Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 199: Being A Human Being Has Principles (2 Updates, Seek Completeness And Self-Determination

Hu Ge naturally has his own considerations in doing things.

Although signing these newcomers is indeed a very costly matter for Star Culture.

But in the long run, it will obviously be more cost-effective.

In this case, even if the payment is slightly higher, it is not a big deal.

"This is the current situation with Tangren. According to my information, Cai Xukun and Zhang Yishan have successfully signed with Tangren, while Ju Jingyi is still in talks, but I feel that Tangren is bound to win."

After calming down her emotions slightly, Yang Mi reported her work seriously.

"Then let's focus on Ju Jingyi first and try to snatch her away. As for Zhang Yishan, we can send someone to negotiate. We will pay the full amount of liquidated damages."

Hu Ge nodded and made a decision quickly.

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow. But hubby, why don't we sign Cai Xukun as well?"

Facing Hu Ge's instructions, Yang Mi frowned slightly.

Obviously very puzzled by this.

"Actually, among the three newcomers Tangren collected this time, Cai Xukun has the highest traffic and popularity, and the contract Tangren signed with him is said to be only a million-level contract. With the strength of our Starry Sky Culture, we want to It doesn’t seem to be difficult for him to eat it.”980

Gaining such huge popularity as a newcomer is actually not an easy thing.

If we can capture Cai Xukun.

Then the newcomer system of the Tang Dynasty is fundamentally broken.

Otherwise, with this newcomer here, with his popularity, it is not impossible to support the Tang people.

"Mimi, you need to know that the reason why I competed with the Tang people is not only because of personal grudges, but also for the sake of the company. After all, we don't have any new talents to cultivate, so we will buy them from outside, even if we pay a certain price."

Facing Yang Mi’s doubts, Hu Ge patiently explained.

"But are sissy artists like Cai Xukun considered young talents? Star Culture is a training base for high-quality artists, not a garbage recycling bin. No matter how popular and profitable people like this are, we don't want them."

This is a matter of principle.

Hu Ge does like to make money, but what he wants to earn is equivalent compensation for high-quality works.

Not this kind of money that was obtained without any thought.

This kind of star relies on his neutral style to attract minors, and uses his cuteness and coquettishness to gain the love of female movie fans.

(chce) If it appears within the starry sky culture.

Hu Ge will not only kick him out without hesitation, but will also use all available forces to block him completely and will never tolerate him.

"I understand, then I will just do what you want, husband."

Yang Mi nodded, with a hint of pride clearly flashing across her face.

What my husband said is indeed correct!

Starry Sky Culture Studio is not a garbage recycling bin that everyone wants.

No matter how much money you can make, it will still be the same!

"It's hard for you to sign artist contracts. I remember that our company has also come to pay taxes, right?"

Hu Ge thought of paying taxes and couldn't help but remind him.

“When the time comes, remember, unless the policy clearly states that it can be reduced or exempted, don’t miss a single dollar of tax.

“There is no need for reasonable tax avoidance.”

Hu Ge asked seriously.

Reasonable tax avoidance originally refers to using preferential policies to deduct certain taxes when permitted by law.

But in places like the entertainment industry, capital flows are always huge, and taxes are also high.

In order to reduce costs.

Many entertainment companies will also take advantage of loopholes in the legal stripe to pay less or not at all.

This was certainly not accepted by Hu Ge.

It is everyone's obligation and right to pay taxes in accordance with the law, even celebrities are no exception.

"Don't worry, husband, I will pay attention to this aspect."

Yang Mi answered obediently.

There certainly cannot be any oversight regarding tax matters.

Just after arranging work issues.

Little Moon's loud cry immediately rang out from the room. Apparently, this girl just happened to wake up.

Liu Shishi, who was washing the dishes, didn't wait for a reaction.

Hu Ge got up almost subconsciously and rushed to Xiaoyue's room.

Little Moon was already eight months old at this time.

Although he can't walk yet, it seems that because he inherited Hu Ge's strong physique, his physical fitness and strength are simply frightening.

Already has the potential of a little king of destruction.

I saw my father walking in.

The crying little Chengcheng seemed to be venting his anger and threw the toys out of the crib.

It hit Hu Ge straight in the face.


Hu Ge picked up the toy casually. This speed was nothing to him.

Looking at the crying Lihua Daiyu in the crib and the aggrieved little Chengcheng.

Hu Ge picked her up involuntarily and comforted her with a smile on her face: "Okay little Moon, daddy is here, don't cry, be good~"

Eight-month-old little cute babies are usually like this.

Although I am at home, because of my young age.

If you wake up and can't see your parents, you will almost immediately fall into crying out of fear.

Even Hu Ge can't do anything about this.

Who let this be his daughter? As a father, he can only endure it!

The effect of [Almighty Daddy] is indeed amazing. Under Hu Ge's comfort, Little Moon, who was still crying, gradually calmed down.

A pair of watery eyes stared at Hu Ge, pouting his little mouth, seeming to still feel aggrieved by what happened just now.

In the cute baby's world view.

Parents and familiar people around you are everything in the current world.

After waking up, the world is gone. Of course, you will feel wronged and even abandoned.

"This girl."

Little Moon's cute expression made Hu Ge laugh.

Facing his daughter's cute face, Hu Ge couldn't help but reach out and pinch her face. The soft touch of a baby almost immediately followed his fingers.

This is something that no cosmetics can compare to.

"The cute baby's skin is really tender."

Hu Ge sighed with a smile.

Soon, under Hu Ge's coaxing, Little Moon seemed to be sleepy, and her eyelids trembled slightly.

After a while, I fell into dreams again.

Seeing Little Moon falling asleep again, Hu Ge also breathed a sigh of relief.

Quietly put her back in the crib.

It is indeed not an easy task to coax children, although the little moon looks cute and adorable.

But when he took her with him, he was defeated by the boss.

It’s simply harder than filming!

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