Outside the Sixth Ring Road

, a mansion covering nearly 10,000 square meters is comparable to a landlord's manor. Security guards are on duty at the door 24 hours a day.

This is where Liu Xiaoli and her daughter live. Luo Yunchu rarely comes here. He usually lives on campus.

The two got off the car in the backyard parking lot.

Liu Xiaoli took Luo Yunchu and walked slowly from the outer courtyard to the inside. After more than a year of separation, she naturally couldn't help but ask about his well-being.

Luo Yunchu was sensible and echoed Liu Xiaoli's words.

A woman in the distance slowly approached

""Mom, cousin, you guys are back."

Liu Yifei was wearing a white dress, her long hair fell to her slender waist, her black hair danced in the wind, and her skin was delicate.

She was a teenager, but she really had a Wushan cloud-like aura, which made people feel that kind of beauty directly.

Liu Xiaoli took a look and asked

""Xixi, why did you put your costume back on?"

Liu Yifei's voice was clear and sweet.

"The crew asked me to put it back on."

Luo Yunchu, who was standing by, waited for the two to finish talking before politely saying

"Hello, cousin."

Although they are not cousins, it is okay to call each other that way given the friendship between the two families.

"My cousin is so good. He is taller than me after not seeing him for a long time."

Liu Yifei stood on tiptoe, reached out and touched Luo Yunchu's black hair, showing her closeness.

It's called good-looking people like to play with better-looking people.

She still remembered that they seemed to have been engaged when they were young, and Yunchu was her child husband.

When she grew up, she was very resistant.

Child marriage is simply feudal thinking!

But looking at her cousin who brought disaster to the country and the people, Liu Yifei felt that the things left by the ancestors must have his reasons!


She has begun to accept the setting that her cousin is her child husband.

Luo Yunchu didn't know what Liu Yifei was thinking. He hummed and didn't say much, mainly because he didn't know what to say.

Liu Yifei pouted and complained

"My cousin is still so quiet, what a fool."

Liu Xiaoli asked dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, let's go home and talk about it first. Yunchu will go to the crew with us tomorrow."

Liu Yifei's eyes lit up. If her cousin was around, her mother would definitely not be too strict. She said in surprise

"Really, what role is he going to play?!"

Liu Xiaoli thought for a while and said

"I'm not sure about Duan Yu's script yet. I'll know after I go to the crew. If it's successful, he should have as many roles as you."


Luo Yunchu listened silently on the side. Before going to school, he lived in Liu Xiaoli's house for a while.

He knew that many so-called scandals in later generations were mostly imagined by people.

Liu Yifei's family is prominent. Her biological father is the president of a foreign academy and a diplomat to France. Her mother is a national first-class dancer, and her grandparents are both in high positions.

It is no exaggeration to say that they are from a famous family. There is no need to find a godfather even if they are divorced.

Luo Yunchu has heard some rumors.

Luo Yunchu has also seen Chen Moufei. He is not the stepfather in the rumors, but the godfather and part-time agent.

At that time, Chen Moufei accepted an interview as Liu Yifei's agent. The first sentence he said to the reporter was

"You must help me clarify that my family and Liu Yifei's family are old friends. I am actually Xixi's godfather. She called me dad when she was five years old. I watched her grow up."

It's just that few people knew about this interview at the time.

After all, rumor makers don't care so much. If hermaphrodites come out, it seems reasonable to be a godfather.

But if you look closely at the time, you will know that they are all rumors.

This is just as outrageous as the online rumor that Jay Chou took the opportunity of the Wenchuan earthquake and flew to the disaster area to eat instant noodles.

The key is that there are still a lot of people who believe it.

Not to mention this kind of gossip that the masses like to see, and the protagonist is still the Fairy Sister.

It fully confirms a saying

"It takes only one mouth to spread a rumor, but it takes a lot of effort to refute it."

The mother and daughter talked a lot, and Luo Yunchu had no intention of intervening. As his thoughts flew, the three of them came to the inner courtyard.

Liu Yifei learned the information she wanted from her mother, and the topic slowly shifted to Luo Yunchu.

Her impression of this playmate was still in the past.

Unexpectedly, he was so old in the blink of an eye. He was so much taller than her at the age of fourteen!

In the past, her mother said that Luo Yunchu looked better than her.

At that time, she was a little unconvinced, but now it seems that she is really convinced.

Although she often said that a person's kindness is the most important.

But she is essentially a face control.

After all, except for some special circumstances, who really likes ugly people.

After just a few words, Liu Xiaoli left in a hurry because she had something to deal with, leaving the space to the two.

Luo Yunchu was not excited when facing the fifteen-year-old Liu Yifei, but just normal. She was not as good-looking as him... and he could see her every day during the boarding period.

In addition, he was chased by senior sisters every day during his time at Beijing Film Academy, and he had become accustomed to it. As soon as

Liu Xiaoli left, Liu Yifei, who had just returned from the United States, began to let go of herself. Her voice was still a little childish, and she didn't mean to be cold at all.

"Cousin, don't be so depressed all the time, but your personality is really suitable for Duan Yu, both of you are nerds~"

Luo Yunchu said indifferently and seriously

"Cousin, I have changed. My personality should be lively now."

Liu Yifei was amused and became more interested in this"cousin". Her voice was light and joyful, and she pouted her pink lips and said

"How can someone say that they are lively with a cold face? You are the same as in the photo my mother gave me, there is no change at all."

Luo Yunchu did not refute but just asked

"What stills?"

"Ah, don't you know? I'll take you to see the stills of the young Qin Shi Huang that year."

Liu Yifei took Luo Yunchu's hand without saying anything and ran to her room.

Luo Yunchu looked at the tender hand holding her, a little emotional, but not very big.

In the room,

Liu Yifei took out a photo from under her pillow. It had a strong sense of age.

Luo Yunchu in it was wearing ancient costumes and had long hair. Compared with her current self, there was a big difference.

Liu Yifei shook the photo

"I've never seen you smile before."

Luo Yunchu smiled, Liu Yifei shook her head and put her hands on her waist, looking like a little adult.

"Forget it, you can’t even laugh. Wait for your cousin from the crew to teach you!"

In her opinion, she is still the elder sister by a few months, and she has acted in a play, so it is her duty to teach this cousin.

""Yes, thank you, cousin."

Luo Yunchu did not refute. In fact, Liu Yifei was only a few months older than him, and considering his age in the previous life, she didn't seem that old either...

Because in the previous life, he had just finished college and found a summer job, and something happened. Unlike now, he has recognized himself and accepted Aunt Liu's financial support.

He was just fourteen years old, just like Liu Yifei, and he jumped to the freshman year through the back door.

Now the two are considered peers.

Liu Yifei talks a lot, while Luo Yunchu talks less and usually listens.

The gap between him and Luo Yunchu gradually dissipated with time.

The next day

, Liu Xiaoli drove the two of them and rushed to the Tianlong Babu crew early.


PS: This is the last time I repost. I'm going to write this one. Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, comments, and monthly votes.

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