Entertainment: Starting With A Net Worth Of One Trillion, I Chose To Lie Flat

Chapter 102 The Happiness And Sadness Of The Rich Woman

When Chen Mo and Yang Mi arrived, Lin Tian was basically the only one playing golf in the entire place.

In the course, there were two caddies in casual clothes waiting to pick up the ball.

Lin Tianyi is an elderly woman, probably in her forties.

But he still looks relatively young.

Wearing tight yoga pants.

It looked like he had just finished yoga and came to play golf.

After finishing her swing, she put the ball in her hand into the barrel.

Then he turned around and greeted Chen Mo and Yang Mi.

"Why did Mr. Xiao Yang come here today and bring someone else with him?"

Lin Tianyi still prefers to communicate with young people.

After all, everyone is very energetic.

Unlike older people who always talk in official style, chatting together is very fun.

The two of them should be considered personally acquainted.

When filming the "570" TV series, Lin Tianyi originally wanted to ask Yang Mi to come and act.

But after careful consideration, I chose Qiu Cixuan.

So when Yang Mi said hello, she deliberately joked.

"Sister Lin, I was promised to star in the last film!"

Then the two men hugged briefly.

We joked and exchanged pleasantries.

Then Yang Mi pointed at Chen Mo and introduced.

"This is my boyfriend."

Lin Tianyi glanced at Chen Mo with great interest.

I simply looked at it.

"Of course I know this. Your boyfriend is a well-known chaebol in the industry. Compared with the chaebols in Kimchi Country, it's so funny.

After saying that, she reached out and shook hands with Chen Mowu.

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Lin Tianyi."

Chen Mo always leaned over and gave her a simple kiss.

Even though Lin Tianyi is older, he is still very charming.

The skin of a forty-year-old looks as smooth as a thirty-year-old.

And there are no wrinkles on the face.

Coupled with regular exercise and yoga, her body proportions are maintained very well.

"It's an honor to meet you for the first time."

After the couple, several people sat down in the surrounding seating area.

There are several lazy sofas placed here, and in the middle is a small coffee table made of special glass.

On the floor is a velvet rug from Spain.

The overall atmosphere is quite casual.

"I heard that you know a lot of people, and I really want to ask you a favor this time." Lin Kaiyi said straight to the point after just finishing.

There is no selling out.

The fundamental reason why she invited Yang Mi over was because Jiaxing Media now has a very strong voice in the international film industry.

And Yang Mi is one of the shareholders.

I think it should be able to help.

And Yang Mi also smiled slightly bitterly.

"Although that is said, I can only do it to the best of my ability, but as you know, it is the Chinese New Year now, and all units are basically on holiday. It would be very difficult if they were asked to review it again."

After talking about this issue.

The two fell into silence.

It's true. Everyone has to go home during the Spring Festival holiday, and basically not many people will be at work.

Except for some special tasks, someone must be there.

"This is difficult to handle. We have already set a schedule for the film to be released in two or three months after the Spring Festival. If we don't make it in time, I will probably lose a lot of money.

Yang Mi didn't have any good ideas.

So she chose to bring Chen Mo over.

"I wonder what Mr. Chen thinks about this matter?" Lin Tianyi also knew what Yang Mi was thinking, so he turned to ask Chen Mo.

"It's very simple. If something happens, we will deal with it."

After Chen Mo finished speaking.

Then he pointed to the large golf course in front of him.

"Look what it looks like in front of you?"

Lin Tianyi wasn't sure what Chen Mo wanted to express.

Looking around, I saw nothing but grass and surrounding greenery.

There is also a golf hole beyond.

There really isn't much else.

"I do not know what that means…………"

Chen Mo smiled.

"Since you don't know, let me play it first. What is the name of your play?"

Chen Mo is not someone who knows how to invest in anything or help others.

First of all, Chen Mo should be interested in this thing.

The second step is to measure whether this thing can bring positive benefits.

Lin Tian opened his mouth and said.

"This is an adaptation of a novel, and the initial title is called The Temptation of Going Home.

Upon hearing this name.

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly lit up...0

"The Temptation of Going Home"?!

This show is indeed very popular.

But Chen Mo has never seen it.

But who doesn’t know Pinru’s wardrobe?

This meme has already become popular.

Some even know the name of the TV series and the performance of the protagonist Ling Xiaosu.

Absolutely amazing indeed.

This TV series basically revolves around an enviable model couple. After getting married, the original romantic feelings in the marriage gradually faded away and were replaced by various practical problems encountered in life.

And because the heroine Pinru failed to get pregnant, it is said that the male protagonist cheated on her with another mistress.

All in all, the plot is very complex.

The various protagonists in it have a relatively close relationship.

All in all, it is a rare and good drama.

The most important thing is that its ratings at the time were 26%!

If you can do a little bit of manipulation in this kind of drama, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money by then.

It's just that although the producers at the time were very confident in the show, they did not do a good job in post-production public relations and maintenance.

As a result, although the drama is popular, the money they make is not too much.

Unexpectedly, the woman in front of me was actually the director of The Temptation of Going Home.

The world is really so small...

After saying the title of the play, Lin Tianyi suddenly noticed that Chen Mo's eyes were a little dull, as if he was thinking about something.

"If it's too much trouble, forget it. If it doesn't work, we'll broadcast it again in the second half of the year."

Lin Tianyi's words were filled with deep reluctance.

After all, this is the schedule they have already set.

Spring Festival stall, summer stall.

These two periods have the largest flow of people. Whoever can catch them will stand out during this time.

Who is the real king.

Because some of the preliminary preparation work has basically been completed, the only thing missing is the final review.

Lin Tianyi was almost furious.

"I can definitely help you with this, and it's very simple. You don't need to go through any backdoor methods. Just re-examine it.

But Lin Tianyi did smile bitterly.

"Things are not as simple as imagined...".

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