Time passes.

Three days later.

Another weekend.

Late, eight o'clock.

"Digga Ultraman" officially started.

In this moment!

Children in countless cities!

Lie in front of the TV and look forward to the start of Digga.

Tianhai City!

A luxury villa!

A little boy finished his homework early and ran to the TV to wait for Digga to start.

"Xiaoxiao, are you done your homework?"

The mother dressed as a noblewoman walked up to the child and asked.

"Mom, I've done all my tasks for today!"

"Oh, did you practice the piano?"

"Did you paint?"

"Have you practiced speaking?"

"Mom, it's all over!"

"That's not okay, I haven't checked it yet!"

"And how can you look at this violent thing?"

"Digga is not a thing!"

"That's Digga Ultraman."

"You kid!"

Without saying a word, the mother turned off the TV directly.

At this moment, though.

The girl's father came over.

"What are you angry with your child, and the child is not without completing his homework."

"And that what Digga is not as bad as it is said on the Internet."

"You can't just read the comments on the Internet!"

"How can you not complain about it!"

"Our children have been talking back to me since they saw Diga!"

"That's going to be done later!"

"No, you can't look at this kind of thing in the future."

Listen to Dad, Mom!

Xiaoxiao can't understand!

Why do you just express your opinion, and your mother should say this?

Really don't understand.

And you don't like these things, why impose them on yourself!

The father saw that the mother was in a hot mood.

Directly took the mother out of the room.

Only the little boy was left sitting in the empty home.

Similar scenes are playing out across the country.

Today's children have to learn many skills at a young age, and bear the pressure far beyond this age.

To be precise, it should be a cage walled by parental love.

No one ever asks if they like these things.

Probably, in their eyes, the child can know something.


The pointer points to eight o'clock.

Accompanied by a theme song from TV.

[Just like the sun passes through the night

] [Dawn quietly crosses the sky

] [Whose figure shuttles between reincarnations

] [......] [

Miracle will definitely appear]

The song ends!

The eighth episode of Digga Ultraman, "Halloween Night", officially started.

The plot begins!

Dressed in Halloween-style ghost costumes, the Victory Team investigates the source of the eerie magnetic field.

Children dressed up as ghosts and went door to door begging for candy.

At this time, a witch mother-in-law appeared on the street, pushing the candy house.

While selling candy, she shouted:

"Children with dreams, come quickly, if you have dreams, I have a lot of candy rewards here."

Children rushed to ask for huge lollipops.

"Daigu" as a big kid also wants candy.

"My candy is only for children, not adults."

Disappointed Daigu is planning to leave with Catwoman "Rina".

Right at this moment.

Daigu found out something was wrong.

In the mirror not far from them, there are them, there are children, there are no witches.

This witch mother-in-law, there must be something wrong!!

At this moment, the atmosphere froze.

It may be that Daigu's gaze is too direct.

The witch mother-in-law immediately ended today's event.

She pushed the child away: "This is the end of today, get out of the way." "

The children left disappointed.

Daigu did not leave.

Instead, he followed the witch mother-in-law and left.

Inside the silent underground driveway.

The two chased one after the other.

The witch's shrill and eerie laughter resounded all around.

The strange atmosphere made the audience nervous.

Daigu ran through the castle, and the laughter of witches was heard from time to time around him.

The screen turns.

Daigu is trapped in a container.



The lights come on.

Or that room!

Father and mother walked in together.

See your kids still watching Digga!

The anger in my mother's heart could no longer be suppressed.


Just walk over and turn off the TV.


Right at this moment.

Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and asked, "Mom, is my dream like here, eaten by monsters!" When

the mother heard the child's words, she couldn't help but be stunned.

Watch the child's dreams devoured on TV.

And then fall weakly!

[Children don't need to dream]

[Until they grow up

] [They just need to be at the mercy of others like dolls and toys]

Listen to this harsh sound.

Mom and father's first feeling is to refute it.

How can a child not need a dream!

However, at this moment.

Mom and Dad were all silent.

Like dolls and toys!

Just be at the mercy of others.


Think about your own restraint and discipline of your children.

And the child's confusion and sluggishness when he looks into his eyes.

Isn't this what the child who is sucked up of his dreams looks like?

The picture changes again.

Daigu roared in the airtight container.

"Give him back the dream!! That child's dream belongs only to himself. "

The lines are short.

But the shock effect is huge.

In front of the TV, countless parents began to reflect.

Looking at the innocent smile on his child's face because of Diga.

They get it!

Children are just children!

They shouldn't be given so much pressure.

If your own childhood is unhappy, you must not let the next generation of children be unhappy.

At the same time.

Backstage of Yangcheng TV.

Look at the explosive data in front of you!

Ratings broke 6%.

Zhou Qing let out a long breath.

As the director of the station, the pressure she has to bear can be imagined.

When everyone was not optimistic about Diga, he did not give up.

Although there is also the meaning of the boss, the main thing is the charm of Zhou Mo.

People can't help but believe him.


Fruit table!

Watch the TV ratings in front of you!

Huang Cheng's face was ugly.

Tonight's online viewership was less than 4%.

And with Digga's remark "That child's dream belongs to him", a large number of people were lost.

With the broadcast of the eighth episode of Digga.

The trend of public opinion on the Internet has changed directly.

The happiest are those netizens who always insist that Diga is right.

And the water army that refuted Digga on the Internet disappeared in an instant.

It's like it didn't show up.

And the neck bib was completely destroyed along with this article.

Original text: "Give him back the dream!" That child's dream belongs only to him. In

it, the author has a deep understanding of dreams, especially a strange image of this society.

Whether the dream imposed on their children by parents is good.

And the majority of my netizens!

Just under the article crazy comments.

"Adults' dreams, I don't want them, sucking adults' dreams will only break my stomach." Isn't such a paragraph the best interpretation for us!

"Adults' dreams are only money, desire, and good things."

"And such a simple truth, we have never understood."

"It is also imposed on children, which has to make us reflect."

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