Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 147 Is It Too Late To Quit Now? (3 Updates, Seeking Completeness And Customization)

"Zheng...Brother Zheng, you really know how to joke.

Hearing Xu Zheng's slightly bitter inquiry, Chen Qiaoen stuttered a little, shook his head like a rattle and backed away, obviously not intending to participate in this so-called challenge.

Are you kidding me? You want me, a little girl, to participate in such a terrifying thing?

I’m afraid you don’t think I have a long life!

If other events were even ordinary-level roller coasters, I would have just gritted my teeth and participated, but this hell-level destruction mode...

No one can persuade me, I’m telling you that!

"Although this project is indeed very exciting, please rest assured that the program team will be responsible for your safety throughout the entire process and ensure it.

He Yan comforted with a smile.

"Mr. He, what you mean by being protected means that the program team bought each of us a large life accident insurance before participating?"

Hu Ge said something sarcastic.


The corners of He Yan's mouth trembled slightly, and he almost didn't catch his breath.

What a god, business 27 foreign insurance!

Brother, you are so good at talking, do you want to publish a book?

"Brother, can you not be scary? Teacher He finally comforted me, but you suddenly said that the program team bought us insurance, which made us panic."

Xiao Yueyue walked up, and before other celebrities could say anything to agree, he saw him holding up his phone and saying with a sad face: "The most important thing is that the program team really bought us an accident insurance. Look at the text message. They were all sent to my mobile phone, and the insured amount is five million!"


"Is it too late for me to quit this show?"

With the on-the-spot cooperation of Hu Ge and Yue Yunpeng, the audience in the live broadcast room went crazy laughing, slapping the table and shouting in praise.

There were even a few insurance sellers who simply took advantage of this opportunity to promote life accident insurance in the barrage, and they actually succeeded in getting a few orders.

"Okay, just kidding, let's quickly decide on the candidates.

Hu Ge and Yue Yunpeng teamed up on the spot, which almost made the program so effective that it exploded. It wasn't until the audience's enthusiasm subsided for a moment that He Yan continued to speak and record the program.

Faced with this life and death problem, everyone looked at each other, even if they didn't really want to challenge this task. But I have no choice but to work hard for the recording of the show!

"Then I will take the lead in our group. Who will come second, Yang Mi or Na Zha?"

Although Xiao Yueyue looked very scared before, his eyes wandered everywhere.

But he is still a man anyway.

If I don't stand up at this time, I'm afraid that after the recording of the program is over, there will be a circle of black fans under my Weibo, which is obviously not worth it.

As for the second group, Xu Zheng and Chen He undoubtedly participated.

As the only woman in the team, Chen Qiaoen was safely protected behind her.

The third group is Hu Ge and He Jiong. The reason is of course the same as above. You can’t really hide behind girls.

As for the fourth group.

In addition to Deng Chao, Liu Yifei and Li Xiaoqin had to participate, but fortunately they were the last to enter the challenge in order, so they still had time to think carefully.

So the problem now is Yang Mi and Gulina Zha.

Who is going to participate in the first game?

"Okay, don't think about it, I'll use rock, paper, scissors, win two out of three games,"

Looking at Gu Linaza shivering in front of her, she didn't look like she was willing to ride a roller coaster.

Yang Mi sighed slightly and directly proposed this method.

"Then win two out of three!"

Naturally, Gulinaza had no reason to refuse this proposal.

When neither of them is willing to participate, deciding by game is of course the fairest option.

"I'll be the referee!"

Seeing a game being played, Xiao Yueyue immediately walked up excitedly, with a mean smile on his face.

"I call game, you punch."


As Yue Yunpeng's voice fell, the two of them took action almost simultaneously.


Yangmi scissors, Gulina cloth, the former wins!

"Second round, rock, paper, scissors~"

Yang Mi still produces scissors, Gulina Zha also produces cloth, the former wins!

"Okay, the game is over. Congratulations to Yang Mi for winning 2:0. Nazha, follow me on the roller coaster!"

Yue Yunpeng looked at Gu Linaza with a smile, as if if I don't live well, you will have to die with me.

At this moment, after the game failed, Gu Linaza's face immediately turned ashen, looking very ugly.

But after all, I am willing to admit defeat.

With the previous bet ahead, of course Gulinaza could not choose to regret it now, so he could only nod his head anxiously, smiling very far-fetched.

"You're dead! This is it!"

"Okay, now the participants of the first group have been selected, they are Yue Yunpeng and Gu Linaza! Then please choose whether to ride the roller coaster alone to challenge the whole journey [or ride ten roller coasters together]


He Yan asked the two of them with a smile.

"Let's...let's do it together!"

Gulinazha didn't think much and nodded directly.

The double model of the roller coaster is divided into two separate areas, just like two single cars connected end to end, but the middle is simplified.

Although it does not help improve courage, human beings like to huddle together for warmth after all. Thinking that there is an equally timid participant behind them will give them some comfort.

"Okay then, please ask the two challengers to get on the car and get ready, while the others are waiting below."

He Yan nodded and signaled the staff to take the two of them up, and at the same time brought a few tablets from the director's team.

"This challenge will be followed by aerial photography equipment throughout the entire process. If you want to take more high-definition pictures, please choose xxx..."

He Jiong took advantage of the two of them to prepare and inserted an advertisement.

The way variety shows in this world make money is no different from what Hu Ge knows. They all use shows to attract traffic and then sell advertising space to make profits.

Therefore, Hu Ge is not surprised.

Under the tracking and filming of the whole process by aerial cameras, Gu Linaza and Yue Yunpeng got on the roller coaster, and the safety measures were being checked by the staff.

Looking at the camera not far away, Xiao Yueyue tried his best to raise his head, looking like the wind was blowing and the water was cold.

"Brothers, let me go first and explore for you..."

Yue Yunpeng is facing the camera with his head held high, planning to say something.

As a result, before he could finish his words, the staff's voice sounded behind him.

"After the inspection is completed, you can drive."

"Set off!".

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