In the room...

Luo Yunchu flipped through them and found that there were more than ten songs in total, except for the few he saw at the beginning.

The rest were not so good, but they were all listenable.

He was not in a hurry about the songs, and planned to wait until he finished filming Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

The music industry is different from the film industry.

As long as he doesn't hold concerts or take commercial performances, he has free time.

Secondly, the teacher in the class contacted him and asked him to go back and share his experience in filming.

He was the only one in the class who went to film right after entering school.

He was just a freshman, and he would be a sophomore when he returned after filming.


On the last day of 2002,

New Year's Eve

, Luo Yunchu received blessing messages from Shu Chang and Jiang Xin on his phone.

He did not reply.

It was not that he did not want to reply, but that he did not have time.

His aunt and cousin were at the New Year's Eve dinner.

His aunt would definitely not look at his phone, but his cousin might not.

Liu Xiaoli greeted him from outside.

"Yunchu, stop playing with your phone and come over to eat."

""I'm here."

Luo Yunchu responded and pulled Liu Yifei out of the bedroom. He really hadn't eaten New Year's Eve dinner with his family for a long time.

As soon as he went out, he saw a table full of dishes.

This was of course not made by Liu Xiaoli, but a set meal specially made by the hotel.

There was also a bottle of wine on the table.

Liu Xiaoli was wearing a black long skirt with fine dark patterns embroidered on it. She had a wide belt tied around her waist, which was slightly gathered around her waist, outlining her plump waist. She also matched it with a white mink coat, which was just level with her snow-white shoulders.

After sitting down

, she took off the mink scarf. The whole process was elegant and natural.

"Come sit down and have dinner. This is the first year that Yunchu spends with us."

Luo Yunchu was really stunned for a moment, but then he quickly reacted and looked away.

Even Liu Yifei was eclipsed in front of her mother at this moment.

Although it has something to do with her outfit and age.

It can only be said that cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of sexiness.

Liu Xiaoli noticed the surprise in Luo Yunchu's eyes, and her heart felt like she had eaten candy, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

She couldn't remember how many years it had been since she had dressed like this, and it seemed to be quite effective.

The little guy was even shy, which was inexplicably cute.

Liu Yifei praised this outfit when she saw it.

""Mom, you look so beautiful today."

Luo Yunchu also praised.

"Auntie, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Liu Xiaoli said with a smile

"Of course she is beautiful, otherwise how could she give birth to a fairy like Sissi?"

"Yun Chu is so sweet, I don't know how many girls will like him in the future"

"Well, let's eat first, or it will get cold later."

Compared to her daughter, Luo Yunchu's praise was more useful to her. Look at what he said.

"Aunt, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

Which woman would be unhappy to hear that? I don't like it.

This New Year's Eve dinner was very happy. Liu Xiaoli, who rarely drinks, opened a bottle of wine.

She also poured a glass for the two children.

Luo Yunchu didn't like to drink, but the wine was still okay. It was sour and sweet, just right. I drank two glasses. I didn't feel dizzy after drinking, but I felt a little hot and dizzy.

I touched my face and it was very hot.

Liu Xiaoli glanced at Luo Yunchu and found that his face was frighteningly red, so she asked with concern.

"Yun Chu, are you okay? If you can't drink, don't drink. Take a rest."


Luo Yunchu simply sat down on the sofa and lay down. He felt like falling asleep as soon as he lay down. He was really a little tired today.

He just wanted to lie down for a while, but he slowly fell asleep. He didn't know how long he was in a daze.

He felt his lips were blocked by the sweet and soft kiss, and he kissed the other person unconsciously.

He pushed the other person away until he couldn't breathe, and smacked his lips and said,

"Cousin, stop making trouble."


With a sound of"Hmm", it came again.

Luo Yunchu lost his defense as soon as he opened his mouth. After struggling for a while, he gave up the resistance because it was not uncomfortable but comfortable.

A few minutes later, he had a blanket on his body.


The night passed in a flash.

The sun rises in the evening.

The light shines in through the curtains. Luo Yunchu subconsciously raises his hand to block it.

He slept soundly. How could he have a headache after drinking so little?

It's true that he fell asleep at that time.

Thinking back to what happened last night, it seemed that Xixi kissed him yesterday?

He was not sure if it was Xixi. He was confused at the time and didn't think too much about the kiss.

Now thinking about it carefully, it seems not right.

Luo Yunchu propped himself up and looked around. It was his room. His cousin's small arms and legs must not be able to hold him. It must be his aunt who sent him back.

Could it be...

He didn't dare to think about this possibility. It must be an illusion.

His aunt is so good. She finds scripts for him, invites him to sing songs, and acts as his agent.

It seems that he has to drink less in the future. His mind is a little confused.

Luo Yunchu took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already nine o'clock.

There were also messages from Jiang Xin and Shu Chang on it. Because he didn't reply, he sent several more messages later.

Jiang Xin called a few more times, but I was already asleep by then.

He typed on the hard keys of his Nokia. He was used to using smart phones, so he was a little uncomfortable using this old-fashioned phone.

The message he replied was probably to wish them a happy New Year's Eve and to come to Beijing to visit him when they have time.

There was no reply after I sent the message, probably because he didn't see it and was busy.

I still have one day off today.

Luo Yunchu walked out of the room and came to my aunt and Liu Yifei's room and knocked on the door.

"The one who opened the door was Liu Yifei.

"Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year, Yunchu, come in quickly."

Luo Yunchu was pulled into the room. Originally, he wanted to see where Liu Xiaoli was.

As a result, he was dragged directly into Liu Yifei's bedroom, and was pressed against the wall and kissed.

Liu Yifei really missed Luo Yunchu. Her mother didn't give her any chance some time ago. It might be because she was on vacation today.

She didn't care about herself. Of course, she had to kiss Yunchu.

Luo Yunchu responded that he always felt that Sister Xixi was not as comfortable as last night. That day he seemed to be trapped in a soft place.

His hand patted Sister Xixi's little buttocks. Well, it's okay here.

After being in love for so long, Liu Yifei might be a little shy about these intimate actions at the beginning, but later she got used to it and even liked it. If

Luo Yunchu didn't spank her, she would be unhappy.

Liu Yifei made a"bo" sound and her lips parted.

"Yunchu, you are bad"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Humph, I said you were bad but I didn't ask you to take it away"


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