Coming to the gathering place of the crowd, Zhao Changhuan understood what was going on here.

It turned out that a new high-end hotel was opened here.

This hotel has a total of three floors, I don't know what the inside is, but from the outside, it is really luxurious to the extreme.

Today is the first day of this restaurant.

On this day, the restaurant does not accept money, only poetry.

In front of the restaurant, at the staircase, there are people blocking it, and only by writing a poem that satisfies the person can you enter the restaurant to eat.

Of course, the poems written do not go to the restaurant, they are only tested by poetry.

"This restaurant is interesting. "

Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly.

Liu Yifei nodded: "Yes, but it seems that this place is indeed good." "

"Want to go in?" asked Zhao Changhuan.

Liu Yifei nodded, and immediately shook his head: "Forget it, you have to write poetry to enter this place, and depending on the situation, ordinary poetry can't enter." "

"I can also write poetry." Zhao Changhuan grinned.

Liu Yifei was slightly startled: "Really fake?"


As soon as Liu Yifei's words fell, Zhao Changhuan walked to the front of the hotel and came to the nearest part of the store.

At this time, an old man had just finished writing a poem and successfully entered the hotel, and everyone around him was applauding.

Zhao Changhuan glanced at the poem written by the old man, and to be honest, it was not bad.

Since Zhao Changhuan himself is not well known, and he also wears a mask, there is no sensation among everyone.

Blocking the door of the hotel was the younger brother of the hotel owner, a thin and low man.

"I'll do one. "

Zhao Changhuan spoke.

The boss brother immediately nodded: "Yes, you come!"

After brewing, Zhao Changhuan did not speak, but picked up the brush on the side and wrote on the paper prepared by the store!

Just now, the old man caused a sensation, on the one hand, because the poem made everyone like it, and on the other hand, because his words were really good.

Zhao Changhuan had obtained mastery of various writing techniques of brushes before, so the words were terrifying.

At least, three notches better than the old man just now!

Seeing Zhao Changhuan's words, for a while, the whole audience was shocked!

Even the old man who had just got the opportunity to enter the hotel and had not yet had time to enter had his pupils suddenly dilated!

"Good word!"

The words blurted out, and the old man couldn't control his mouth at all when he was excited.

Liu Yifei was also surprised to the extreme.

She really didn't expect that Zhao Changhuan's words were so good!

This is also too fairy!

"It's raining outside the curtain. "

After Zhao Changhuan wrote the first sentence, everyone knew the title of the poem written by Zhao Changhuan!

Subsequently, Zhao Changhuan began to write formal words

"The rain outside the curtain is gurgling, and spring is shining. Luo Yu is not tolerant of five more cold"

There was a gurgling sound of rain outside the curtain, and the rich spring spirit was about to wither away. Luo weaving's brocade could not withstand the cold of the fifth change.

After reading this first sentence, the onlookers present couldn't help but exclaim!

Those who can understand and those who can't understand can see that Zhao Changhuan's words are not ordinary!

The old man's expression became more and more serious, and his gaze towards Zhao Changhuan became deeper and deeper.

It was at this time that Zhao Changhuan went on to write a sentence!

"I don't know who I am in my dreams, and I am greedy for a while!"

Seeing Zhao Changhuan's words, the old man's body suddenly trembled!

As the vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association, he can understand the meaning of Zhao Changhuan's words and the feelings in them at a glance!

This means that only by forgetting in a dream that you are a guest of a trip can you enjoy the pleasure of a moment.

Very sadistic word!!

In fact, from the beginning, the old man knew that Zhao Changhuan's words would be very abusive, but he did not expect that it would be so abusive.

Only in a dream: Can you enjoy the fun of the moment?

Poems can be written so well: Feel sad?!Distressed?!

The poem written by Zhao Changhuan is very easy to understand, and the basic cultural level is not very poor, and it can be understood.

And once the onlookers understood Zhao Changhuan's words, there would be endless desolation in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Changhuan wrote the second half of the poem.

[Alone leaning on the railing of a tall building when the sun goes down and looking into the distance, because thinking of the infinite rivers and mountains that I had in the old days will make my heart feel infinitely sad. It's easy to say goodbye to it, and it's hard to see it again. Like the red flowers of the lost river and the spring go back together, the contrast between the present and the past, one is that the sky is the world].

With meaning as a word, it is for--

"Alone is not a bar, infinite rivers and mountains, other times easy to see sometimes difficult. Flowing water and flowers are also spring, heaven and earth!"

"Good words!!"

Almost as soon as Zhao Changhuan's words were written, the old man shouted excitedly!

Immediately, the audience applauded Zhao Changhuan.

The younger brother of the shop is also a very literate person, and after reading Zhao Changhuan's words, he immediately translated the meaning of Zhao Changhuan's words to everyone.

After speaking, the younger brother of the shop also asked Zhao Changhuan if this word meant such a thing.

Zhao Changhuan nodded, indicating that the shopkeeper's brother was right.

Those onlookers who couldn't understand the words and relied on the shopkeeper's brother to get the meaning of the words were all instantly depressed after knowing the meaning of the words!

Zhao Changhuan's poem is really sad!

Especially that sentence, I don't know who I am in my dream, and I am greedy for a while, which is simply sad! !

"Sir, this poem of yours is really well written!"

After Zhao Changhuan finished writing, the younger brother of the store immediately gave Zhao Changhuan the highest respect: "You are eligible to enter our store on this day, and today, no matter how much you spend in the store, we will not charge you a penny." "

"Can I bring someone in?"

Zhao Changhuan spoke, waved his hand randomly, and called Liu Yifei, who was also wearing a mask.

"Forehead: This..."

For a while, the younger brother of the store was a little embarrassed.

According to the rules, today, only people who have good poetry themselves can enter the store.

Bringing people into this kind of thing never appears in front.

"Young man, such a good poem, can't you let two people in?"

On the side, the old man was a little dissatisfied.

The surrounding masses also protested.

"yes, what to think about, such a good poem, not enough for two people to enter?"

Hearing the words of the people around him, the shopkeeper's brother immediately panicked.

After all, it was a young man, and the shopkeeper's younger brother couldn't hold back: "Big.. Don't worry, everyone, I'll let them in: I let .."

"Okay, don't embarrass him. Seeing that the shopkeeper's younger brother was in an extremely difficult situation, Zhao Changhuan immediately spoke and stopped the chaos.

This shopkeeper's brother is also an honest person, and he doesn't have to look at everyone and embarrass him.

"I'll write another poem, and this second poem should be an admission volume for my friend." "

Zhao Changhuan spoke lightly.

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