However, this is also the beginning of "Alive".

Next, there is the death of Fengxia, the death of Jiazhen, the death of Erxi, and even the death of the little grandson Kugen....

The death of each character symbolizes an event in history.

Liu Shishi didn't know how he finished reading the entire book "Alive".

All she knew was that by the time she finished watching "Alive," it was already dawn.

The paper drawers in her house have been drained by her and used to wipe her tears.

When watching "Alive", Liu Shishi cried heartache.

She thought that as long as she held the whole book and insisted on reading it, everything would be over.

But as it turned out, she was wrong.

After watching "Alive", Liu Shishi's mind is still full of the plot of "Alive".

Thinking about it, she buried her head in the quilt again, crying heartbreakingly.

Like Liu Shishi, this night, the entire Huaxia, at least half a million spectators, cried into tears!

There are at least millions of viewers, who are breathless!

Nankai University, the old professor who scolded Zhao Changhuan for not having culture spent one night and read the entire "Alive".

After watching "Alive", he didn't speak, just sighed silently, opened the bib, and deleted the two bibs he had issued before.

Then, send out a bib again and throw in the towel!

Seeing the old professor's neck, those netizens who also watched "Alive" last night all understood to the extreme.

Not biased to anyone, "Ten Years of Darkness" and "Alive" are really incomparable.

The book "Alive" is so good!

Although his abuse is terrible, I have to say that he is indeed an excellent work.

Most netizens spent almost one night brushing the entire "Alive"

That's not to say they all like to stay up all night.

Just because "Alive" is so good-looking, the moment they open "Alive" and start watching, they are doomed to not finish watching it, and they will not stop.

"After reading "Alive", I finally understood what the comment of the editor of the Yaodu Cultural Association meant, the book "Alive", the low mental endurance, is really don't read it, it's too sad... It's so sadistic..."

"There is a kind of abuse, more abuse than tears, this kind of abuse, called "Alive"!!"

"It is not recommended that you read Director Xiao Zhao's book, but I recommend that you read it, the reason why it is not recommended is because this book is too abusive, and the reason for the suggestion is because... If you don't watch "Alive", you may regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Watched all night, cried all night. "

"I didn't cry, but I'm still very depressed. "

As if it was agreed, netizens frantically commented on "Alive" on the Internet!

Netizens who have not watched "Alive" see these comments, and they are all disdainful!

Just a book?!

Is it such an exaggeration?

The disdainful netizen opened the competition link of the Yaodu Cultural Association, and then... There are more abused readers in this world!

"I know, this is so abusive!!"

"Zhao Changhuan, this is also too ruthless, my Fengxia..."

"Don't even let go of the little grandson Kugen??? Zhao Changhuan, I beg you, I beg you to be a person." "

"I just want to slap myself now... Why should I be curious to click in, my whole body is almost pumped, but I have to say, "Alive" is really a good book!!"

In just one day, "Alive" spread like a virus throughout the Internet!

Penguin colonies, circle of friends, bibs, almost everywhere, there are netizens talking about the news of "Alive"!

Zhao Guoyue finished reading "Alive", sat in front of the windowsill, and smoked ten cigarettes!

Liu Yuhua finished reading "Alive", supported his head with his hands, and was silent for an hour!

Mr. Zhou, a famous veteran novelist in China, took off his glasses and wiped his tears for a long time after watching "Alive"!

This day is the most rampant day when the book "Alive" spreads!

This day is also the day when "Alive" will almost collapse by tens of millions of readers!

That night, countless news websites were updated, and the headlines of each news website appeared about "Alive"!

Bitter news: "Those who have low mental endurance, please do not read this book called Alive!"

NetEase News: "The abuse brought by living has surpassed tears"

Broad news: "God-like life, God-like Zhao Changhuan!"

Su Ran News: "You Today: See alive?


With the emergence of countless news, more and more netizens know "Alive", and then a large number of netizens are suffering!

The 7th Novel Competition of the Yaodu Cultural Association is online.

"Ten Years of Darkness", a professor of the Department of Chinese of Nankai University, is now ranked third, with 111,000 votes.

Professor Tsinghua University's "Sail" ranked second, with 127,000 votes.

As for the first place, there is no doubt, only possible, and it can only be "Alive"!

Contestant: Zhao Changhuan.

Entry: "Alive"

Current votes: 9.81 million.

In just one day, "Alive" directly won 9.81 million votes, far exceeding the second and third places by nearly 90 times!

When everyone saw the votes for the book "Alive", they couldn't help but feel their scalps tingle!

Nine hundred and eighty-one thousand, what kind of concept is this?!

You know, in this kind of competition held by the Yaodu Cultural Association in the first six sessions, the number of champion votes was 300,000!

As soon as Zhao Changhuan came, he directly doubled this record by thirty times!

Moreover, this is only the results of the day after Zhao Changhuan released "Alive"!

Invariably, netizens once again had the same doubts as before.

"Zhao Changhuan, is he still human?"

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