Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 144: Lao Hu, The Man Who Rules His Wife Well (3 Updates, Please Order The Complete Version A

Immediately afterwards, two figures stepped forward.

As the backbone of the second group, Xu Zheng and Chen He are relatively strong!

This relatively difficult challenge will of course be undertaken by them.

Although their driving skills are not very good, they still drive frequently and their skills are passable!

"I'll go first and try to attract others!"

Xu Zheng touched his head and oriented the car.

"Brother Zheng, you are putting me under a lot of pressure by trying to attract jade! I am really not jade!" Chen He said with a wry smile.

Xu Zheng put him on a high platform.

If you don't produce excellent results, it will really not end well.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Zheng stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared out.

When the front of the car broke through the white line, Xu Zheng's speed was controlled very well, just 43!

But when braking, Xu Zheng couldn't control the timing well.

After the car stopped, the front of the car was still 69cm away from the wall! 963

"Is the difference so far? It's more than half a meter! But I finally got results, which is much better than the group that didn't get results."

Xu Zheng looked at Yue Yunpeng with a smile as he spoke.

The latter gave him a cold, yet somewhat mean look.

Following closely, Chen He got into the car.

He was lucky, the distance between the front of the car and the wall was actually only 25cm!

This is definitely a very scary result.

"Promise, give, give!"

Chen He was very proud and reversed the car.

In the third group, Hu Ge and He Yan were supposed to play.

But He Jiong has a high emotional intelligence and gave this opportunity to Zhang Zilin.

After all, it is just a variety show, just a game, there is no need to be serious.

If there is an opportunity for guests to come forward, He Jiong will not fight for it.

"Should I come first?"

Zhang Zilin stepped into the car with long legs comparable to those of a top car model.

Her legs are too long, a full meter, very attractive.

After sitting in the car, she adjusted the seat back slightly to give her long legs a place to rest.


With a roar of the accelerator, Zhang Zilin immediately drove forward and rushed forward.

But her driving skills were so bad that her speed did not exceed 40 mph during the whole journey, so she failed immediately!


Seeing Zhang Zilin's results, Hu Ge's head was full of black lines.

"Husband, your group's results will also be invalidated!" Yang Mi shouted.

Although she is aware of Hu Ge's driving skills, she still has to suppress the opponent with ten qi.

Now, Hu Ge is her opponent and must carry out a morale attack.

"Really? Now you dare to challenge me, aren't you afraid that I will go back and deal with you?"

Under Yang Mi's "cries", Hu Ge responded, making Yang Mi soften instantly.

"Um...husband, it was just a show effect, don't take it seriously, I believe you must be very powerful.

After Yang Mi gave in, she gave a thumbs up gesture to Hu Ge.

This scene not only made the whole audience burst into laughter, but even the live broadcast room was amused, with barrages flying all over the place.

"Haha! It really made me laugh to death. Lao Hu is such a good wife!"

"Aren't all men strict with their wives? Lao Hu is really an exception. Although (cheb) is a maniac about doting on his wives, his wives are really afraid of him!"

"This is a man's ultimate dream, right? Comparing people to each other is so irritating!"

"Ma Dan, are you trying to make me laugh to death so that you can inherit my Ant Huabei bill?"

"How great would it be if I could train my wife to be like this? I won't talk about it anymore and I'm going to wash my wife's socks."

"Da Mimi's attitude changed too quickly, didn't she? Sure enough, the old Hu family respects Hu Ge!"

"Niubi Laohu, he has given us men a good face and made them look pink..."

For a time, the duet between Hu Ge and Yang Mi shifted the audience's focus.

Moreover, just because of the "bickering" between the two, there was a small peak in the number of people in the live broadcast room.

Obviously, this kind of funny explosion can attract a lot of attention.

"Xiao Hu, come on, our team depends on you." He Yan said with encouragement.

"Yes, I will definitely come on!"

Zhang Zilin also shouted from the side, while she lowered her head slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

After all, her results were invalidated and were in vain, so she could only place her hope on Hu Ge.

Before Hu Ge got on the bus, the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

Countless people who wanted to see Hu Ge's driving skills poured into the live broadcast room.

Under this huge attention, Hu Ge took a deep breath, then opened the car door and sat down.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, Hu Ge immediately stepped on the speed of the car to 40, and maintained the speed of 40 throughout the whole process, as steady as a mountain.

After crossing the white line, Hu Ge gently stepped on the brakes, and the car slowly stopped at a very smooth speed.

But at this moment, the front of the car was infinitely close to the paper wall. It was suffocating and one dared not look directly at it.


When the car came to a complete stop, the license plate on the front of the car was less than a little finger's distance from the paper wall.

About 1cm!

It's such a tiny distance that you haven't touched the paper wall yet!

God-like results.

"1...1 centimeter?"

Suddenly, all the guests in the room took a deep breath.

This first competition project has almost been settled.

They can only hope to lower their decibels and achieve good results in the roller coaster project. .

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