Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 192: Set Off, Go Home (2 Updates, Please Make Your Own Decision For Completeness)

The growth rate of little cute babies is usually jaw-dropping.

From trying to turn over, walk, to speak.

All these things will only happen in a few short years.

And for actors, especially busy stars like Hu Ge.

A few months is just a blink of an eye. The shooting time of any movie is measured in months.

This is still if the efficiency is fast enough.

Especially after the establishment of Star Culture Studio and Hu Ge began to star and direct himself, the shooting time was extended infinitely.

In just two or three months of filming "The Secret of the Dragon", Hu Ge had already missed a lot of Little Moon's growth and was unable to witness it with his own eyes.

Although Hu Ge tried his best to avoid this.

But under the current situation, there is nothing that can be done.

After all, Star Culture Studio has just been established not long ago. And his fame has just begun to gradually rise, and he is in the period of explosive traffic.

In this case, once the filming work and participation in variety shows are stopped.

Then the end result is that the popularity that was finally accumulated will be squandered again just like three years ago.

All efforts were in vain.

After all, the memory of the entertainment industry has always been so short. As long as you disappear from the audience's sight, it will last for more than a few months.

Then when you come back again.

Even if there will still be a group of die-hard fans left because of the excellent works he has shot, the popularity will obviously not be at the same level as before he left.

This point is completely different from Huang Bo and Xu Zheng.

The two have been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years. They have shot countless classic film and television works, and they can be said to be household names for a long time.

The coffee position is not comparable to the current Hu Ge.

After all, even in the entertainment industry, seniority is important.

Of course, in terms of the speed of making money, if these two movie stars are tied together, they may not be enough to fight Hu Ge.

Just find a few fresh meat with low traffic volume, and you can throw the opponent away by a bit.

"Husband, the editing of the movie has been completed?"

Just as Hu Ge was thinking, Liu Yifei's voice suddenly sounded not far away.

Looking up, I saw two women who seemed to have just finished playing outside and were walking into the room hand in hand.

It looked incredibly intimate.

This is how women's relationships are, even if they are always bickering and quarreling. But once it calms down.

Basically, just a few words of common conversation can lead to a close friend.

This is true even for wives at home.

Although not long ago, Tang Yan offended all the women in the family because of teasing in the discussion group.

But in the past few months of filming.

Tang Yan's hard work was also broadcast live by Hu Ge and came into the eyes of all the girls.

Even for this sake. The girls obviously wouldn't make things difficult for Tang Yan, since it wasn't a big deal in the first place.

It's just that this girl is too complacent, so she arouses unanimous resistance from all the girls.

Now that a few months have passed, the girls' anger has almost disappeared. For example, Tang Feng has indeed had a lot of coincidences these days.

Of course, no one will bother her again.

"Well, it's done."

Facing the two women's inquiries, Hu Ge nodded slightly and motioned them to look at the monitor.

At this time, the plot in the movie has also reached its final stage.

At thirty-two times fast forward speed.

Hu Bayi and others relied on the coffin to finally escape from the ancient tomb and float above the lake.

Look at the scene on the display screen.

Liu Yifei frowned slightly and said with some surprise: "This is already a finished film? Husband, when did you find someone to do the special effects rendering?"

"It started when we were shooting. At the end of every day, I would give them the material to render, and it was just finished today.

Hu Ge casually made up a reason.

At home, Hu Ge's authority is unquestionable and cannot be doubted by the other daughters.

Therefore, Liu Yifei and Tang Yan did not think carefully about the explanation he gave.

On the contrary, he also sighed at the same time: "Then the technology of this special effects team company is not bad, it is more realistic than the special effects of Fairy Sword.

"Yes, there is no flaw at all in terms of special effects,"

Tang Yan stared at the screen and exclaimed: "If I hadn't participated in the whole process as the starring role, I would have thought that these scenes were real."

"That's natural. "The Secret of the Dragon" was originally a special effects film, and special effects production is of course the top priority. As for the two TV series of the "Sword and Fairy" series, the investment costs are there after all."

Hu Ge explained with a smile.

Filming a TV series is obviously not the same thing as filming a movie.

There are dozens of episodes at random, and the basic unit is measured in hours, and a movie is only two hours at most.

in this case.

Investments of the same status have completely different proportions of special effects allocation.

"That's what I think. Then hubby, we can go home right away?"

Tang Yan nodded clearly, his eyes filled with expectation.

You know, three full months have passed since the crew came to the grassland to station.

Although at the beginning, Tang Yan was very excited when facing a place like this that he had never been to before.

But it's been a long time, and it's inevitable that it will be boring.

After all, life on the grasslands is too monotonous compared to the city, and the signal is sometimes good or bad.

This made Tang Yan, who had always been more lively, unable to control his inner anxiety.

I can't wait to return home immediately.

At least with the company of my sisters, even if I get really bored, I can still go out as a group and go shopping.

Even just teasing Little Moon.

After being away for several months, I don’t know how Little Moon is doing.

Although Little Moon was born to Liu Shishi.

However, the relationship between the girls has always been close, and they have long been indistinguishable from each other. Naturally, they treat Little Moon Tang Yan as her own.

"Let's leave today. We don't have much luggage to pack anyway, just tonight's flight.

Facing Tang Yan's impatient look, Hu Ge smiled and shook his head.

I couldn't help but pinch this girl's face.

"Okay, I'll book a flight right away!"

Upon hearing this, Tang Yan's eyes lit up, he took out his phone and booked a flight back to the Magic City.

Then suddenly something came to mind.

He couldn't help but slap his head and said quickly: "I almost forgot, I finally came to the grassland. Let's buy some small gifts and bring them home to them and Little Moon!"

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