Reba is on Hengdian's side, and there is another play being filmed.

On Gu Jian's side, she hadn't been in her role, so she didn't enter the group for a long time.

"Ah what? You are staying in Zou Wenping's room now. When I finish the play, I will find you. I will sleep in my room at night, and we will go to the crew together tomorrow!"

"Oh, yes, I get it!"

"That's right." Yang Mi added: "Tell Zou Wenping, cook more delicious dinner!"

Reba pouted.



Hotel, love letter, one man, one woman.

I should be able to guess, what are you going to write tomorrow?

It's nine more.

Although it is nine shifts, it is 19,000 words.

I really want to challenge the feeling of ten shifts! .

Chapter 123:

The two got on a commercial vehicle sent by Jiaxing.

Go to the hotel.

In the car.

Reba's eyes glanced at the coat in Zou Wenping's hand from time to time.

This guy.

When will you find out about the love letter?

The feeling of waiting for execution is really uncomfortable!

It's like an axe hung above his head.

But it hasn't fallen yet.

Reba wanted to jump over and grabbed her jacket.

Take out the love letter from the inside.

Then thrown on Zou Wenping's face.

"This is the love letter my sister wrote to you! If you can answer it or not, you can figure it out!"



That is just her imagination.

In reality, she is very persuasive.

It's just a counselor.

Don't talk about picking up a love letter.

He didn't even dare to look at Zou Wenping.

It's like being a guilty conscience.

Zou Wenping, who was looking down at his mobile phone, felt Reba looking at herself.

He looked up and looked over.

At the moment the line of sight met.

Reba quickly ran away from her gaze like an electric shock, turned her head and looked out the window.

Zou Wenping frowned slightly.

This girl.

What's wrong these days?


Arrived at the hotel.

Yang Mi won't be off until about ten o'clock in the evening, 20

Reba went with Zou Wenping's room.

Standing at the door of the room.

Reba's heart was beating.

Do I count, enter the boys' dormitory alone?

"come in!"

Zou Wenping opened the door of the room, then took a kettle to boil hot water, ready to make some tea.

Reba looked at Zou Wenping's room.

This is just one, ordinary hotel room.

Only one bedroom and one bathroom.

The separate living room and kitchen are unique configurations of the apartment hotel.

Apartment hotel rooms, this hotel only has eight floors and above.

For first-line actresses like Yang Mi and Reba, the crew will arrange more high-end accommodations.

And Zou Wenping, although he is the number one male.

But the coffee position is still worse than Yang Mi and Reba.

A separate room would be nice.

Most of the rest of the male number two and the staff are two people living in the same room.

Although this room of Zou Wenping is very small, it is very warm and clean.

Not at all, the boy's bedroom is dirty and messy in my impression.

Zou Wenping brewed two cups of hot tea and handed them to Reba.


Reba took the teacup.

This is the first time she has been in a room with a boy alone.

And it's the one you like.

Excited inside, where can I still drink water?

Turn on the TV and adjust the station casually to watch.

It doesn't matter what program is on the TV.

The important thing is.

She wants to ease this embarrassment.

Come on, Sister Mi, otherwise I don't know why I stayed in this room.

Zou Wenping stood up, preparing to hang his coat on the hanger on the wall.

"Huh? What is this?"

The suspicious voice attracted Reba's sight.

I saw Zou Wenping, and finally found the heart-shaped love letter folded out of pink paper in his clothes.


Her pretty face flushed with a sigh.

It looks like a ripe red apple.

The speed of the heartbeat increased, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Breathing became hurried, and the hand holding the cup was trembling constantly.

Zou Wenping scratched his head.

When did such a thing appear in your coat?

Why am I not impressed at all?

I haven't seen this kind of heart-shaped origami for a long time.

I probably only saw it when I was in school.

That is a love letter from a girl to a boy she likes.

"Look at Reba!"

Zou Wenping held the heart-shaped origami and shook it in front of Reba.

"Could someone write me a love letter?"

"This is the first time I have received a love letter!"

Whether it is the original world.

Still this parallel world.

This is the first time!


Reba stop talking about conversation.

She is now struggling to open her mouth.

Already nervous, dry mouth!

With excitement.

Zou Wenping slowly opened the origami.

He also made a special note of the order of origami.

I hope that after a while, it can be restored to a heart shape.

Although the difficulty is a bit big!

See Zou Wenping's actions.

Reba's face turned red.

Some even feel helpless and want to escape Zou Wenping's room.


Zou Wenping finally took the origami and took it apart carefully.

What caught my eye was a poem.

Just when he was about to read it out and listen to Reba.

At this time.

Reba stood up.

Holding both hands in front of you, it looks like praying.

She closed her eyes.

This can calm yourself down.

Now that we have reached this point, we will continue to do nothing.

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