“Moreover, the capital will definitely be profitable in this process, then”

“Is it to benefit capital?Is it profitable, or is it not profitable for capital? ”

Lin Gu thought about this issue for a long time, and finally decided to let capital enter the market on the basis of strict examination!

Because this is not an “ideal” project, but a “must implement” project.

If it can’t be put into practice, then everything is just empty talk!

In other words, Lin Gu’s enthusiasm alone can certainly arouse the emotions of all fans and audiences.

But other than that?

He can’t do more.

But if capital is introduced, then this social experiment may really be implemented on the ground!

The power of capital is endless

But at the same time, Lin Gu must also do one thing well, that is to stabilize capital and review capital!

This level must require the cooperation of the official.

Without official cooperation, Lin Gu’s voice alone is indeed nothing to confront capital.

Fortunately, Lin Gu still has the status of an official spokesperson.

“Letting capital enter the market is to make this project land on the ground.”

“Then, to whom should the specific implementation be handed over?”

The specific implementation process must not be handed over to capital.

Because the greed of capital is unlimited!

Once the two most important links of the entire project are handed over to the capital, all kinds of messy things that spread from this will be endless!

It is impossible for Lingu to let such a thing happen.

Since capital cannot be allowed to enter the market, then this link can only be handed over to the officials!

Lin Gu thought about it carefully, and finally decided to use his old acquaintance: Project Hope!

Of course, Project Hope is a charity organization that only targets education.

However, there are many institutions similar to Project Hope!

As long as these institutions are all out, the implementation process will not be a problem.

In other words, these charitable organizations originally had various implementation procedures.

They are all perfect.

The only problem is that there is no money.

If under Lin Gu’s operation, this project can succeed, then there is no need to worry about the source of the money.

Capital will be responsible.

There is no need to worry about supervision, because the officials will end.

These charities only need to be responsible for the implementation.

“However, there is one more problem.”

“Will new capital be bred in these charitable organizations during the implementation process?”

Lin Gu knew a truth.

Even in charity organizations, they are all normal people. They are indeed doing things with enthusiasm.

But if the source of the money doesn’t need to worry, they only need to be responsible for spending the money.

Wouldn’t there be any greed?

The greed of human beings is infinite, Lin Gu will not leave such a thing to “humanity”!

“Therefore, an open and transparent regulatory process and exposure process are also necessary!”

Lin Gu categorically wrote down these words on the computer.

He decided to take charge of exposing this process himself!

Because, his credibility is the strongest, and at the same time, he has the widest exposure.

Whether it’s capital or charities, they will be overwhelmed by the terrifying flow and popularity of him!

Not to mention anything else, just talking about “bribing Lin Gu with money” is simply impossible to happen.

Anyone, facing Lin Gu, an existence like Lin Gu who could destroy his reputation with just a single word, and would never be able to hold his head up in this life, would be cautious in doing anything.

Even if it’s capital, you can’t afford to gamble at all!

The company that was directly sanctioned by the government just because it placed a “Hei Lin Gu” order for the navy before, its experience is still vivid in my memory.

It’s true that capital seeks profit, but capital also knows how to avoid harm!

The simple way of thinking is settled.

Lin Gu himself is responsible for disclosing and exposing the entire process;

The official will step down and be responsible for monitoring and maintaining justice;

Capital will provide money and resources;

Charity organizations will be responsible for the specific implementation.

And this process is obviously not something that one or two entertainment companies can handle.

Just shooting and playing, this has already involved a very important question: Can each shooting only be placed in one place? Isn’t it a bit too wasteful of resources to make everyone end up in such a toss?

Lin Gu finally thought of a solution to this crucial problem.

That is

Let multiple entertainment companies enter the venue!

Divide the tasks down in detail!

As long as there are enough entertainment companies, there will be more professional staff available.

As long as there are enough staff, the scope of this social experiment will be wider!

Lingu does not require that all cakes be put in his own basket.

Just as he was willing to let the capital go.


He must be responsible for the exposure of everyone involved! ! !

Lin Gu solemnly wrote a few lines on the computer again.

“Let multiple entertainment companies enter the stage, divide the filming tasks to them subdivided, and start a benign competition model for the show!”

“In this process, as long as the supervision is in place, as long as the exposure process is in place, then perhaps there will be fewer messy things.”

“At the same time, effective division of capital must also be carried out.”

“Capital is profit-seeking, so they must not be profit-seeking!”

“Only in this way can the greatest degree of fairness be achieved”

In the final analysis, what Lin Gu wants to do is to let capital, entertainment companies, charities and all audiencesIn the end, do some practical and good things for those who are really poor!

Among them, each link must achieve two points.

The first point: reality.

Only practical things can bring benefits to those poor people, and only practical things can truly benefit them!

This is the basis of this project.

The second point: Interesting.

Only interesting things can let the audience go.

If there are no audiences to leave, then the capital will not enter the arena, and it is impossible for Lin Gu to choke their necks and ask them to give money.

If there are no spectators, then even if those poor people really get benefits, things will not be “exposed” on a large scale in the end!

So, practicality and fun are the two most basic points of this project.

But to achieve these two points

What program format should I use?

In other words, what should the final form of this project be for the audience?

Lin Gu pondered over this issue for three days and three nights!

A lot of hair was pulled out!

On the computer and in the diary, countless words are flying everywhere.

And it was noon this day.

Lin Gu finally raised his head from the computer, with a burning light in his eyes! ! !

“I thought of it!!!!”

Chapter 197: A complete closed loop! Lin Gu wants to really do something great for the poor!

Chapter 197

197: A complete closed loop! Lin Gu wants to really do something great for the poor!

The format of the program, or the format for the audience, is the most important part!

First, it must be entertaining!

People tend to be entertaining, not entertaining, too heavy a model, although it is very real, but it will definitely make fans not interested in coming in!

Although relying on Lin Gu’s temporary popularity and traffic, it is true that some fans can remain for a short time.

It’s not a problem to keep the show’s popularity for a month or two.

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