Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 135 Little Moon Is Born! Upgrade To Become A Baby Daddy (4 Updates, Please Customize For Com

Late at night, the moon and stars are scarce.

Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Yifei, Jiang Shuying and Tong Liya, as well as Liu's mother, were all waiting anxiously at the door of the delivery room.

And Hu Ge was with the child until it came out of the mother's womb.

Until his head came out, according to hospital regulations, Hu Ge had to go out and wait~.

He stood by the window, his eyes falling on the moon as curved as his eyebrows.

Tonight's moon, although not big and round, is extremely bright and beautiful.

"Husband, the moon is so beautiful. The little moon must be so beautiful too, right?"

Yang Mi walked up and murmured softly.

"Absolutely. With my powerful genes, can I still grow into a crooked melon and a split jujube?" Hu Ge smiled.

Tong Liya moved her lotus steps lightly and came up to hold Hu Ge's arm.

"Of course, with the genes of our family, no matter who you are, everyone will be a very handsome person!"

"Hubby, are you excited? Are you nervous? Don't look at you pretending to be calm now, I'm afraid your heart will explode a long time ago, right?"

Liu Yifei covered her mouth and looked at Hu Ge with a smile.

The joy of becoming a father for the first time is truly unimaginable.

Even if Hu Ge can be stable, his words and deeds can still show some signs!

"It's okay! The explosion is not that big, at most it is the scale of World War II... Hu Ge smiled.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, but everyone still felt entangled and nervous.

But while talking and laughing, I slowly relaxed my mood.

At this time, the little beautiful nurse opened the door and came out.

"Maternal family members!"

The four faint words are like thunder striking down, and the phoenix ears are about to fold.

Hu Ge took the lead and rushed over, followed by others.

"how's it going?"

Excited, Hu Ge squeezed the nurse's arm.

"Very... Very good. My daughter is born... You can come in with me first. The other family members... are waiting outside..."

When the idol held her arm, the little nurse was frightened and her face was flushed.

"Nurse, can't we go in?" Yang Mi was curious.

"Yes, we also want to go in and see Shishi and the baby as soon as possible!" Tang Yan looked serious.

The little nurse chuckled.

"I understand how you feel, but now that the baby has just been born, and the mother needs to be quiet, wait a while. You can go back to the room in two hours."

Hu Ge took a deep breath and looked at Wu Nu and Liu Mu.

"Wait a moment, I'll go in first to get some information."

Hu Ge, whose heart had always been high-spirited, finally got off his feet and started joking.

"Then be careful, there's high energy ahead!"

Tong Liya chuckled.

"It's indeed high energy, the little ancestor is in it!"

Immediately afterwards, Hu Ge entered the delivery room under the leadership of the nurse.

The daily cost to the hospital is as high as 20,000!

So, naturally everything is super top-notch!

A separate delivery doctor, several separate nurses, and a separate delivery room.

All services exaggerate the charm of money.

In the delivery room.

Master Liu was covered with a thin sheet and his eyes were sleepy.

She wasn't sleepy per se, she was just extremely tired, so she looked very weak.

Two nurses stayed by her side. When Hu Ge came in, they both greeted her and explained the situation.

"The child was born at 0:02 on April 25! He weighs 3.6 kilograms and is 50cm long! Congratulations on becoming a father!"

The chief doctor stretched out his hand to shake hands with Hu Ge.

He has experienced this kind of thing too much.

But every father can only experience it a few times.

Especially, it was Hu Ge’s first time and he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Okay, let's go out first. You can stay with the mother and child for a while. If you need anything, just ring the bell.

The chief doctor explained a few times and left with the nurse.

Hu Ge immediately sat next to Liu Shishi and held her little hand tightly.

At this moment, Master Liu, who had a perfect complexion and perfect temperament, seemed to have changed into a completely different person.

…Please give me flowers…

From being beautiful and fragrant, to being pale, weak, and very haggard, it really made Hu Ge feel distressed.

Giving birth to a child is like peeling off a layer of skin alive, it’s so painful!

"How do you feel?" Hu Ge asked softly.

"It's okay. I finally unloaded the cargo and I feel a lot more relaxed. However, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time to recuperate."

Master Liu tried his best to keep his smile and not let Hu Ge worry.

"Don't worry, I will be with you and Little Moon throughout the whole month. I can eat whatever you want! After all, my dad is not a vegetarian!"

Hu Ge smiled faintly, but he was really unsure.


Being a dad is not just about cooking, it also involves a lot of knowledge.

"Let's see what you can do. Can you feed milk powder? Can you change diapers? Can you make the baby happy?"

Under the series of questions thrown by Liu Shishi, Ge was completely confused.

Hu Ge has countless powerful skills and can be called an all-around genius.

But when it comes to dealing with babies, he is really a complete novice.

"Take your time! No one becomes fat in one go, and a confinement nanny is not born, she develops it slowly, let alone a nanny?"

Hu Ge kissed Master Liu gently on his forehead.

"Okay, I want to sleep for a while. You go and see Little Moon first. The nurse is taking care of her!" Liu Shishi reminded.

"I almost forgot about this little guy."

Hu Ge is a standard doting wife maniac.

Seeing Master Liu like this, I felt very distressed. He was so involved that he completely threw Little Moon out of the sky.

After Liu Shishi closed his eyes and rested, Hu Ge immediately walked towards the next door room.

As soon as I opened the door, a loud cry filled my ears...

The fever has just subsided and I’m resuming the update. I hope you guys can forgive me! I’ll update it tomorrow!

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