Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 161 I Know Why I Want To Say It Out (2 Updates, Seeking Completeness And Determination)

I actually know this kind of thing, but why do you say it?

Seeing Hu Ge's leaving figure, and Yang Mi and Liu Yifei covering their mouths and snickering, Chen He couldn't help but sigh.

He looked extremely melancholy.

This is really uncomfortable.

Does it mean that everyone knows that I am really hopelessly fat, and if I continue to develop, will I move closer to Xiao Yueyue?

Thinking of this, Chen He couldn't help but let out a dull sigh, and looked even more girthy.

This is definitely not a good thing!

No, it seems that I really need to lose weight, otherwise if I continue to develop, I will become a greasy middle-aged uncle. That would be really sad!

"Husband, after this show ends, will the movie you mentioned before have to be invested in and filmed?"

Sit at the dining table and taste "Zero Four Three" and taste the tempting food in front of you.

Yang Mi looked up at Hu Ge and asked curiously.

In fact, participating in the variety show this time was not only for Yang Mi and Liu Yifei to relax and treat it as a vacation.

It can be regarded as the last time Hu Ge participated in the program before filming the movie, which can be regarded as stabilizing the traffic that has finally risen.

After all, after the comeback.

Although Hu Ge has gained a lot of fans in the public eye due to his excellent acting skills in "Sword" and "The Pretender", his traffic is in a period of rapid growth.

But unfortunately, in the current entertainment industry, there are too many variety shows of all kinds.

As a result, the celebrity popularity that was originally considerable was almost completely divided by the emergence of piles of these programs.

This is why many celebrities have to continue to appear on variety shows to stay popular.

If you don't appear on the show, other celebrities will naturally appear on it. When the traffic separation and popularity are damaged, you will ultimately suffer.

It is precisely for this reason that Hu Ge chose to take his two wives to participate in this variety show.

Take advantage of the popularity of "The God of Medicine" to gather its newly rising popularity.

In this way, when the filming period of the new movie is over, the popularity will not drop too quickly, and a certain amount of topics can still be maintained.

"Indeed, we can start the shooting plan after we return."

Hu Ge nodded slightly and answered.

"As for the role in the movie, do you have someone in mind for my husband?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi quickly asked, a glimmer of expectation appearing in her eyes.

There's obviously a lot of interest in this movie.

In fact, the wives Hu Ge accepted not only regarded acting as a job, but also regarded it as one of the pleasures.

And since establishing the studio.

Yang Mi's daily life basically focused on handling various matters in the studio. Today, she finally got the opportunity to participate in a variety show, which somewhat relieved her work fatigue.

Now that I heard that Hu Ge's new movie is about to start filming, it's obviously impossible to say that Yang Mi doesn't have any ideas.

After all, as the woman with the highest status among all wives, she is also one of the main leaders of the studio.

It is obviously normal to participate in a movie that is invested and filmed by one's own studio, and there is nothing strange about it.

"The candidates for the roles are still under consideration. After all, we still have to look at the actors' schedules, contact the distribution and other investors... I guess I can finalize a project plan after I go back tomorrow."

Hu Ge replied casually.

Looking at the little stars twinkling in Yang Mi's eyes, how could she not understand what the other party was thinking.

In fact, Hu Ge already has a preliminary list of roles in the new movie, but it does not include Yang Mi.

The reason is not that she doubts her acting skills, but simply a lack of manpower.

You must know that as of now, among the wives in Hu Ge's family, only Yang Mi is in charge of the outside and in charge of everything in the studio.

If she is allowed to join the film shooting plan, then obviously no one will be able to take care of the studio affairs, and she cannot be allowed to shoulder the film work together.

What's more... Hu Ge also has other considerations for his wives at home.

Compared with Master Liu, who is in charge, and Yang Mi, who is outside, Liu Yifei is already very popular in the entertainment industry.

The rest of the people looked a little dim.

Especially Tang Yan and the others have only just debuted. Taking a long break will obviously have a devastating impact on acting skills. In this case, Hu Ge, as a husband, must also consider this aspect.

"Well, when I get back, I will help my husband write a plan. If there are any extra roles, you can share them with me."

Yang Mi hugged Hu Ge's arm tightly [whose face is full of the smell of coquettishness.

Obviously I came right up and asked for the role.

Feeling the warm, smooth and elastic touch on his arm, Hu Ge smiled helplessly, but did not refuse directly.

"It depends on the situation. If there are any extra roles, I can let you come in and play for a day."


Yang Mi was stunned for a moment, and an aggrieved expression immediately appeared on her smiling face.

Although Hu Ge didn't say it explicitly, the meaning behind his words was very obvious.

If you let yourself go in and act for a day, you will definitely not be given the task of starring in it. At most, you will be given a supporting role to enjoy the show.

However, thinking that she has been busy with work recently and seems to have no time to worry about filming, Yang Mi quickly felt relieved.

Think about it too.

With my daily workload, I really can't spare so much time to participate in filming. If I have to play the leading role, it may extend the filming cost of the crew.

Besides, I still don’t know if my acting skills are good enough.

In this case, playing a supporting role is obviously a good choice.

At least I can act in a drama for a day or two to relieve my boredom at work. It's not like having fun with drama.

"Thank you husband!"

After thinking about this, Yang Mi immediately put down her emotions and showed a happy smile on her face.

In contrast, Liu Yifei, who had been sitting opposite, had an unchanged expression and seemed not to be interested at all.

Different from Yang Mi who just got married not long ago, knowing Hu Ge for so many years has a profound impact on his character.

Liu Yifei is very familiar with her.

If there is a suitable role in the movie, Hu Ge will take the initiative to say it without even asking.

On the other hand, if the other party doesn't say...even if you beg, it's basically impossible to get an important role.

Hu Ge is very strict when it comes to casting for movie scripts.

Even if the other party is his wife, that is no exception. .

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