Chapter 53 Sister Honey, I’m a white for you, it’s not too much!!

Hearing what Shen Huajun said

Boss Yang’s whole person was instantly startled

When Lin Fei invested in motorcycles, she was also present, and he seemed to have invested several million

How long has it been? How did it suddenly become 50 million?? For a moment, Boss Yang was also a little confused, and she cast a puzzled look at Lin Fei

Lin Fei glanced at Boss Yang, there were many miscellaneous people at the moment, and it was not very convenient for him to explain too much

The most urgent thing is to deal with the people who invest in the world ~ go.

At the conference table, Lin Fei also sat up straight—”Mr. Shen, this time you are investing in the world, and you also came with sincerity.” ”

“However, I feel that the price you gave is still a little low.”

“Although the current valuation of motorcycles is almost 50 million!”

“But in fact, everyone can see that this is not the end of the growth potential of shared bicycles.”

“Do you think what I said makes sense?”

At the time of the angel wheel, motorcycle sharing bicycles are still just a concept, so the investment of a few million is almost the same

However, after the successful operation of the pilot city, it has now begun to take shape and has a preliminary and perfect development concept and industrial capital.

50 million, is indeed the current market valuation of Mo’s sharing

But doing business, not to say how much valuation, you will definitely be able to spend so much money to buy.

At present, there is only one company on the market that is doing shared bicycles, and how can it be done without spending more money?

And Shen Huajun, after hearing Lin Fei’s words, also instantly fell into deep thought.

A few seconds later, Shen Huajun raised his head and couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “President Lin, it seems that you are also an understanding person.” ”

“Well, in that case, let’s just open the skylight and say bright words.”

“On your side, what’s the bottom line price?”

“You give me a thorough understanding, and I can take this price to the company for my leaders to discuss.”

Lin Fei thought for a moment, then said his thoughts: “Our motorcycle is not unable to accept the financing of the Tianxia Group. ”

“The price of 50 million is OK, but at most, we can only give 25% of the shares of Tianxia Group.”

“50 million, only 25% of the shares?”

Hearing Lin Fei’s offer, Shen Huajun’s brows instantly furrowed, “President Lin, are you serious about this price?” ”

“This is already a premium, a full 50%!”

Lin Fei also knew that the price he opened was a little high

But at this moment, he didn’t explain much about anything.

“Mr. Shen, this is the bottom line price I gave!”

“Whether it works or not, you can discuss it again when you invest in the world!”

“Anyway, the door of our motorcycle can be opened for you at any time.”

The negotiations were fruitless, and Shen Huajun soon left with the people of the world’s capital.

As soon as they left, Zheng Xiong finally couldn’t help but speak.

“Mr. Lin, I think that the people of the world’s capital are quite sincere.”


Before Zheng Xiong finished speaking, Lin Fei knew what he wanted to express

In the next second, he smiled slightly and said, “You want to say, why would I charge such a high price, right!?” ”

“In fact, I want to continue to invest more, so I will scare the world’s capital.”

Why did Mobi accept the first round of financing?

It is because next, Guan began to plan to lay out the market nationwide

Promotion, operation, supervision, buying a bicycle, which link does not use money?

This is a large investment nationwide, 1-200 million thrown in, it is difficult to even float a wave.

So Lin Fei had a hunch

Once this first round of financing begins, it is likely that it will not even take 1 month, followed by a second, third, and even more rounds of financing

Now he holds 49% of the shares of Mo’s bicycle, which seems to be a lot, but once the number and amount of financing are increased, this equity will be more diluted than infinite

In the end, it would be nice to have 10% of the shares he could keep.

Lin Fei is now optimistic about the development value of motorcycles

So he only has one idea now, and that is the old hen who will lay golden eggs on a bicycle that holds the motorcycle!

How to hold tightly?

That is to continue to invest more!

Thinking of this, Lin Fei also directly picked out and asked: “Zheng Xiong, do you feel that if the motorcycle wants to develop, how much money does it need now?” ”

Hearing Lin Fei’s inquiry, Zheng Xiong was a little embarrassed.

“Before coming to Mr. Lin, I have already made a corresponding assessment.”

“If I want to develop vigorously, I need at least more than 40 million yuan!”

“40 million is it?”

Lin Fei pondered for a moment and asked again.

“40 million, how long is it estimated to be enough for you?”

“It should be barely enough to last for 1 month!”

40 million, thrown into the motorcycle’s bicycle, only enough to barely last for 1 month? Lying in the groove, this speed of burning money really shocked Lin Fei.

In fact, Lin Fei also knew that Zheng Xiong was quite frugal and rich, and he was saving and saving.

But there is no way, the layout of shared bicycles, just one province, at least need about 100 million.

There are so many provinces in the country, plus the later regulatory operation

This total investment, without a dozen or two billion, is estimated to be impossible.

After understanding the current situation of motorcycles

Lin Fei also sorted out a perfect idea in his heart.

“So be it, Xuan!”

“In the first round of financing, I followed the investment.”

“I’ll give you 50 million.”

“Correspondingly, after the capital increase, I will take away another 40% of the shares!”

The current market value of motorcycles is 50 million

Its shareholding ratio is like this

Lin Fei holds 49% of the shares, and Zheng Xiong, the largest shareholder, holds 40% of the shares and is the second shareholder.

The remaining 11% is in Zheng’s team

Once Lin Fei increases his capital by 50 million, then the proportion of other people’s shares is destined to be more diluted.

At least it’s going to be cut in half.

The price Lin Fei gave was very real, and there were no pits, but Zheng Xiong was a little embarrassed at this time: “Mr. Lin, seriously, if it weren’t for you, our motorcycle might still be just a concept.” ”

“If you really want to accept financing, you are really our first limited consideration.”

“It’s just that if you hold too much shares, the future motorcycle bikes will be in terms of ownership and operation.”

Before Zheng Xiong finished speaking, Lin Fei guessed what he wanted to express

It is nothing more than worry that his equity is too high, and the dove occupies the Magpie’s Nest, which affects his dominance of Zheng Xiong’s bicycle in Mo.

So in the next second, Lin Fei smiled and gave assurance: “Regarding this, you can rest assured.” ”

“I can guarantee that no matter how many rounds of financing I follow, as long as there are no major changes in Momo’s bicycle, I will not interfere with any of the decisions you make!”

With this assurance, Zheng Xiong immediately became relieved, and the smile on his face also increased a lot: “In that case, then please Mr. Lin!” ”

“With your support, you can rest assured that our motorcycles will never disappoint you!”

Zheng Xiong quickly left the office

With his departure, Lin Fei’s office immediately became Boss Yang’s home field.

Just now, Lin Fei had been talking about business with those people, and Boss Yang was embarrassed to disturb Lin Fei

Now it has finally been cleaned up, so at this moment, like a curious baby, she finally couldn’t help it, and immediately ran to Lin Fei’s side: “Lin Fei, this motorcycle bicycle, is it now competing for money?” ”

“Really fake!?”

“How long has it been, and their market value has reached 50 million?”

Seeing Boss Yang’s ‘incredulous’ eyes, Lin Fei smiled and said, “Can I still lie to you?” ”

“However, he only has a market value of 50 million for motorcycles.”

“You really let them take the money, if you can’t get 5 million, you can’t take it.”

“After all, sharing bicycles really burns money.”

Hearing what Lin Fei said, Boss Yang fell into deep thought, and the next second, she couldn’t help but speak.

“Just now, I listened to what you said, are you going to continue to invest in motorcycles?”

“That’s right, not only do I have to inject capital, but I also have to calculate the proportion of shares.”

Lin Fei took out a book and a pen, and then began to write numbers on it, and while writing, he opened his mouth to introduce the specific situation for Boss Yang.

“Now the market value of motorcycles is 50 million, Zheng Xiong holds 40% of the shares, and his team holds 11%,”

“And the remaining 49% is in my hands.”

“This time, I will inject another 50 million yuan, and their proportion will be diluted accordingly.”

Lin Fei’s pen had not finished writing on the paper, and suddenly his little hand, which had been as white as jade, held down the pen in his hand.

Seeing Boss Yang staring at him with a serious face, Lin Fei was puzzled for a moment: “What?” Am I wrong? ”

Boss Yang nodded: “It’s not right!” ”

“Don’t forget, your so-called 49% shareholding, 24% of which is mine!”

“I’m also a shareholder of motorcycles, okay?”

Wipe, Boss Yang didn’t mention this, Lin Fei really forgot about this

At that time, it seemed that she had indeed spent 10 million yuan to buy 24% of the shares of Mobi from herself.

It’s embarrassing, it’s embarrassing now

Lin Fei almost thought that this money was all his own.

Obviously, Boss Yang also saw Lin Fei’s ’embarrassment’, and in the next second, she said with a ‘displeased look’.

“Lin Fei, what you did this time is a bit too much!”

“Directly count my shares on your head.”

“Next time, you can ignore me like this.”

“Forget it, it seems that you are not sensitive to numbers.”

“Come on, how to calculate the proportion, let me be in charge.”

Boss Yang directly snatched the book in Lin Fei’s hand, and then directly began to write hard.

“You injected 25 million! I injected 25 million! ”

“Combined, it’s exactly 50 million!”

“In this way, Zheng Xiong’s shares will be diluted to about 23%!”

“Their team’s shares will be diluted to about 6%!”

“The 25% of the shares you hold now, diluted to 11%, and if you increase your capital, it should reach about 36%!”

“And I, similar to you, after the capital increase, my shares are probably about 35%!”

“In this way, the two of us together are about 71% of the shares of Momo’s bicycle!”

Seeing Boss Yang ‘Meizhi’ put down the water pen, Lin Fei instantly became stunned.

“Sister Honey, is there a mistake!”

“Aren’t you planning to increase your capital for motorcycles like me!?”

“How else?”

Boss Yang gave Lin Fei a cute look.

“You said it all, this is a good opportunity to make a lot of money!”

“How is it possible if you want me to miss it?”

“So, this first round of financing of 50 million, the two of us are one and a half.”

“You don’t want to go it alone.”

“Don’t forget, you are my Jiaxing’s person, my Boss Yang’s person!”

“The habit of eating alone, you can’t develop it, got it?”

At that time, taking Boss Yang to buy shares was also to take her to make a small profit

As a result, I didn’t expect that Boss Yang’s ‘ambition’ was also raised, which is really easy to ask God to send God

Lin Fei could see that Boss Yang was completely relying on himself.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s all their own people, and the problem is not big

Thinking of this, Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his hand and touched it on Boss Yang’s long leg

The black silky touch is amazing and elastic

Leng Buding was taken advantage of by Lin Fei, and Boss Yang was also like a fried kitten in an instant, and he shot up at once.

“Lin Fei, what are you doing?”

Lin Fei looked at Boss Yang and said with a smile: “Sister Honey, I made so much money with you!” ”

“Give me some benefits for a white, isn’t it too much?”


Hearing what Lin Fei said, the expression on Boss Yang’s face was instantly stunned

In the next second, her white little face instantly turned crimson.

After “embarrassed” and smacked Lin Fei’s waist fiercely, she gritted her teeth and said, “I found that you are getting more and more bold now.” ”

“Even I dared to take advantage of it.”

“Next time you dare to do such a thing, be careful that I break your dog’s leg!”

After ‘flirting’ with Boss Yang for a while

Lin Fei picked up his mobile phone and sent a VX to Zheng Xiong: “50 million, I will call the account of the shared bicycle as soon as possible.” ”

“Find a time in the past few days, just sign it as soon as possible!”

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