Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 170 The Heroine Is Not You (3 Updates, Please Be Sure)

"That's not necessary."

Hu Ge shook his head and said with a faint smile: "The heroine this time is not you."

"No...not me?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei's face was suddenly full of doubts. It was obvious that she would be rejected by Hu Ge without hesitation.

Although in the entertainment industry, my acting skills are not up to the level of a movie queen, there is obviously no problem in reaching the level of a first-line actor.

Coupled with the popularity accumulated over the years,

Once you participate in the show, the box office appeal and traffic you bring will definitely not lose to those movie queens.

What's more, among the girls, my acting skills and strength are undoubtedly the strongest.

Not the best candidate?

"There is nothing wrong with Feifei's acting skills and appearance. Even if it is a small-budget ordinary movie, once you join it, it will have a fairy-like effect, and the box office and traffic will have earth-shaking changes. .

I saw the doubtful look on Liu Yifei's face.

Hu Ge smiled slightly and immediately explained: "But this is also your flaw... No matter what movie it is, as long as you join in, Feifei, it will have a fairy-like effect."

"For ordinary movies, it may have unexpected effects. But for the heroine of the movie "The Secret of the Dragon", your fairy energy will not only have no effect, but will appear out of place."

The movie "The Secret of the Dragon" mainly tells the story of three captains who found gold.

In the 1980s, the three golden captains, who were tired of the life of tomb robbers, planned to wash their hands in foreign golden basins and live their own normal lives.

But because of an accidental discovery, the male protagonist's first love girlfriend Ding Sitian, who was supposed to have died twenty years ago, survived a mysterious symbol.

In order to find the truth, the three gold-touching captains gathered together again and reunited with the thousand-year-old tomb on the grassland.

Although the story setting is simple, in order to get closer to the character image, the selection of actors will be quite strict.

Just like the heroine Shirley Yang, in the setting she graduated from the Naval Academy, worked as a photojournalist for a famous magazine, and loves archeology.

This is completely inconsistent with Liu Yifei's immortal energy attributes.

Therefore, although the other party has extremely strong traffic and box office appeal, in order to be close to the script, Hu Ge is unlikely to let her play the heroine.

"Then, husband, who are you planning to cast?"

Liu Yifei asked unwillingly.

Although there is nothing she can do about losing this role, Liu Yifei wants to know whose acting skills her husband values ​​more among these people.

"The heroine..."

Hu Ge thought slightly and glanced at everyone.

Seeing Hu Ge's hesitant expression, the girls sitting around the coffee table almost immediately sat up straight and came over eagerly.

Obviously they want this task to fall on themselves.

As Star Culture's first independent film, if they can play the leading role in it, it will obviously have a completely different meaning for the girls.

Especially Jiang Shuying, she is full of expectations for participating in the heroine this time.

As the last member to join the family, Jiang Shuying has the lowest ranking, so she wants to do something more urgently to prove her worth.

And now, there is a good opportunity in front of us.

If you can really become a heroine successfully.

Although the family ranking will not change much, I will feel more confident when talking at home in the future.

"The heroine... let Yan Yan play the role.

His eyes wandered back and forth between the girls for a long time.

Hu Ge smiled slightly and finally stopped at Tang Yan.


Being named by Hu Ge himself, Tang Yan pointed at himself in disbelief.

There was a look of surprise and excitement on his face, obviously he didn't expect it.

In fact, although Tang Yan was looking forward to participating in the heroine role this time, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

After all, Tang Yan knew very well how much this movie meant to Starry Sky Culture.

That was Star Culture's first real step in the entertainment industry, and it can be said to be a top priority.

And he is just a new actor.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for such a heavy burden to fall on oneself.

But now...

“For now, Yan Yan’s temperament is the one that best suits the heroine’s character.

…………Please give me flowers…………

Squeezing Tang Yan's face full of surprise, Hu Ge explained gently: "As for Feifei, although she can't be the leading role, the role of Ding Sitian, one of the main supporting roles, is particularly suitable for you."

It is said to be a supporting role, but the whole story of the movie is based on the role of Ding Sitian. It is not an exaggeration to call her the second female lead.

Hu Ge was very relieved that such an important role was given to Liu Yifei, after all, in terms of looking at people.

Hu Ge feels that he is quite accurate.

"As for the remaining roles, Star Culture has also signed many artists during this period. Mimi can refer to them. If there are any suitable candidates, just recommend them to me directly."


Since it is the first film independently produced by the studio, Hu Ge will try his best to use his own company's artists when selecting roles.

After all, several important roles have been given to actors with sufficient capabilities. As for the remaining supporting roles, the conditions can be relaxed a little.

It can be regarded as giving those new people a chance.

"I understand, husband, I will make arrangements."

Yang Mi nodded and answered, her face full of seriousness.

Although she did not get the opportunity to play a role in this movie, she is one of the bosses of the studio.

Of course, Yang Mi will also complete the tasks assigned by her husband meticulously. After all, this is related to the future of her company!

"As for the venue, do we need to coordinate now?"

"I will do this myself. The special effects side can take it easy and release the finished film first. I will contact someone to complete it when the time comes."

Hu Ge thought for a while and replied: "But the photography equipment can be prepared first. If everything goes well, we will try our best to complete the shooting within this week."

It is already autumn, according to Hu Ge's budget.

Although the actual shooting period of the movie "The Secret of the Dragon" may only be two months, it includes the investment budget, film submission for review, and theater partners.

But it cannot be completed in just two months.

Therefore, in order to catch up with the Lunar New Year schedule, you have to hurry up!

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