Entertainment: Starting From The Seizure Of Li Xiaoyao’S Body

Chapter 204: Gulina Zha Who Is Cheating On Rice (3 Updates, Please Make Your Own Decision For Comple

"It's time to eat~"

Soon, the New Year's Eve dinner was all ready.

The girls sat around the dining table obediently, looking at the dazzling dishes in front of them, all with salivating expressions, and their saliva seemed to be about to flow out.

You know, during this time.

In order to reflect their qualities as good wives and loving mothers, the girls have gradually begun to practice cooking skills. Try to do all the housework.

After all, the women in the family, although they are divided into those who are in charge and those who are outside, are still my women no matter what.

On weekdays, it’s okay to ask your husband to help cook a big meal occasionally during holidays or when the food is improved, but if you still rely on your husband for daily meals, it is obviously too much.

Therefore, taking on the burden of cooking at home is something that all the girls have unanimously decided to do.

But the problem is that cooking is not something that can be done just by thinking about it.

Even with a master of cooking skills like Hu Ge in charge.

But the improvement of the cooking skills of the girls is also extremely slow.

Under this situation, the girls had not eaten anything delicious for more than a month.

Living in dire straits almost every 517 days, I can't get enough of Hu Ge's dishes.

Now I have finally waited until New Year's Eve to have a good meal again, a meal cooked by my husband himself.

How could you not be excited?

"It's been a long time since I've had something so delicious. Husband, don't throw away the leftovers when the time comes. I think I can eat a few more meals if I heat it up."

Smelling the tempting aroma of food that is constantly spreading on the dining table, it seems to be carrying great magic, constantly attracting everyone's attention.

The girls swallowed slightly and eagerly raised their chopsticks.

Just waiting for Hu Ge to give the order to officially start the meal.

Looking at the extremely expectant looks of his wives, with little stars twinkling in their eyes, Hu Ge helplessly shook his head.

Just when he was about to officially start the banquet, Yang Mi suddenly raised her hand and said weakly: "Husband, there is something I want to tell you.


Hu Ge opened a bottle of wine and looked a little confused.

"Naza asked if she could come to our place for a meal. Due to the weather, her flight home was temporarily canceled, so she is now homeless.


Hu Ge really didn't expect this kind of thing.

Facing Yang Mi's eyes waiting for this reply, Hu Ge thought for a moment, turned around, put down the wine opener, nodded and replied: "Okay, we are all friends after all, then let her come to our place for New Year's Eve dinner."

Although the friendship between Hu Ge and Gu Linaza is not very deep, plus the investment ratio given to her in the movie "The Secret of the Dragon", it can be regarded as repaying the kindness owed by Yang Mi and other girls.

But no matter what, everyone got to know each other.

Of course it doesn't matter if you let the other party have a meal or something.

Moreover, Hu Ge is obviously very interested in the latest information about the Tang Dynasty. It would be best if he could chat with insiders in person.

"Okay, hubby, I'll tell Naza right away."

With Hu Ge's permission, Yang Mi picked up her phone with a smile and directly replied to Gu Linaza's message.

Within a few minutes, a doorbell rang outside the villa.

Open the door.

What appeared in front of him was Li Nazha, carrying large and small bags and a face covered in dust.

I saw the house full of women and Hu Ge sitting there.

Gulinazha raised her hand slightly and said hello nervously.

"Excuse me, senior brother."

“Welcome Naza~”

As Gulinaza appeared, the girls quickly came forward and greeted her enthusiastically.

As one of several young actresses who have just debuted in today's entertainment industry.

Even if the girls had no contact with Gu Lina Zha, they obviously all knew her.

In particular, Yang Mi and other girls were extremely attentive in helping to get bags and shoes, and said with a smile: "Come on Nazha, just treat it like returning to your own home, I will help you take your luggage to the side."


The atmosphere at home was obviously more harmonious than expected. Under the warm welcome of the girls, Gulina Zha quickly became familiar with the atmosphere and gradually relaxed.

Look at the attractive colors and dazzling array of dishes on the table.

Gulinazha couldn't help but blinked, with a look of joy on her face: "It smells so good, senior brother, did you make all of this?"

"On New Year's Eve, of course I will be in charge."

Hu Ge said with a smile: "If you like to eat, you can eat more later. I am still very confident in my cooking skills."

"Okay, senior brother, you're welcome then!"

Gulinazha nodded seriously. This was really not a polite thing to say.

The last time I filmed the program "Travel Starts Today".

Hu Ge’s superb cooking skills are still fresh in her memory and she cannot forget them.

That amazing level of cooking skills, just an ordinary fish, can be so delicious.

Even while eating, I couldn't stand the braised fish in the Yang Mi bowl.

Gu Linaza didn't even care about her image and snatched her up in private. She was almost conquered by this senior brother on the spot.

It can be said that if Hu Ge now asks for Gulinazha to sleep with him tonight at the cost of a table of food.

I guess the latter didn’t even think about it and had to agree on the spot!

"Speaking of Nazha, why are you still staying in Magic City? I remember that the Tang people had a holiday last week, right?"

Yang Mi pulled Gulinaza to sit next to her. She was obviously very puzzled by what happened to her good friend.

In the entertainment industry, it doesn’t matter whether it is big or small.

As the actual person in charge of Star Culture Studio.

Of course, Yang Mi was well aware of some developments in other companies, and she couldn't help but be a little confused at the moment.

Hear the question.

Gulinazha, who was originally a little excited because of the table full of food, almost immediately became helpless, and then sighed heavily.

He said listlessly: "Don't mention it. Now that I think about it, I can't wait to duel with that damn woman. How dare you deliberately trick me!"

"Senior Brother, do you still need someone, otherwise you should take me in too!"

Gulinazha raised her head.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the women around him suddenly looked surprised, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

Yang Mi, in particular, coughed slightly and asked seriously: "Which Na... do you also want to marry your husband?".

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