Although Tang Yan is a new author, she knows clearly what the red comments represent.

They are all money! They are made with money. Sometimes she envied some great authors. The book review area is full of red reward comments, but she doesn't have that ability.

So all along, there has not been even a leader. Such a situation can only be imagined in dreams.

But now, all of this has come true.

The entire book review area is filled with these rewards, and no other posts can be seen.

As for the reward post, there are countless replies from the rich.

Such numbers are shocking to Tang Yan. She counted and found that there are a total of 100,050 Chinese yuan.

Even if the website shares half of it and deducts some taxes, she can still earn tens of thousands of yuan a month.

This was something she dared not even think about yesterday. Usually, she could only get 2,000 yuan in royalties a month.

She wrote novels purely for self-reliance. In addition, due to family problems, she didn't want to increase the burden on her family, so she came up with such a solution.

But the cold reality gave her a bucket of cold water, letting her know that writing novels is not that easy.

Golden leader!

The first place on the fan list, the flashing big words are particularly eye-catching.

It is also because of the appearance of the golden leader that Tang Yan found that the data of her novels actually improved a lot overnight, and there were also more rewards from the sporadic.

Of course, it can't be compared with the first place on the fan list, but for Tang Yan, it is also very good. The collection has increased by 5,000 collections overnight.

Tang Yan's heart is full of mixed feelings. It turns out that money is the most powerful.

I worked hard for so long before, but there were only 5,000 collections, but now, it has doubled to 10,000.

The subscriptions converted by these readers can also double my income.

Everything is because of the first place on the fan list, the golden leader who appeared directly-Yipintang!

She didn't have much confidence in her own work, and she couldn't figure out why such a supportive fan suddenly appeared. It was simply inhumane.

Could it be some rich second generation who didn't care about money at all and spent money casually?

It’s not like Tang Yan had never met someone like this before. With her looks, she was one of the best in the school, so naturally she had many suitors.

Some of the rich second generation catered to her interests and gave her rewards when they knew she was writing novels.

But after being discovered by Tang Yan, they all scolded and rejected her, and then returned the money in full. In the end, Tang Yan still lost money.

However, this was Tang Yan’s character. She was very self-reliant and didn’t need anyone’s charity at all. Besides, she knew what kind of people those rich second generation people were.

Maybe this ID belonged to another rich second generation who was pursuing her.

Tang Yan was annoyed for a while, so she took a look at Yipintang and wanted to send him a short message, but she couldn’t return the full amount. She could only send the royalties when the time came and then return them.

However, when she was about to send the message, Tang Yan inexplicably felt that Yipintang was familiar, as if he had seen this online name somewhere.

"Maybe it's my Feiyu friend?" Tang Yan only remembered to log in to her Feiyu account at this time, and searched for Yipintang in the friend list.

Suddenly, an avatar appeared in front of her, with a note - Lu Zhe.

Tang Yan's heart suddenly jumped!

She had never thought that it was Lu Zhe who gave her a reward.

In addition, she met Lu Zhe yesterday and said a few words to him casually, so it was probably true.

Tang Yan bit her lip tightly, but she didn't know what to feel in her heart. She was a little entangled, with a little joy, but for some reason, she didn't feel annoyed at all, but felt warm in her heart. It was completely different from the feeling when those rich second generations gave rewards before.

Everyone has a dream lover when they are young.

Tang Yan is no exception!

When Lu Zhe was in high school, he was handsome, an athlete, and had a very good personality, but he was a little cold and not very good at interacting with people.

It happened that this kind of person could attract the attention of girls the most.

At that time, Tang Yan I remember that half of the girls in the class had a crush on Lu Zhe.

Tang Yan didn't think much of it at first, she just thought Lu Zhe was really handsome, and it made her heart beat fast.

After that, she began to pay attention to Lu Zhe's every move from time to time.

Just like that, as time went by, Tang Yan didn't know why, but suddenly developed a feeling for him. But in front of Lu Zhe, even though many people had a crush on him, few girls dared to confess their love. In front of him, they were indeed a little ashamed, especially for secret admirers.

After learning that Lu Zhe was admitted to Tiandu Drama Academy, Tang Yan also had an impulse to apply for the exam.

However, his family did not allow it, and his family was poor, so he had to choose a stable school, and then leave school early to work and earn money to support his family. As everyone knows, drama academy students will enter the entertainment industry in the future.

Tang Yan didn't dare to guarantee whether he could become popular after entering the entertainment industry.

"But with Lv Zhe's appearance, he would probably become a big star easily, much better than those young handsome guys."Tang Yan muttered to herself at that time. She could only treat it as a memory and let it go with the wind.

Although they were both studying in Tiandu, Tiandu was too big, and it was still a question whether they could meet each other in the future, let alone meet each other.

Yesterday's meeting was unexpected for her. The joy at that time was self-evident, but she still pretended to be calm. In fact, her heart was already in turmoil.

In front of Lv Zhe, she was still like a chatterbox, wanting to tell him secrets.

Even in college, Tang Yan still couldn't forget it.

She even felt that yesterday's meeting was fate from heaven. She mustered up the courage to ask for Lv Zhe's contact information. She was so happy that she didn't even have time to pay attention to the novel.

So this scene happened now!

After hesitating for a long time, Tang Yan typed a line of words in the chat box. After a while, he was not satisfied and deleted it again.

Finally, he sent a sentence:"Are you there?"

The second update is here, and there will be another update later~

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