Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 186: Tang Yan Lets Himself Go (4 Updates, Seeking Completeness And Self-Determination)


Feeling the notification sound in his pocket, Hu Ge was slightly startled and subconsciously took out his phone.

What appeared on the screen was Liu Shishi's video call request.

"Master, is this video call coming? Is it because I just posted a few photos of our bonfire party in the group, so I can't bear it?"

When Tang Yan saw the person on the video call, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue, obviously on purpose.

Being able to go out alone with my husband, without other sisters coming to compete for his favor, and most importantly, I can experience an unprecedented grassland barbecue.

This is an extremely happy thing for Tang Yan. Of course, he needs to take some photos to share.

After all, due to work arrangements, the other girls in the family were busy and could not enjoy this bonfire dinner at all, which can be said to be a pity. "Two thirty zero"

In this case, as their good sisters, I took a few pictures and let everyone share them.

That's a matter of course.

No need to thank us, we are all sisters, these operations are what we should do

"What bad thing did you do again?"

Seeing Tang Yan ducking and dodging, excited and timid, Hu Ge shook his head dumbfounded, obviously helpless for his wife.

Originally, when this girl was at home, she was a bit weird and liked to tease others.

And after taking her out this time, she completely let herself go.

Although it may be because I brought her out for the first time, so I felt a little excited.

Since marrying the daughters.

Although Hu Ge's work schedule is quite intensive, he basically sets off alone.

Except for some variety shows, he rarely partners with his wife, so there are several women in the family who have not gone out to film shows with Hu Ge.

Naturally, this included Tang Yan.

"Although it's normal to feel excited when you come out with me alone, you can't make fun of it in a group or anything like that.

Hu Ge smiled helplessly.

After doing this, after returning home, the women at home will have to peel off her skin.

"Husband, I miss you~"

Connect the video call request.

What appeared in front of Hu Ge's eyes were all the girls sitting on the sofa, greeting each other like concubines from the ancient palace lining up to greet him.

Looking at this group of wives who committed crimes together, Hu Ge could not help but be stunned for a moment.

Then he said with some confusion: "I miss you too, but what are you doing? Sitting so neatly for me to see?"

In the past, when Hu Ge went out to work, he often took video calls from his wives.

But at those times, you could basically see the girls lying around in the living room, their faces full of contentment.

How could there be such a serious and focused look in front of me?

What happened?

"Well, I just said that my husband definitely doesn't like it."

"This is what my teacher suggested. She said that every time she calls her husband via video call from now on, she should be more dignified and reflect the nature of our virtuous wives."

"In case anyone sees it in the video, it can also make your husband look good and teach his wife how to do it."

I noticed that Hu Ge didn't seem very satisfied with the scene in front of him.

The girls, who were originally dignified and virtuous, relaxed almost immediately, and then chattered to explain, finally letting Hu Ge understand what happened.

He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled helplessly: "That's no need. My wives are all famous for being virtuous and virtuous. They are at the level of goddesses. Why is there any need to pretend?"

"Hehe, that's right."

Being praised so much by Hu Ge.

Liu Shishi stuck out his tongue playfully, seeming a little shy.

"So, there is no need to pretend anything in front of me. We are all a family. Even if others see the video content, will they still feel that I teach my wife everything I can do?"

Hu Ge frowned deliberately, showing off his anger.

Even across a long distance, the picture can be transmitted synchronously through video.

Facing Hu Ge's performance, the girls couldn't help but babbled.

"Ahem, my husband is right. If anyone dares to say that my husband is incompetent in teaching his wife, I promise to be the first to go up and tear him apart!"

"Yes, we are so well-behaved and virtuous, how could anyone dare to dislike us? So, Master, you are completely over-worrying!"

"Go, go, now you've put the responsibility on me, right? When I first proposed it, I saw you were nodding happily!"

Faced with the sisters' behavior of shirking responsibility...

Master Liu couldn't help but roll his eyes at them and said angrily.

Seeing that the atmosphere among the girls at home was still very harmonious, Hu Ge missed them a little deep in his heart.

I couldn't help but ask: "By the way, why didn't Little Moon see her come out and was she sleeping again?"

"Yeah, I've been sleeping all afternoon."

Acridine was the first to reply.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Little Moon is only a few months old now and needs a lot of sleep every day. The time when she wakes up and falls asleep has no rules at all, it all depends on luck.

This means that even if Hu Ge misses his daughter, he can't wake her up.

I can only suppress my regrets and look forward to finishing the shooting mission early and then go back to accompany Little Moon.

"Honey, don't be disappointed, I will send you a video next time when Little Moon wakes up."

Seemingly noticing that Hu Ge looked a little disappointed, Master Liu quickly added.

Obviously, he also understands how rare Hu Ge is for his daughter.

"It's okay, there is always a chance to wake up when the little moon comes next time."

"By the way, hubby, is Tangtang next to you?"

It was not easy to wait until Liu Shishi and Hu Ge finished talking.

Yang Mi, who had been waiting nearby for a long time, finally couldn't help it anymore and almost immediately came over.

Although there is a smile on his face.

But one could clearly see the murderous intention hidden in his eyes, which made Hu Ge smile helplessly.

"It's next to me. Come Tangtang and have a chat with Mimi and the others?"

"Uh... It doesn't matter. Husband, just talk to them. I don't have anything in common."

He looked at the mobile phone that was brought to him.

Tang Yan waved his hand crazily, showing his refusal.

Are you kidding me?

In order to show his affection, Tang Yan did not forget to turn on the group teasing mode when posting pictures in the discussion group, hoping to stimulate these women who were not accompanied by men.

After the content was posted, even Tang Yan felt a little depressed and panicked.

In this case, how to accept Yang Mi’s video?


I am not a fool, so I am not looking for scolding!

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