How can I not be stunned! ?

Just now, Fuji made his first move and used the scene of Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest.

That is definitely one of the famous scenes in”The Prince of Tennis”!

Moreover, there are so many famous scenes in”The Prince of Tennis”. As a very excellent group portrait drama.

Almost every character has several highlights.

And just now, this famous scene from”The Prince of Tennis” that belongs exclusively to Fuji.

In the previous life, it was a classic in the anime.

Now after Lin Mo was adapted into an invincible comic, it is presented perfectly!

At this time… amidst the countless people shouting”Fuck”.

Everyone’s scalp was numb and their eyes were twitching.

In this plane.

Although the concept of anime no longer exists.

But the movies or TV series that are usually very exciting.

Everyone has watched a lot of them.

But compared with”The Prince of Tennis”…..

All these exciting movies and dramas were killed in seconds!

Not a single one of them could be played.

Whether it was the outspin serve in the first episode,

Kaidou’s snake ball in the second episode

, or Fuji’s flying swallow returning to the nest at the end of the fourth episode!

These tennis tricks are cooler than the other.

Each one makes your adrenaline surge!

This is the indescribable charm of”Prince of Tennis”!

It is something that can make everyone excited when watching it.

And now with the premiere of the four episodes of the feature film

《Prince of Tennis is a dimensionality reduction attack….

Let all the audiences appreciate the charm of this classic anime masterpiece from the past.

And soon.

In the main film, after Fuji performed the Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest.

This doubles match quickly entered a white-hot stage.

Fudomine’s doubles did not give up the game directly.

Instead, they resisted Fuji’s offensive with difficulty.


As the game became more exciting and more intense!

Just when everyone wanted to know the follow-up of this game and the result.

But what made everyone extremely headache was……

The progress bar of the fourth episode can no longer hold up!

For a moment, the whole network was wailing everywhere!!

Test!! Not enough!!!

We haven’t seen enough!

But we still want to continue watching, but we can only wait until tomorrow’s update.

At the moment when the first broadcast was officially over.

Dai Xiaomei was in an emotion of not being able to stop.

With the wonderfulness of the feature film.

This time, she didn’t care about her image at all.

As we all know.

There are several kinds of spicy in this world!

Slightly spicy, slightly spicy, medium spicy, very spicy, hell spicy….

And, Dai Xiaomei roared in the live broadcast:”It’s so beautiful!!!”

“But Prince of Tennis》…….It’s not good enough at all!”

“I can’t wait until tomorrow, I want to watch it now, what should I do! ?”

Looking at Dai Xiaomei’s roar as if she had lost her mind, all the netizens thought it was funny and completely understandable.

Aren’t they the same?

If all 24 episodes of”Prince of Tennis” were released today, they could really watch it all in one breath without taking a break!……………

And very quickly.

As time passed.

Around twelve o’clock that night.

At this time

Prince of Tennis has been online for 5 hours……

Many of the first batch of viewers who watched the premiere of”Prince of Tennis” in real time.

Everyone’s progress was the same.

They watched all the first four episodes.

It was as if they couldn’t contain their excitement.

The majority of fans of”Prince of Tennis” launched an overwhelming discussion on Weibo.——

“《”The Prince of Tennis” premiered today. Are you satisfied or dissatisfied?”

“I am so satisfied that I would give it full marks. If possible, I would even like to give it 100 million points!”

“I was more than satisfied. It was beyond my expectation. This country’s sports films are so good!”

“Director Lin Mo is so awesome! These four episodes are not watered down at all, and they cover the content of 10 episodes of other domestic TV series!”

“One game after another, each one is so exciting!”

“Fuji’s flying swallow returning to the nest at the end was so cool, and I am even more curious about Tezuka’s ultimate move!”

“This is definitely a film and television drama that will go down in history, the identification is complete!”


Along with the Weibo, all the good reviews

《The reputation of”Prince of Tennis” is the best among the best. It is above Douban, the film review website with the most users in Dragon Country.

Two or three hours after the premiere of”Prince of Tennis”, the ratings were also unlocked.

》——Douban score: 9.5 points – Number of reviewers: 124,122!

More than 100,000 people rated this sports drama, giving it an incredible score of 9.5.

The word of mouth is top!

The most explosive of the explosive!

A god drama was born!

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