""Oh, I'm so full."

Zhou Erke sat on the chair, stroking her smooth belly, which was slightly bulging.

The table was a mess of cups and plates.

There were five dishes in total, all of which were eaten clean, and the plates didn't need to be washed.

Lu Zhe still ate most of the rice and didn't eat much of the dishes, which meant that all the dishes went into Zhou Erke's stomach.

Lu Zhe rolled his eyes. After eating so many dishes, it would be a miracle if Zhou Erke didn't feel full.

Fortunately, there was no big problem with the rice that Zhou Erke steamed, otherwise he would be hungry.

"After such a meal, I will probably gain several pounds again." Zhou Erke suddenly thought of an important question:"It's all because your food is too delicious, Lu Zhe. No, I can't eat the food you cook in the future. If I continue to eat, I think I will become a big fat man."

Lu Zhe felt that Zhou Erke's figure was just right. She was well-proportioned, but a little thin. The only thing that surprised him was that Zhou Erke, who had always been called Princess Taiping in her previous life, had such amazing capacity in this world.

Even when wearing loose clothes, her curves were revealed!

It is said that women are fickle. Zhou Erke had just finished her vow, but she said reluctantly:"No, no, what should I do if I can't eat such delicious food in the future?"

Looking at Zhou Erke with a tangled face, Lu Zhe didn't say much.

"I didn't realize that you, Lu Zhe, are so talented. Not only can you cook, but the food you cook is so delicious." Zhou Erke said in surprise:"You are much better than me!"

"What?" Lu Zhe raised his eyebrows:"Am I, in your eyes, a second-generation rich man who can't do anything but ruin the family?"

"It's nothing to say." Zhou Erke laughed. She did think so before:"But now I don't think so. You are the best!"

Lu Zhe completely overturned her view of the second generation of rich people.

He was handsome, kind, and had no trace of richness. He could even cook so well.

She couldn't even understand how there could be such a perfect person in the world.

She doubted whether Lu Zhe was God's illegitimate child.

"Really?" Lu Zhe smiled at Zhou Erke and didn't say much.

But Lu Zhe's smile made Zhou Erke a little nervous, especially since his eyes were staring at her at such a close distance. If she wasn't careful, she would be lost in it. She could only look away in panic, holding the plates and bowls and saying,"I'll go wash the dishes!"

Lu Zhe nodded, but Zhou Erke broke a plate as soon as he entered the kitchen.

Lu Zhe heard the crisp cracking sound, and with a little helplessness, he walked into the kitchen again, but saw Zhou Erke looking aggrieved.

"Are you not hurt?" Lu Zhe could only comfort her,"It's okay if the plate falls, just don't get hurt. Anyway, you are a rich woman, a plate is nothing to you."

""Puh, puh, puh, you are the little rich woman." Zhou Erke blushed, but pouted and stretched out her hand. On her white and crystal-clear slender fingers, there was a smear of blood.

A wound appeared!

"How could you be so careless?" Lu Zhe frowned.

Zhou Erke lowered his head aggrievedly:"I don't know, am I so stupid that I can't do anything well?"

"It's okay." Lu Zhe patted Zhou Erke's head and comforted her,"Just take your time. No one is born with the ability. Do you have any Band-Aids at home? Just leave the bowl there, I'll wash it. You're injured, so don't touch cold water."

Zhou Erke's face flushed. It was the first time for her to have such close contact with a boy.

But her heart was full of emotion, and her eyes were wet.

"It’s in the first aid kit in the living room!" Zhou Erke said,"It’s not a big deal, I’ll go get a Band-Aid!"

""Stand still!" Lu Zhe said sternly.

Zhou Erke was immediately startled and stood still obediently.

Lu Zhe turned around and went to the living room to find the first aid kit, and took out a Band-Aid and hydrogen peroxide from it.

""Take your hand out!" Lu Zhe said.

Zhou Erke obediently put her hand in Lu Zhe's palm, but her face was extremely shy, and her forehead was even red all the way to her ears.

Feeling the warmth of Lu Zhe's palm, her heart was beating fast.

Even the pain from the hydrogen peroxide disinfection was ignored by her. It was not until Lu Zhe put a Band-Aid on Zhou Erke's wound that she came to her senses.

"Don't get wet these days to avoid inflammation." Lu Zhe warned.

Zhou Erke nodded, narrowed her eyes, and smiled, but she never left Lu Zhe's side.

""You're so happy even after cutting your hand?" Lu Zhe asked.

Zhou Erke just chuckled and said nothing. She just looked at Lu Zhe and said silently in her heart:"Stupid, the reason why I'm happy is definitely not because of the injury, but because of you."

Lu Zhe pushed Zhou Erke out of the kitchen and cleaned up the remaining things. It was already past ten o'clock, almost eleven o'clock.

"It's getting late, I'm leaving first." Lu Zhe said to Zhou Erke:"If you need anything, call me. Don't learn to cook by yourself, I'm afraid that the next time I see you, you'll be missing a hand."

Zhou Erke spat:"I'm not as stupid as you say."

But soon she was defeated by Lu Zhe's eyes:"I know, I will definitely listen to you!"

"Yeah." Lu Zhe nodded, opened the door and changed his shoes.

Zhou Erke felt a little reluctant, but she didn't say"Why don't you live here?" until Lu Zhe left.

Sitting on the sofa, he was in a daze.

He looked at the Band-Aid on his finger and laughed.

After a while, Zhou Erke held his mobile phone, opened a person's chat box, and sent a message:"Timo, what should I do?.......I think I've fallen in love with someone!"...........

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