A poem that led the war on the Internet to its highest point!

All netizens became more enthusiastic because of Zhao Changhuan's poem, and their combat power increased!

"Labor and management are here today, Xiao Zhao does not come out for a day, labor and management will scold on the Internet for a day, seal a number, and labor and management register a number!"

"Yes, block a number, register a number, seal the neck number, I will change the software and continue to scold!!"

"Life does not stop, the battle does not stop!!I deserve eternal life in fire and blood!!"

"It's time to resist, there are always people to stand up, now, Director Xiao Zhao has stood up, we, can't let Director Xiao Zhao fight alone!!"

"What all kinds of big directors dare not do, Director Xiao Zhao did, just with this, I exploded Director Xiao Zhao!"

"I remember the drama that I used to like very much, but was blocked, and now I am really excited to see everyone like this. "

"Don't say anything, today, we are all Zhao Jiajun!!"

Today, everyone is Zhao Jiajun!

Cao Bing, a famous comedian with a prickly head, stood up: ""Alive" should not be blocked!!"

The famous novelist Old Master Su also spoke around his neck: """Alive" I really can't think of why it was blocked!"

Professor of Tsinghua Chinese Department said at the forum on campus: "I really like "Alive"!"

Even the owner of a famous chain of bookstores came forward: "Be tolerant!!


On this day, it's not just Zhao Changhuan!

All the people are crazy!

In the past, who would have come out of these famous people and made such blatant statements against the censorship department!

In the past, there were famous people who would do this, and which famous people dared to ?!! like this

It's all because of "Alive"!

It's all because of Zhao Changhuan!

It was Zhao Changhuan who used a book, a poem, and an attitude to make people who originally did not dare to speak now dare to speak!

It was Zhao Changhuan, who made people who used to be calm and serious, now become passionate, desperate, crazy, become, become crazy!

Does it have any impact to make such statements?

Of course, there are effects, especially for public figures like them.

In such a strict regulatory blue star, their remarks are likely to cause them to be recorded by the censorship department.

But.. So what's the ?!!

It's been depressing enough!

Be remembered, then remember!

The circle of literature and entertainment has completely exploded!!

Faced with such a situation that had never been seen before, even the staff of the Huaxia Audit Department were now panicked.

What to do?


Delete one comment and there will be a new one!

Shut down an account, there will be a new account!!

"Actually, I think that the book "Alive" does not need to be sealed..."

"Yes, although he reflected some things, in fact, what he wrote quite factual ..."

"His values are also very good, and finally, especially the last one who is open-minded..."

The staff of the Huaxia Audit Department began to waver!

Except for some absolute diehards, most of the staff want to release "Alive" at the moment!!

The comments of online netizens have always been ignored by the audit department.

But this time, netizens are really making too much noise!

If it doesn't matter, bigger people will appear above and will come to suppress them!

The Huaxia Literary and Art Works Review Department panicked.

In the expedited meeting, the Huaxia Audit Department talked for a long time.

In the end, under everyone's deliberation and compromise, the Huaxia Audit Department, on the neck, sent out a message!

[The famous director and novelist Zhao Changhuan's work "Alive" did not contain illegal content, and after discussion, the Huaxia Review Department decided to restore the content of the novel "Alive" on the Internet. 】

"Alive" is unsealed....

Netizens, it turned out to be really... With his own small strength, he successfully won once!!

Where could this kind of thing happen before?

"We: actually won??"

"In the past, works were blocked, we scolded, who would take care of us, but this time..."

"This is our winning !!"

"We, successfully saved "Alive!!"

Netizens are all excited to the extreme!

Ecstasy can't describe the mood of netizens now!

They actually relied on the strength of their neck to win the sky once!

They actually saved "Alive"!

At this moment, everyone is like fighting a winning battle, on the Internet, looking at it, everyone is cheering!

At the Yaodu Police Station, Zhao Changhuan was also released.

"Your next book, or next drama, I'll keep a close eye on it!"

Before the senior supervisor left, he also let go of the cruel words to Zhao Changhuan

In this regard, Zhao Changhuan just smiled faintly.

"Then you're going to keep an eye on it!"

A big event ended in the most prosaic way.

But no matter what, Zhao Changhuan won after all!

Although it was risky, but, it was well worth it!

In this farce, he saved "Alive" and also knocked out a crack in the cage slightly.

Zhao Changhuan clearly knows that many of the movies he wants to make in the future will be limited by this cage.

So, he had to hit the cage again and again.

Because of this battle, it ended with the audit department unblocking "Alive", so Director Li did not make any more moves, and really fired the little policeman Yang Chaohu for the audit department.

Seeing Yang Chaohu's extremely happy smile, Zhao Changhuan was also very happy.

When I left the police station, it was noon the next day.

Yang Chaohu put Zhao Changhuan's words about making him an actor in his heart, and thanked Zhao Changhuan very much.

So when Zhao Changhuan left at noon, he was stunned and pulled Zhao Changhuan to take Zhao Changhuan to his house for dinner, saying that the rice thief made by his sister was delicious.

Unable to hold Yang Chaohu's enthusiasm, Zhao Changhuan could only follow this humble little policeman to his house.

"By the way, Chaohu, you keep saying your sister, what is your sister's name?"

When he was about to arrive at Yang Chaohu's house, Zhao Changhuan suddenly thought of something, and said half-jokingly: "Don't tell me, your sister's name is Yang Chaoyue." "

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