After watching Youqing die, the thin reviewers can't breathe!

Seeing that the protagonist Fugui secretly buried Youqing, cheating on his wife every day, he did not dare to tell his wife, and as a result, the wife said that she had already known that Youqing was dead....

The thin auditor almost didn't suppress his death!

After reading the whole paragraph of Youqing's death, the thin reviewer closed the book, lay on the table, and crawled for a long time.

Finally, when he looked up again, after reading only a third of the book "Alive", the thin reviewers came up with a result.

"Professor Hu's "Ten Years of Darkness" is not as good as "Alive"

On the side, the fat reviewer was shocked when he heard the words of the thin auditor: "This book, is it really so strong?"

The thin reviewer glanced at the fat auditor and finally said, "This is the most emotional book I have read this year." "

The fat reviewer was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Shaking his head, the skinny reviewer continued to watch "Alive."

Seeing that he had only read half of the manuscript, the thin reviewers somehow felt that the next content of "Alive" was next. It may make his evaluation of "Alive" go up another big notch!

This time, he saw that in "Alive", Feng Xia got married.

Feng Xia is the rich and dumb daughter of the protagonist in the book.

The object of Fengxia's marriage is a partial head, and there are also physical problems, but the person is very good.

Seeing this, a faint smile finally rose at the corner of the thin auditor's mouth.

After all the hard work, finally, everything is going to be fine.

But, then, slowly....

He watched Feng Xia pregnant again and saw Feng Xia giving birth...

I saw Feng Xia die in childbirth!!

Seeing the entire hospital, not a single old doctor could deliver Feng Xia!!

And the reason for all this happened was simply because, in the social context of that time, people wanted to strike at intellectuals!

Intellectuals like doctors can't even eat normally, eat a steamed bun, can choke in a hurry, and finally die!


And also healing? And delivering babies?!

The thin reviewers didn't dare to look any further!

For the first time, he read a novel and saw that he did not dare to look down!

It's not that you don't want to, you don't dare!!

The first time he read a book, he saw it!

"It's so sadistic, how can there be such an abusive book in this world??"

The hands of the thin reviewers began to tremble!

After lying on his stomach for a while, forcibly enduring the fear in his heart, the thin reviewer carried the death of the protagonist's rich daughter Feng Xia and continued to watch "Alive"

But immediately after, "Alive" gave him another hit!

Jiazhen is the rich wife of the protagonist in "Alive".

She is virtuous and capable, and even if the rich become poor, she will never abandon the rich.

She was seriously ill, but she was holding on.

But now, she finally couldn't hold on.

Jiazhen also died.

[Jiazhen died at noon, I came home from work, her eyes opened, I leaned over and didn't hear her, so I went to the stove to cook a bowl of porridge for her. 】

[When I brought the porridge over and sat down in front of the bed, Jiazhen, who had her eyes closed, suddenly squeezed my hand, I didn't think that she would have such strength, I was taken aback, quietly pumped, couldn't pull out, I quickly put the porridge on a stool, free my hand to touch her forehead, still warm, I was a little relieved. ] 】

[Jiazhen seemed to be asleep, her face looked quiet, and she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Who knew that after a while, Jiazhen squeezed my hand and became cold

[I went to touch her arm, her arm was cold one by one, at that time her legs were also cold, her whole body was cold, only there was still a place on her chest that was warm, my hand was attached to Jiazhen's chest, and the heat in her chest seemed to leak out little by little from between my fingers. ] She squeezed my hand and as soon as she let go, she collapsed on my arm. 】

This time, the thin reviewer couldn't help it anymore and closed the book tightly again!

On the side, the fat reviewer also raised his head!

Just when the thin reviewer said that "Ten Years of Darkness" was not as good as "Alive", the fat reviewer also opened Zhao Changhuan's submission and looked at it!

"This book, what a abuse!" the fat reviewer couldn't breathe.

The thin reviewer swallowed: "Where do you see?"

"There is a celebration of death!"

"That's just the beginning!"

The thin auditor was depressed to the extreme: "When you see the back, you will know what is more abuse!!"

"There are more abusive ?!!"

The fat reviewer almost didn't fall off the chair!

Time flies quickly.

By the time the two of them were all alive to watch it, it was already night.

The rich mother died, the wife died, the daughter died, the son died, the son-in-law died, even the little grandson died.

In the whole book of "Alive", in the end, only Fugui and a cow named Fugui are left alive.

In this book, the death of each character confirms a big event, a big stage.

No one expected that it was the richest who deserved to die first, lived to the end, lived all the time, and lived open-mindedly at the end.

"Live for nothing else, but to live for the sake of living itself. "

The thin auditor took a deep breath.

The fat reviewer wiped the tears from his eyes: "Yes!"

Some of his plots reflect certain realities, and if it were reviewed above, it would certainly not have been given. The thin auditor asked, "Have we given him anything here?"

The fat reviewer just smiled: "You already have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

Hearing the words of the fat auditor, the thin auditor was slightly stunned, and then, he also smiled.


In fact, after reading "Alive", everyone already has the answer.

Whatever the final outcome of the book, whatever the book maps, whether or not the book will get them noticed above.

He's got it all.

Even if later, he will be found and blocked!

At least, now he has to, at least, he has to be in front of the public so that the public can see him!

Even if it's a month, even a day, even an hour!

At this moment, the fat reviewers and thin auditors no longer paid attention to the dispute between Professor Nankai and Zhao Changhuan.

Because they knew that this game, Zhao Changhuan had already won!

They focus on one thing right now, and that is...

The book "Alive", how long can you live!

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