This endorsement directly gave the NBA a retreat for two decades.

And over here.

on the web.

Thin above.

The Jiaxing Tianxia Studio account and Li Yukun's account posted a Weibo at the same time.

[Hello everyone, Kunkun's first solo album "Just Because You Are Too Beautiful" has been released on the whole network, I hope that my friends will support you a lot~].

As soon as Weibo was released, Li Yukun's fans rushed in instantly!

"Support my brother!"


"Kun Kun fly with confidence, ikun will always be with you!!"

"There's nothing to say, my family Kun Kun must buy a hundred albums to support~!!"

The previous comments are basically all comments from true love fans.

And in the back, there are a lot of sunspots.

"Today I stand here, I see who dares / smiles"

"Want to, huh? I don't give it"

"What kind of terrier is Cancer Kun? I don't understand, can someone tell me about it? "

"You want that too, don't you? I just don't give it! "

"Pure deer people, it really doesn't feel necessary"

"Forget it, give you one."

[Excited like Li Yukun.kpg].

The picture is an emoji of Li Yukun still practicing basketball in a small room wearing suspenders, but his face is very ghostly.

"Pure deer man, Susan, quality 666"

"Little sunspot Susan!! Don't force me to ship!! "

Soon, under the crazy praise comment of Xiao Heiko, this comment quickly rushed to the top five hot comments.

Countless little sunspots began to comment on playing terriers under this comment.

This scene, Yang Mi naturally saw it.

"Boss, do you want to delete the comment?"

The assistant next to him asked in a low voice.

Yang Mi shook her head and sighed: "Forget it, let's focus on the album first." "

For Li Yukun's so many black fans, Yang Mi is also quite helpless.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many black fans, Yang Mi really wanted to hold Li Yukun as a brother in Jiaxing.

Although black and red are also considered red, they will not be too good for Jiaxing's reputation.

On the Internet, Li Yukun's album was also successfully released online.

At this moment, both the true love fan and the little sunspot clicked in with curiosity.

Song: "Just Because You Are Too Beautiful"

On the cover is a black and white art photo of Li Yukun.

Don't say, this photo is really handsome.

Tap on the song.

"Chicken, you are so beautiful ~~~~"

"Chicken, you are so beautiful ~~~~"

Dynamic singing sounded.

The little sunspots all opened their eyes wide.

What the?!

What did they hear?!

Chicken? You?? It's so beautiful?!!

Is this a song??

What is he singing this song?!

Yet the song goes on.

"Chicken, you are so beautiful baby~"

What the?!

Shout a chicken as a baby?!

Soon, three and a half minutes passed.

All the sunspots were silent.

They took a deep breath of smoke

Still didn't understand why Li Yukun praised the chicken? ?

I don't understand, I really don't understand!!

After thinking about it, all the little sunspots picked up the keyboard.

What the is this singing?

"Sit and wait for the Year of the Rooster, I don't listen to this song at the Spring Festival Gala."

"Chicken brother? Is that you, Chicken Brother? "

"I really don't understand how anyone can release an album? This thing is also called a song? Chicken you are so beautiful?? "

"From now on, the name is officially changed to Brother Chicken! / smile"

"That's starting to play terrier, isn't it??"


Almost as soon as Li Yukun's album was released, all kinds of sunspots' play meme comments stormed the comment area!

Of course, there are also many true love fans who are remedying.

However, compared to the huge little sunspot, plus the song of their brother

They are deeply aware of what it means to be powerless.

But there are still some true love fans with brains.

"See clearly, the lyrics and music are Hua Chenyu, and my brother is just singing, why is it so dark?"

"Yes, this is equivalent to the company's task, why is it so malicious to him?"

"Little sunspot, huh? Want? I don't give ~"

"Is it fun to play this kind of rotten terrier?"

"Who of you has seen the hard work behind Li Yukun! If you saw it, could you still laugh at him like that? "

For a while, the comment area became a battlefield for little sunspots and true love fans~!

And the number of broadcasts is rising.

Now they all buy albums online, and Li Yukun's album is priced at 99.

As soon as it was released, the purchase volume exceeded 50,000!

In addition to true love fans who buy hundreds of sheets in one go

And some sunspots also bought.

This huge traffic instantly made countless people look red.

And this magical song, countless little sunspots have turned into the UP master and began to edit!

Everyone turned out the video of Li Yukun as an idol trainee before.

In the video, it is Li Yukun wearing suspenders and playing basketball.

Paired with the song Li Yukun.

"Chicken, you are so beautiful~"


All kinds of ghost animal videos are flooded online!

Of course, most of them are on station B!

These edited videos caused an uproar online as soon as they were released.

The eyes of the true love fan were red, and they couldn't wait to tear the grandma lord who edited the video.

Xiao Heizi laughed, waved his hand, and paid attention to the three consecutive likes and coins!

Good work, be rewarded!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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