The next day, early in the morning.

Yang Fan and Li Xiaoran arrived at the crew at the same time.

Yang Fan is the middle-aged man who plays Obic.

Zhou Mo looked at the two in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little.

But people are coming.

You can't leave it alone.

In the end, Zhou Mo decided to divide the crew into two groups and shoot at the same time.

This is the first time their crew has tried to shoot synchronously so far.

Zhou Mo stood on a makeshift high platform.

At the same time, explain the script with the crews filming on both sides.

This is also to save time, otherwise Zhou Mo will have to run on both sides.

All the staff and starring actors under the high stage have a script.

"First of all, we have to grasp an important point, that is, in episode twenty-seven, the positioning of Obick."

"Although he is a monster, he is not a bad person, he has a childlike heart to be precise."

"So, in this episode, the atmosphere we want to present is not to take down the monster, but to innocence, joy, and the pain and helplessness of finally learning the truth."

"The era that belonged to Obic has passed, the times have been progressing, and he has always lived in memory."

"The second is Nori and Mayumi in episode 28, and the main line is the growth process of their two young people."


Inside the studio.

After Zhou Mo's explanation.

Everyone present has a more comprehensive understanding of the upcoming plot.

In the shooting site, a suburban wilderness has been set up at this time.

Yang Fan had already changed into a white costume and was ready.

He walked over to the ramen stall and started cooking the noodles.

He was skillful and had a subtle expression on his face.

It was as if he were the childlike Obik.

Everyone present was amazed at his acting skills.

Even Zhou Mo had to admit his acting skills.

Episode XXVII, Action

"Young man, do you know about Obik?"

"Do you want to see Obic."

The young actor on the opposite side did not pull his crotch.

As soon as Yang Fan spoke, he had already entered the state.

The speech is stumbling, with a little fear in his expression, and the role is perfectly interpreted.

"Okay, the first act is over."

"Let's move on to the second act."

After Zhou Mo spoke, everyone directly entered the state.

The subsequent shooting still went very smoothly.

In one day, most of the footage of episode 27 was filmed.

It's just that when filming the classic part of the play.

Yang Fan's acting skills are a bit difficult.

The rendering power of the lines is far from meeting the requirements of Zhou Mo.

This led to the fact that Yang Fan studied the character of the character with the script all day long.

The shooting progress was stranded for a while.

The next day.

Night covers the earth.

Zhou Mo took the crew to the field to shoot.

Yangcheng, Niutou Mountain.

All the crew members came here under the leadership of Zhou Mo.

Mochizuki Mountain is an inconspicuous place in Yangcheng.

But at the bottom of this mountain, there is a small mountain village that is being renovated.

Zhou Mo felt that this was the place that best suited to Obic's hometown.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Mo's voice fell.

The staff went straight to work.

Set up the scene, set up the lighting, shoot the equipment.

Zhou Mo was not idle and called Yang Fan to him.

"Yang Fan, you are from the countryside!"

"Yes, I have lived in the countryside for more than ten years!"

"Well, what was the place where you lived as a child?"

Talking about when he was a child, a trace of memory flashed in Yang Fan's eyes.

"When I was a child, in the countryside, there was a willow forest in front of my house."

"When the season comes, the willow trees will bloom, and when the spring breeze blows, it is very beautiful."

"At that time, we went to catch butterflies, bees, and tadpoles as soon as we got out of school, and we were very happy."

"It's a pity, I can't go back now, once I grow up, I will always lose something." Yang Fan said with memories.

When Zhou Mo heard this, he pointed to the ruins of the mountain village below the mountain and said,

"It just so happens that you regard this place as the place where you used to live."

"Now you substitute yourself into Obik, and when you see the place where you used to live, it should be okay to show how you feel when it is in ruins."

Yang Fan's gaze looked at the ruins below the mountain.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"There is loss, but there is no painful feeling, but this feeling of loss has always surrounded the bottom of my heart and has not been dispersed for a long time."

Zhou Mo nodded: "That's right, that's how it feels."

"It's the same with Obic in the play, a yokai of the old times who lives in darkness all his life."

"The former village was where he lived for hundreds of years."

"But society is progressing, times are developing, and the village must change."

"But Obic is different, he only lives in his own memories."

"He misses the village of the past, the darkness of the past."

"So he risked his death and just wanted to recreate the darkness of the past."

"For him, when darkness returns, then the village returns."

"What's more, when Daigu told him that the village would not come back, he still felt that they were lying to him."

Yang Fan heard it for the first time.

Someone would say that about a youkai.

You know, monsters are evil and dangerous in people's cognition.

But this monster written by Zhou Mo.

He didn't hurt humans.

From beginning to end, he only wanted to protect the former village.

But under the wheel of the times.

The village has disappeared.

There is no meaning in his existence.

Yang Fan looked at the ruins below the mountain again.

At this time, in his eyes, it was a different scene.

Until now.

He really understood the meaning behind the role of Obic.

"Director Zhou, I know how to act in this scene."

Yang Fan said in a firm tone.

Zhou Mo nodded, turned to everyone who had been waiting for a long time and said, "Everyone prepare, start shooting immediately." "

The lights are ready, the actors are ready.

Zhou Mo ordered.

Yang Fan immediately entered the role.

"Look at that, the old village is back! The village is back!! "

Face the Victory team behind you.

Obic didn't think about hiding.

He held his shadow and danced.

Happily introduced his village to the people behind him.

But actually.

In front of him.

There was only endless darkness and the ruined village.


End of shooting.

The summit fell into a long silence.

The staff present were attracted by Yang Fan's performance.

Caught in his emotions, unable to extricate himself.


Everyone returned to their senses, accompanied by heartfelt applause.

Yang Fan was still immersed in the emotions just now.

He felt that he had just merged with Obik's soul and truly became the youkai who guarded the darkness. "

Standing on the top of the mountain, blowing a gentle evening breeze.

Yang Fan's mood slowly fell.

He said he felt good about the performance he had just performed.

He felt that the scene just now.

It may be the most wonderful scene in his acting career for so many years.

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