Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 150: At Least He Survived (1 Update, Please Make Your Own Decision)

I felt the fierce cold wind passing by on both sides of my cheeks, hitting my face in pieces like a knife.

Chen He and Xu Zheng followed the drill before them, closing their eyes and covering their mouths almost at the same time, and could only let out a suppressed roar.

But even so, the average decibel level of both of them was over 40.

It's obvious that his heart is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

"The challenge was successful, Chen He was 46 decibels, Xu Zheng was 39 decibels, and the overall score was 85 decibels!"

More than ten minutes passed...

As the two of them walked down the steps with weak legs, Wang Zhengyu quickly reported the results.

Upon hearing this result, Chen He and Xu Zheng looked at each other.

They all saw a wry smile on each other's faces.

"It's okay. The hard work finally paid off. At least we both made it out alive, and our grades are still passable."

Looking at Yue Yunpeng, whose face was full of constipation, Chen He walked to his side and couldn't help but let out a string of iconic devilish laughter.

"I've given over to Xiao Yueyue. I'm thinking about what to eat later. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Humph, the game is not over yet! If I get first place in the next round and we have the same points, we will challenge the roller coaster again. I will also close my eyes and cover my mouth to see who of us can win.

Yue Yunpeng said arrogantly, which was not false to Chen He.

"Uh? Stuff it again?"

Chen He's expression immediately stiffened.


Seeing Chen He go from smiling to smiling instantly, the other guests couldn't help laughing.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they were constantly booing.

"To be honest, I really want to watch them compete in a roller coaster PK. What should I do?"

"It's rare for Xiao Yueyue to rise to prominence. Don't be afraid if Chen He accepts the challenge. Even if you get cold, there is accident insurance!"

"However, Qinling is an amazing roller coaster. It actually forced Liu Yifei and Li Xiaoqin to give up... But I would have to give up too."

"I support you upstairs. As an extreme sports enthusiast, I feel a bit weak when I see this. Although I know there is not much danger, my senses can't stand it!"

Regarding Deng Chao's team's abstention, there was no objection from the audience. After all, Qinling Mountain was a rollercoaster of difficulty.

Even if you haven't experienced it yourself, you probably have an idea after watching the whole battle.

It can be said that, except for those big guys who are born with a strong heart and are desperate for their lives, even adult men will encounter this level of roller coaster.

That would require kneeling on the spot, let alone two female celebrities.

"Okay, then the last group will participate in the challenge."

Wang Zhengyu monitored the live broadcast room and did not forget to shout the previous sentence.

"Haha, Lao Hu and Teacher He, come on!"

Facing the expedition of Hu Ge and He Jiong, the celebrities present came to the cheers one after another. Of course, there were also those like Yue Yunpeng who quietly made trouble.

"Brother Hu~ If I'm afraid of you, I'll abstain. Let's decide the outcome in the third round. Anyway, you already have five points, right? There's no need to work so hard."

"We are different."

Hu Ge patted Yue Yunpeng's shoulder and replied with a faint smile: "Don't worry, little Yueyue, you're going to finish the green vegetables today!"

Arrive at the starting point and get help from the staff.

Hu Ge also chose the two-person model.

After all, in addition to himself, there is also He Jiong who is also a challenger, just to take care of the feelings of this older young man.

"Teacher He, are you nervous?"

Sitting in the car, letting the staff conduct the safety inspection, he looked at He Yan who seemed to be trembling slightly in front of him.

Hu Ge asked with a smile from behind.

"Of course."

Although I don't want to admit it.

But looking at the turbulent river at his feet and the complex mountains in front of him, He Jiong could only nod helplessly and admit the fact that he was nervous inside.

"Take it easy."

Hu Ge seemed particularly relaxed about the dangers he might encounter.

He looked at the surrounding scenery slightly, with a relaxed and leisurely look: "Anyway, we all bought life accident insurance, which is a total of five million.

"Lao Hu, can you not mention this?"

Seeing the relaxed look on Hu Ge's face, He Juan thought that the other party would say something to comfort her.

As a result, when I suddenly heard this, I couldn't stop coughing twice and almost lost my breath.

Five million or something "although it is indeed a lot for ordinary people.

But for a host of He Juan's level, it's nothing.

.........Please give me flowers...

Furthermore, even if the insurance really pays out the compensation, I guess in this case one of my own people will be gone. In that case, what's the use of having so much money?

"Relax, close your eyes and cover your mouth, it will be over soon."

Just when Hu Ge said this with a leisurely expression.

Behind him, under the instructions of the operator, the roller coaster has begun to move slowly.

I felt that the surrounding scenery had begun to slowly recede.

He Yan immediately stopped talking, turned around, closed his eyes and covered his mouth, slightly adjusting his mentality.

To be honest, Chen He's trick is really useful to a certain extent.


"I'll go, Hu Ge is too calm!"

In the live broadcast room, as the drone equipment transferred the entire roller coaster to the screen through the camera, the audience who were expecting to see Hu Ge making a fool of himself were almost stunned.

Obviously I didn't expect this scene.

The surrounding scenery was constantly passing by like a lightsaber. Hu Ge looked at the surroundings calmly, as if it was just an ordinary sightseeing trip.

If it weren't for He Jiong in front of him, who covered his face in horror.

I'm afraid the audience present really thought that this was a computer-generated special effect.

"As expected of my idol, Hu Ge went through such an exciting ride as the Qinling Roller Coaster without changing his expression?"

"Although I'm not a fan of his, but because of this man's courage, I will be a fan from today on!"

"What do you think would happen if a young talent like Lu Han were allowed to participate in this show?"

“Those people above don’t need to think too much, they will give up 100% of the time!”

Just when Hu Ge was enjoying the challenge leisurely, a sea of ​​barrages appeared in the live broadcast room, and everyone was obviously stunned by this calm expression.

To be honest, even if you see something like the Qinling Roller Coaster through the screen, the audience will feel a little weak in their legs.

Especially when the two previous batches of celebrities came down and looked pale, it brought even more pressure.

In contrast, Hu Ge's performance is really excessive and vivid.

It’s like the rhythm of a god descending to earth!.

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