This scene touched Cheng Yong.

And let Cheng Yong take Huang Mao under his command!

So far.

The five-member group selling pirated Glenin was formally established!

In this kind of business with huge profits and no need to worry about sales.

The group of five quickly made a lot of money!

So much, Cheng Yong could use the money to smash the male manager onto the stage to jump off his clothes at the bar.

So much, Cheng Yong can operate on his father.

So much, Cheng Yong doesn’t have to send his son out.

And such huge profits have finally attracted the attention of caring people!

Zhang Changlin.

As soon as he came out, he said as someone who had been there.

“Based on your way of selling, you will be arrested within half a year!”

“You give me the channel, I’ll sell it, and I’ll give you another two million, how about it?”

This plot also instantly reminded the audience watching in the theater

at first.

When Cheng Yong and others were selling medicine, the audience was immersed in their acting skills.

That is very real life.

Patients have money to take medicine;

Cheng Yong’s life difficulties were also resolved;

There were more smiles on Sihui’s face, and the old pastor also felt that he had completed the mission of the Lord;

Even the yellow hair has become able to laugh

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction!

No one was injured, and everyone got better.


The appearance of Zhang Changlin awakened the audience from the false beauty: Cheng Yong and the others are selling fake medicines!

Although this fake medicine is harmless, it is still a fake medicine

Thinking about it in another way, selling fake medicines is of course a good thing for patients.

But what about pharmaceutical companies?

They spent billions or tens of billions to develop a new drug.

If counterfeit drugs are rampant and no one buys genuine drugs, will these pharmaceutical companies continue to develop new drugs?

Profit is the driving force behind businessmen!

And if the benefits are gone.

Then for those patients who are sick, how can anyone be willing to develop medicine to save them?

Is the pharmaceutical company wrong?

That’s right.

They are reasonable and legal.

But are the patients wrong?

They are also right.

If you can’t afford genuine medicine, you will die if you don’t take pirated medicine!

Just want to live, what’s wrong with them?

Cheng Yong, are they wrong?

Although they sell pirated medicines, the price is much lower than genuine medicines.

Although they made a profit, they still saved an unknown number of families and patients.

Are they wrong for such behavior?

That’s right!

This is the deepest core of this movie: everyone is right!

The audience suddenly realized!

It turns out that although Cheng Yong and the others are right, although they are very happy, even though the lives of everyone around them have improved.

But, what they sell are fake medicines!

Then, are they wrong?

This thinking has been implanted in the minds of the audience from now on.

The footage continued.

Cheng Yong rejected Zhang Changlin.

Zhang Changlin called the police backhandedly, almost getting Cheng Yong and the others into trouble!

But escaping once does not mean that he can escape a second time.

Cheng Yong finally realized it.

I am already on the road of crime and have come a long way!

after thorough deliberation.

Cheng Yong gathered everyone and made hot pot.

The first climax of this movie has officially begun!

Beside Cao Ping, Yang Hanlin looked emotional and his eyes were inexplicable.

He whispered to Cao Ping.

“Director Cao, no wonder it’s so troublesome to pass the review for this movie.”

“You really dare to take pictures!”

“When I got here, I roughly understood it.”

“You are not photographing patients, pharmaceutical companies, or Cheng Yong.”

“What you photographed is the system of this society!”

Cao Ping smiled slightly.

As a director, what he has to do is to express the thoughts he wants to express.

What thoughts does “I’m Not the God of Medicine” express?

Is it a struggle?no.

Is it resistance?


What it expresses is indeed what Yang Hanlin said, thinking about the system!

It is because of the imperfect social system that pharmaceutical companies sell high-priced drugs “reasonably and legally”;

It is because of the imperfection of the social system that patients take medicine and get “a suite” and “a car”;

It is because of the imperfection of the social system that the effective Glenin produced in India is recognized as a counterfeit drug;

Cao Ping wants to use this movie to awaken the conscience of certain industries and awaken people to think about the imperfection of certain systems!

“Mr. Yang, do you support me in making this movie?”

Yang Hanlin took a deep look at Cao Ping and didn’t say much.

The audience in the cinema hall were all watching the movie quietly and seriously.

This movie, up to this moment, is just telling a story!

And the climax started when Cheng Yong said the phrase “Starting tomorrow, I will not sell this medicine”!

At the dinner table.

Cheng Yong made an opening remark.

Sihui said “Brother Yong” with a smile, and Lu Yiyi said “Brother Yong” with a smile.

Huang Mao is smiling innocently, and the old pastor is smiling kindly.

This scene is extremely warm.


“However, starting tomorrow, I will not sell this medicine.”

The corner of Huang Mao’s grinning mouth twitched, and he retracted it;

Lu Yiyi’s smiling face froze;

Sihui smiled dryly, not knowing what happened;

The old pastor’s eyes were shocked, as if his faith had collapsed.

Lu Yiyi came out to smooth things over.

“Drink too much wine again haha!”

“This is not a joke!” The old pastor also advised.

“What are you talking about!” Sihui smiled and patted Cheng Yong.

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