedly buried his head in Hu Ge's arm, feeling frightened.

As soon as these words came out, the sisters immediately laughed mercilessly.

You are such an adult, but you are afraid of injections?

Isn't it so funny?

Hu Ge also pinched her little nose gently.

"You are really a silly girl. You have grown so tall for nothing. You are just like a little girl. Stop talking nonsense and take off your pants. I'm going to get the injection and medicine."

Hu Ge grabbed her softly behind her and smiled faintly.

When Hu Ge went to get the medicine, Tang Yan was still a little embarrassed.

Although the sisters have seen everything about each other.

But this was the first time I had been injected in public.

In addition, Tang Yan was afraid of pain and was afraid of making a fool of himself, so he naturally felt very embarrassed.

"Sisters, what will Tangtang do if she doesn't take action?"

Seeing Tang Yan lingering for a long time, Yang Mi shouted.

"That's easy to say. We should help her and take care of our sisters!"

With that said, the four girls, except Liu Shishi, rushed forward and helped her spread her shorts.

"Are you going to make me mad? Can you wear some clothes?" Tang Yan was about to vomit blood.

These guys are hurting their friends, just for fear that the world will not be in chaos.

But now she has a severe fever and is exhausted. How can she have the strength to struggle?

You can only obey!

“It looks like you’ve been keeping in good shape lately!”

Liu Yifei touched it lightly with her fingertips, and it felt good.

"Are you perverted?" Tang Yan spat angrily.

"Why are you so excited? It's not like I haven't touched it before, right?" Liu Yifei covered her mouth and smiled.

Tang Yan immediately raised his long legs and kicked them back.

She couldn't see what was going on behind her, so she kicked Yang Lei in the face.

"You little girl, you don't have eyes, why are you kicking me? I helped you call your husband back, repay kindness with hatred, repay kindness with hatred?"

Yang Mi pinched Tang Yanchang's leg hard.

"Inadvertent injury, please spare your life, Taijun!" Tang Yan joked.

It can be seen that after Hu Ge came back, her mood recovered a lot and she was ready to joke.

Not long after, Hu Ge came over with a syringe, which was already filled with medicinal solution.

"Are you ready?"

"It should be ready. Come on, why don't you just take the injection? I...ah!"

Before Tang Yan could finish speaking, the needle pierced hard.

A scream of agony sounded.


After shouting for a long time, Tang Yan realized that it didn't hurt at all, so he shut up.

"My husband's skills are so good. Does the injection not hurt? It's okay, it scared me to death." Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Mi on the side joked: "It's not that it doesn't hurt, it's just that your skin is rough and your flesh is thick, so you can't feel it."

"Besides, let's let your husband stab you!"

Tang Yan raised his fist and looked at Yang Mi.

"Okay, let's help Tangtang to rest in the room. It's late at night. If you have a good sleep and sweat, you will be much better tomorrow." Hu Ge warned.

Liu Yifei and Jiang Shuying helped Tang Yan back.

At this time, Yang Mi nervously held Hu Ge's arm and shook it back and forth.

"Husband, tonight..."

"There's something going on tonight and I can't go back to the room." Hu Ge responded seriously.

Hearing this, although Yang Mi didn't say anything, her face was slightly disappointed.

Then, Hu Ge hugged Yang Mi from behind.

"Don't you have something to do?" Yang Mi looked surprised.

"Yes, on the sofa!"

Instantly, Yang Qiao's face turned red.

Tong Liya and others behind her were very smart and understood Hu Ge's intention, so they all slipped back into the room.

A dragon and a phoenix, entangled in the living room......

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