Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 159: I Don’T Have This Obligation (1 Update, Please Make Your Own Decision)

Volume 1 Rebirth of Li Xiaoyao Chapter 159

Hu Ge chatted with Xu Zheng without saying a word. After all the guests had brought their dishes to the table, Hu Ge turned his attention to the table.

Although when cooking dishes previously, different types of ingredients were used to reflect the quality. The director team specifically asked the guests present to use different cooking utensils and prepare them separately.

But when the lunch session came, all the guests were asked to bring their dishes to a large long table for dinner. Obviously, this was a deliberate attempt by the program team to cause trouble.

"There is no harm without comparison, right?"

Looking at the rich variety of ingredients in front of Hu Ge and the pitiful number of meat and vegetables in front of him, Deng Chao couldn't help but sigh. His face was full of melancholy.

Not only is the variety of ingredients unmatched, but even the cooking skills are completely unmatched by Hu Ge. Smell the tempting fragrance emanating from the other person's table.

Deng Chao suddenly felt that the side dishes he made were completely pig food and could not be eaten at all.

"I said to the director team, if you want to do this, we won't even be able to eat lunch!"

"This is to show that different results have different benefits. You can also go back and study hard to cook and come back to participate in the show."

Faced with these complaints, Wang Zhengyu's voice rang out from outside the camera, showing no signs of panic.

"Awesome, actually you are doing quite well, otherwise I can just change the two."

Yue Yunpeng silently poked the other party's shoulder, looking at the vegetables in his bowl, his eyes seemed to contain tears.

If I were to say that the guest who was the most miserable present was of course Yue Yunpeng.

After all, the other groups at least had fish to eat. Although the taste was not comparable to what Hu Ge cooked, it was at least a river delicacy.

Only Yue Yunpeng's side was made of pure vegetables, which were mixed and fried into a plate of chowder, and he gnawed it into his mouth with white rice.

It can be said to be a veritable weight loss meal.

To be honest, if I hadn't eaten a lot before getting up in the morning to attend the show, I would have starved to death later.

"Seeing you suddenly makes me feel much more relieved."

There is no harm without comparison. This sentence is obviously very useful when dealing with people who are miserable than yourself.

Seeing the dishes in the bowl, Deng Chao suddenly felt that this seemed to be pretty good. At least it had meat and fish, right?

At least compared to Yue Yunpeng (chdh) who was eating mixed vegetables, it was like heaven and earth!


Seeing that Deng Chao seemed to have regained his appetite, he began to eat the meal in front of him seriously. Yue Yunpeng sighed quietly, suddenly feeling a little heartbroken.

"Does it mean that I enjoy this kind of treatment just because I am handsome?"

"I am so jealous of talented people!"

Xiao Yueyue looked up at the sky 45 degrees, as if tears were flowing down the corners of his eyes.

"Brother Yue, please don't sigh. It's not because you have a dark face and haven't touched a fish. Otherwise, why would you be like this?"

Gulinaza rubbed her brows with a headache.

"I know this kind of thing, can't you just let me sigh for a while and balance my mind?"

Yue Yunpeng rolled his eyes and said angrily, causing the surrounding officials to smile helplessly.

All in all, the lunch ended harmoniously with the Hu Ge group enjoying their food with happy faces.

In the following afternoon, the director team finally did not cause trouble.

With several guests taking turns to make jokes, and with the camera recording the whole process, the audience in the live broadcast room was led to visit the scenery of Qinling Mountains and feel the majestic waves of Qinchuan, an eight-hundred-mile-long river.

It wasn't until close to the afternoon that the recording was completely finished, and the results far exceeded Wang Zhengyu's expectations.

According to his original idea, the program "Travel Starts Today" is a trial work after all. Even if the popularity can surpass Running Man and Yearning with the help of various resources, I am afraid the gap will not be too big.

But what he never expected was.

This time, the number of clicks and online views of the program indeed surpassed that of the other two variety shows, but it was not a slight gap, but a full 500 million views.

This is very scary!

Although this data also contains a certain amount of moisture, it is absolutely impossible to be a real click. After all, the algorithms of all variety shows are like this.

But even so, the original traffic of Running Man and Longing for the first broadcast was only tens of millions, but "Start Traveling from Today" directly impacted the height of the two!

What is this concept?

Without overwhelming publicity, just relying on the official website to make official announcements for a while before recording, to achieve such a terrifying achievement is simply a miracle.

Relying on the fame brought by this program, it is almost certain that Wang Zhengyu will get more resources when he is on Mango Channel in the future.

“Thank you so much, Hu Ge!”

As the recording of the program ended, Wang Zhengyu held Hu Ge's hand and expressed his sincere thanks, clearly understanding who was the biggest contributor this time.

Although even without Hu Ge, the final popularity of the "Travel" program may not be too low, but it will definitely not be as popular as it is now. In the end, it will only make the station pay more attention to itself.

It is of little help in terms of resource allocation and status.

But now it's completely different.

In the show, Hu Ge not only showed a character image that the audience loved to see as a doting wife, but also revealed the story of the three years of silence outside the entertainment industry.

Almost immediately, some passers-by and viewers rushed to the live broadcast room after hearing the news, resulting in a substantial increase in traffic.

You can say that.

Although Hu Ge is indeed one of the guests, there is absolutely no need to use those three years of secrets to attract traffic to the program team.

After all, he has no obligation.

You can even find some interview shows for business cooperation and package and sell all the stories of those three years.

In this way, you can not only gain a lot of popularity, but also receive valuable rewards.

It can be said that it is equivalent to Hu Ge’s voluntary labor, giving the program team an opportunity to increase traffic for free. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a great benefactor!

"The director is too polite, I am a guest, these things are just part of my tasks.

Hu Ge said with a faint smile, facing Wang Zhengyu's politeness, he did not accept it readily.

"What's more, we may have opportunities to cooperate in the future, maybe?".

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