The program team, carefully put away this dish of handicrafts.

Although the radish will wilt after a while.

However, they can go to a 3D printed group.

Print it out with one-to-one data.

This can be saved forever!


Next, a new problem appeared.

How to arrange a rest at night?

Five small meats from the men's team, plus Zou Wenping, He Jiong, and Huang Lei.

There are eight people in total!

But in the boys' bedroom, there are only four beds!

"Even if you add a mattress, you can only add three!" He Jiong asked.

I thought.

Four beds, plus three mattresses.

There are a total of seven beds, and there is no problem in recording this episode.

Who can think of it.

Five male guests came!

Destined to have one person, no bed to sleep!

He Jiong and Huang Lei are embarrassed.

"It seems that there is going to be someone who has laid the floor!"

at this time.

Five small fresh meats, one by one shucked their necks.

I was very afraid that Teacher Huang would let one of them go to sleep on the floor.

They have weak bones. What if they catch a cold and catch a cold?

"I'll sleep outside, I see a hammock in the storage room."


They didn't wait for Teacher He to speak.

Reba flatly refused without hesitation.

"It's heavy in the middle of the night, what if I catch a cold?"


Reba wants to say, how about you come to the girls' bedroom and squeeze a room with us.

Fortunately, she regained her sanity in time.

If you say this, you don't have to wait until the next day.

In the next second, the fishing rim will have to be fried!

Zou Wenping flicked on her forehead.

"Do you think my physique is so bad? Tell you, Brother Ping, I haven't been sick since I was a child, and I have a good physique!"

He raised his head.

I saw the sky full of stars, like gems, dazzling.

"What's more, you can't see such a beautiful starry sky in the city!"


He Jiong and they certainly believe in Zou Wenping's physical fitness.

A person who can resist three frames of pineapples and 12 bundles of bananas.

Physical fitness is absolutely leveraged.


Not suitable.

Zou Wenping waved his hand.


"I know Mr. He, what do you want to say."

"I'm not hypocritical, you see how comfortable the night wind is, I haven't slept in the open for a long time!"

He Jiong nodded helplessly.

Even if I continue to persuade.

There must also be someone on the floor.

He and Huang Lei, old arms and legs, probably can't stand the toss.

Those five small fresh meats?


The bones are not as good as him and Huang Lei.

"Then I have to wrong you."

"I'm not wronged, I enjoy it."


Zou Wenping tied the hammock between the two pillars of the pavilion.

This pavilion was carefully constructed by the program team.

Weighing is very good.

Ten more Zou Wenpings will continue to press these two pillars.

Worried about catching cold.

Reba deliberately brought the cup from the girl's bedroom to Zou Wenping.

After laying it out, I went back to the bedroom.

··0 Seeking flowers 0···

Although the viewers in the live broadcast room strongly demanded the live broadcast, Zou Wenping was sleeping.

However, the program team believes that it is still necessary to protect the artist's seclusion.

Zou Wenping has sacrificed enough for the show and the guests.

Sacrificing privacy is a bit unreasonable.

Just turn off the surrounding cameras.

The staff also went back to the bus to rest.

Zou Wenping was lying on the hammock.

Dangling like a swing.

Through the eaves, you can see the galaxy across the sky.

Which one is Altair and Vega?

"Yin Zhuo coldly draws the screen in summer, and Qing Luo's small fan flutters with fireflies.

The sky at night is as cool as water, lying down watching the Altair Vega. "


Girls bedroom.

Reba removed her makeup, changed into her pajamas, and lay on the bed.


With her eyes closed, her forehead wrinkled slightly, as if she had a lot of thoughts on her mind.

"Sister Reba." Zuer asked.

"what happened?"

Zuer is younger than himself.

Compared with her, she is a big sister.

Although this is the first time we have met, we still need to take care of it.

"I heard, Wenping, brother, and you are in the same company?"

"Well, we are all from Mi Sister Company, and we have signed artists."

"I really envy you. I am happy to be in the same company with him, right?"

Reba closed her eyes and smiled wryly.

"Happy? That guy is mad at you every day! You can't hide it!"

Although he said so on his lips.

But before Reba's eyes, Zou Wenping's handsome face appeared.

This guy hasn't angered me for a long time.

Really a little uncomfortable.

Sometimes I think about it, although I am often bullied by this guy.

But in my heart, I was very happy.

Am I kind of masochistic?

"I don't think so, I think Brother Wenping is very good!"

Zuer looked at Reba.

Asked very seriously.

"Then, do you know that Brother Wenping is single now?"


Reba opened her eyes suddenly.

Looking at Zuer.

"What's the meaning?"

Zuer smiled slightly.

His face was flushed, as if shy.

"If he is still single, I want to pursue it!"


Ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket! three.

Chapter 122:

Reba's eyes widened and looked at Zuer.

"You, what did you say?"

"I want to try and see if I can become, brother Wenping's girlfriend!"

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